blob: 09050f188b5b62936876c5d53e757519306f4833 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/** This view displays summary statistics on bandwidth usage. */
var BandwidthView = (function() {
'use strict';
// We inherit from DivView.
var superClass = DivView;
* @constructor
function BandwidthView() {
// Call superclass's constructor., BandwidthView.MAIN_BOX_ID);
g_browser.addSessionNetworkStatsObserver(this, true);
g_browser.addHistoricNetworkStatsObserver(this, true);
// Register to receive data reduction proxy info.
g_browser.addDataReductionProxyInfoObserver(this, true);
// Register to receive bad proxy info.
g_browser.addBadProxiesObserver(this, true);
this.sessionNetworkStats_ = null;
this.historicNetworkStats_ = null;
BandwidthView.TAB_ID = 'tab-handle-bandwidth';
BandwidthView.TAB_NAME = 'Bandwidth';
BandwidthView.TAB_HASH = '#bandwidth';
// IDs for special HTML elements in bandwidth_view.html
BandwidthView.MAIN_BOX_ID = 'bandwidth-view-tab-content';
BandwidthView.ENABLED_ID = 'data-reduction-proxy-enabled';
BandwidthView.PROXY_CONFIG_ID = 'data-reduction-proxy-config';
BandwidthView.PROBE_STATUS_ID = 'data-reduction-proxy-probe-status';
BandwidthView.BYPASS_STATE_ID = 'data-reduction-proxy-bypass-state-details';
BandwidthView.EVENTS_TBODY_ID = 'data-reduction-proxy-view-events-tbody';
BandwidthView.EVENTS_UL = 'data-reduction-proxy-view-events-list';
BandwidthView.STATS_BOX_ID = 'bandwidth-stats-table';
BandwidthView.prototype = {
// Inherit the superclass's methods.
__proto__: superClass.prototype,
data_reduction_proxy_config_: null,
last_bypass_: null,
bad_proxy_config_: null,
onLoadLogFinish: function(data) {
return this.onBadProxiesChanged(data.badProxies) &&
this.onDataReductionProxyInfoChanged(data.dataReductionProxyInfo) &&
(this.onSessionNetworkStatsChanged(data.sessionNetworkStats) ||
* Retains information on bandwidth usage this session.
onSessionNetworkStatsChanged: function(sessionNetworkStats) {
this.sessionNetworkStats_ = sessionNetworkStats;
return this.updateBandwidthUsageTable_();
* Displays information on bandwidth usage this session and over the
* browser's lifetime.
onHistoricNetworkStatsChanged: function(historicNetworkStats) {
this.historicNetworkStats_ = historicNetworkStats;
return this.updateBandwidthUsageTable_();
* Updates the UI based on receiving changes in information about the
* data reduction proxy summary.
onDataReductionProxyInfoChanged: function(info) {
$(BandwidthView.EVENTS_TBODY_ID).innerHTML = '';
if (!info)
return false;
if (info.enabled) {
$(BandwidthView.ENABLED_ID).innerText = 'Enabled';
$(BandwidthView.PROBE_STATUS_ID).innerText =
info.probe != null ? info.probe : 'N/A';
this.last_bypass_ = info.last_bypass;
this.data_reduction_proxy_config_ = info.proxy_config.params;
} else {
$(BandwidthView.ENABLED_ID).innerText = 'Disabled';
$(BandwidthView.PROBE_STATUS_ID).innerText = 'N/A';
this.data_reduction_proxy_config_ = null;
for (var eventIndex = - 1; eventIndex >= 0;
--eventIndex) {
var event =[eventIndex];
var headerRow = addNode($(BandwidthView.EVENTS_TBODY_ID), 'tr');
var detailsRow = addNode($(BandwidthView.EVENTS_TBODY_ID), 'tr');
var timeCell = addNode(headerRow, 'td');
var actionCell = addNode(headerRow, 'td');
var detailsCell = addNode(detailsRow, 'td');
detailsCell.colSpan = 2;
detailsCell.className = 'data-reduction-proxy-view-events-details';
var eventTime = timeutil.convertTimeTicksToDate(event.time);
timeutil.addNodeWithDate(timeCell, eventTime);
this.buildEventRow_(event, actionCell, detailsCell);
return true;
* Updates the UI based on receiving changes in information about bad
* proxy servers.
onBadProxiesChanged: function(badProxies) {
if (!badProxies)
return false;
var newBadProxies = [];
if (badProxies.length == 0) {
this.last_bypass_ = null;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < badProxies.length; ++i) {
var entry = badProxies[i];
newBadProxies[entry.proxy_uri] = entry.bad_until;
this.bad_proxy_config_ = newBadProxies;
return true;
* Update the bandwidth usage table. Returns false on failure.
updateBandwidthUsageTable_: function() {
var sessionNetworkStats = this.sessionNetworkStats_;
var historicNetworkStats = this.historicNetworkStats_;
if (!sessionNetworkStats || !historicNetworkStats)
return false;
var sessionOriginal = sessionNetworkStats.session_original_content_length;
var sessionReceived = sessionNetworkStats.session_received_content_length;
var historicOriginal =
var historicReceived =
var rows = [];
title: 'Original (KB)',
sessionValue: bytesToRoundedKilobytes_(sessionOriginal),
historicValue: bytesToRoundedKilobytes_(historicOriginal)
title: 'Received (KB)',
sessionValue: bytesToRoundedKilobytes_(sessionReceived),
historicValue: bytesToRoundedKilobytes_(historicReceived)
title: 'Savings (KB)',
bytesToRoundedKilobytes_(sessionOriginal - sessionReceived),
bytesToRoundedKilobytes_(historicOriginal - historicReceived)
title: 'Savings (%)',
sessionValue: getPercentSavings_(sessionOriginal, sessionReceived),
historicValue: getPercentSavings_(historicOriginal, historicReceived)
var input = new JsEvalContext({rows: rows});
jstProcess(input, $(BandwidthView.STATS_BOX_ID));
return true;
* Renders a Data Reduction Proxy event into the event tbody
buildEventRow_: function(event, actionCell, detailsCell) {
if (event.type == EventType.DATA_REDUCTION_PROXY_ENABLED &&
event.params.enabled == 0) {
addTextNode(actionCell, 'DISABLED');
} else {
var actionText =
EventTypeNames[event.type].replace('DATA_REDUCTION_PROXY_', '');
if (event.phase == EventPhase.PHASE_BEGIN ||
event.phase == EventPhase.PHASE_END) {
actionText = actionText + ' (' +
getKeyWithValue(EventPhase, event.phase).replace('PHASE_', '') +
addTextNode(actionCell, actionText);
this.createEventTable_(event.params, detailsCell);
* Updates the data reduction proxy summary block.
updateDataReductionProxyConfig_: function() {
$(BandwidthView.PROXY_CONFIG_ID).innerHTML = '';
$(BandwidthView.BYPASS_STATE_ID).innerHTML = '';
setNodeDisplay($(BandwidthView.BYPASS_STATE_CONTAINER_ID), false);
if (this.data_reduction_proxy_config_) {
var hasBypassedProxy = false;
var now = timeutil.getCurrentTimeTicks();
if (this.last_bypass_ &&
this.hasTimePassedLogTime_(+this.last_bypass_.params.expiration)) {
// Best effort on iterating the config to search for a bad proxy.
// A server could exist in a string member of
// data_reduction_proxy_config_ or within an array of servers in an
// array member of data_reduction_proxy_config_. As such, search
// through all string members and string arrays.
for (var key in this.data_reduction_proxy_config_) {
var value = this.data_reduction_proxy_config_[key];
if (typeof value == 'string') {
if (this.isMarkedAsBad_(value)) {
hasBypassedProxy = true;
} else if (value instanceof Array) {
for (var index = 1; index < value.length; index++) {
if (this.isMarkedAsBad_(value[index])) {
hasBypassedProxy = true;
if (hasBypassedProxy) {
if (hasBypassedProxy) {
this.last_bypass_.params, $(BandwidthView.BYPASS_STATE_ID));
$(BandwidthView.BYPASS_STATE_CONTAINER_ID), hasBypassedProxy);
* Checks to see if a proxy server is in marked as bad.
isMarkedAsBad_: function(proxy) {
for (var entry in this.bad_proxy_config_) {
if (entry == proxy &&
this.hasTimePassedLogTime_(this.bad_proxy_config_[entry])) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks to see if a given time in ticks has passed the time of the
* the log. For real time viewing, this is "now", but for loaded logs, it
* is the time at which the logs were taken.
hasTimePassedLogTime_: function(timeTicks) {
var logTime;
if (MainView.isViewingLoadedLog() && ClientInfo.numericDate) {
logTime = ClientInfo.numericDate;
} else {
logTime = timeutil.getCurrentTime();
return timeutil.convertTimeTicksToTime(timeTicks) > logTime;
* Creates a table of the object obj. Certain keys are special cased for
* ease of readability.
createEventTable_: function(obj, parentNode) {
if (Object.keys(obj).length > 0) {
var tableNode = addNode(parentNode, 'table');
tableNode.className = 'borderless-table';
for (var key in obj) {
var value = obj[key];
if (value != null && value.toString() != '') {
if (key == 'net_error') {
if (value == 0) {
value = 'OK';
} else {
value = netErrorToString(value);
} else if (key == 'bypass_type') {
value = getKeyWithValue(DataReductionProxyBypassEventType, value);
} else if (key == 'bypass_action_type') {
value =
getKeyWithValue(DataReductionProxyBypassActionType, value);
} else if (key == 'expiration') {
value = timeutil.convertTimeTicksToDate(value);
var tableRow = addNode(tableNode, 'tr');
addNodeWithText(tableRow, 'td', key);
addNodeWithText(tableRow, 'td', value);
* Converts bytes to kilobytes rounded to one decimal place.
function bytesToRoundedKilobytes_(val) {
return (val / 1024).toFixed(1);
* Returns bandwidth savings as a percent rounded to one decimal place.
function getPercentSavings_(original, received) {
if (original > 0) {
return ((original - received) * 100 / original).toFixed(1);
return '0.0';
return BandwidthView;