Support filtering variations studies by country in WebView

Variations studies can have country filters so they only apply to users in
certain countries. WebView must persist these prefs to support this.

Studies configured for "session consistency" can use a different country on
every run. These studies compare their country filter to the current country,
which is stored in kVariationsCountry.

Studies configured for "permanent consistency" will continue using the original
country if the user moves countries. These studies compare their country filter
to all the past countries listed in kVariationsPermanentConsistencyCountry.

See CheckStudyCountry() in for how this works.


Change-Id: I76d6fc3e69a173d8b2de07ea886c215ad91f2f81
Reviewed-by: Tao Bai <>
Commit-Queue: Paul Miller <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#670271}
1 file changed