blob: 1fff27c34ab44b2c03926bcc4deb6469ae6d8092 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview
* Provides view port management utilities below for a desktop remoting session.
* - Enabling bump scrolling
* - Resizing the viewport to fit the host desktop
* - Resizing the host desktop to fit the client viewport.
/** @suppress {duplicate} */
var remoting = remoting || {};
(function() {
'use strict';
* @param {HTMLElement} rootElement The outer element with id=scroller that we
* are showing scrollbars on.
* @param {remoting.HostDesktop} hostDesktop
* @param {remoting.HostOptions} hostOptions
* @param {!remoting.SessionLogger} logger
* @constructor
* @implements {base.Disposable}
remoting.DesktopViewport = function(rootElement, hostDesktop, hostOptions,
logger, sendInitialResolution) {
/** @private */
this.rootElement_ = rootElement;
/** @private */
// TODO(kelvinp): Query the container by class name instead of id.
this.pluginContainer_ = rootElement.querySelector('#client-container');
/** @private */
this.pluginElement_ = rootElement.querySelector('embed');
/** @private */
this.hostDesktop_ = hostDesktop;
/** @private */
this.hostOptions_ = hostOptions;
/** @private {number?} */
this.resizeTimer_ = null;
/** @private {remoting.BumpScroller} */
this.bumpScroller_ = null;
// Bump-scroll test variables. Override to use a fake value for the width
// and height of the client plugin so that bump-scrolling can be tested
// without relying on the actual size of the host desktop.
/** @private {number} */
this.pluginWidthForBumpScrollTesting_ = 0;
/** @private {number} */
this.pluginHeightForBumpScrollTesting_ = 0;
/** @private {!remoting.SessionLogger} */
this.logger_ = logger;
/** @private {number?} */
this.loggingTimer_ = null;
this.eventHooks_ = new base.Disposables(
new base.EventHook(
this.hostDesktop_, remoting.HostDesktop.Events.sizeChanged,
if (this.hostOptions_.getResizeToClient() || sendInitialResolution) {
} else {
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.eventHooks_ = null;
this.bumpScroller_ = null;
* @return {boolean} True if shrink-to-fit is enabled; false otherwise.
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.getShrinkToFit = function() {
return this.hostOptions_.getShrinkToFit();
* @return {boolean} True if resize-to-client is enabled; false otherwise.
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.getResizeToClient = function() {
return this.hostOptions_.getResizeToClient();
* @return {{top:number, left:number}} The top-left corner of the plugin.
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.getPluginPositionForTesting = function() {
* @param {number|string} value
* @return {number}
function toFloat(value) {
var number = parseFloat(value);
return isNaN(number) ? 0 : number;
return {
top: toFloat(,
left: toFloat(
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.setPluginSizeForBumpScrollTesting =
function(width, height) {
this.pluginWidthForBumpScrollTesting_ = width;
this.pluginHeightForBumpScrollTesting_ = height;
* @return {remoting.BumpScroller}
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.getBumpScrollerForTesting = function() {
return this.bumpScroller_;
* Set the shrink-to-fit and resize-to-client flags and save them if this is
* a Me2Me connection.
* @param {boolean} shrinkToFit True if the remote desktop should be scaled
* down if it is larger than the client window; false if scroll-bars
* should be added in this case.
* @param {boolean} resizeToClient True if window resizes should cause the
* host to attempt to resize its desktop to match the client window size;
* false to disable this behaviour for subsequent window resizes--the
* current host desktop size is not restored in this case.
* @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.setScreenMode =
function(shrinkToFit, resizeToClient) {
if (resizeToClient && !this.hostOptions_.getResizeToClient()) {
// If enabling shrink, reset bump-scroll offsets.
var needsScrollReset = shrinkToFit && !this.hostOptions_.getShrinkToFit();
if (needsScrollReset) {
* Scroll the client plugin by the specified amount, keeping it visible.
* Note that this is only used in content full-screen mode (not windowed or
* browser full-screen modes), where window.scrollBy and the scrollTop and
* scrollLeft properties don't work.
* @param {number} dx The amount by which to scroll horizontally. Positive to
* scroll right; negative to scroll left.
* @param {number} dy The amount by which to scroll vertically. Positive to
* scroll down; negative to scroll up.
* @return {boolean} False if the requested scroll had no effect because both
* vertical and horizontal edges of the screen have been reached.
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.scroll = function(dx, dy) {
* Helper function for x- and y-scrolling
* @param {number|string} curr The current margin, eg. "10px".
* @param {number} delta The requested scroll amount.
* @param {number} windowBound The size of the window, in pixels.
* @param {number} pluginBound The size of the plugin, in pixels.
* @param {{stop: boolean}} stop Reference parameter used to indicate when
* the scroll has reached one of the edges and can be stopped in that
* direction.
* @return {string} The new margin value.
var adjustMargin = function(curr, delta, windowBound, pluginBound, stop) {
var minMargin = Math.min(0, windowBound - pluginBound);
var result = (curr ? parseFloat(curr) : 0) - delta;
result = Math.min(0, Math.max(minMargin, result));
stop.stop = (result === 0 || result == minMargin);
return result + 'px';
var style =;
var pluginWidth =
this.pluginWidthForBumpScrollTesting_ || this.pluginElement_.clientWidth;
var pluginHeight = this.pluginHeightForBumpScrollTesting_ ||
var clientArea = this.getClientArea();
var stopX = { stop: false };
style.marginLeft =
adjustMargin(style.marginLeft, dx, clientArea.width, pluginWidth, stopX);
var stopY = { stop: false };
style.marginTop =
adjustMargin(style.marginTop, dy, clientArea.height, pluginHeight, stopY);
return !stopX.stop || !stopY.stop;
* Enable or disable bump-scrolling. When disabling bump scrolling, also reset
* the scroll offsets to (0, 0).
* @param {boolean} enable True to enable bump-scrolling, false to disable it.
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.enableBumpScroll = function(enable) {
if (enable) {
this.bumpScroller_ = new remoting.BumpScroller(this);
} else {
this.bumpScroller_ = null;
* This is a callback that gets called when the window is resized.
* @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.onResize = function() {
if (this.resizeTimer_) {
this.resizeTimer_ = null;
// Defer notifying the host of the change until the window stops resizing, to
// avoid overloading the control channel with notifications.
if (this.hostOptions_.getResizeToClient()) {
var kResizeRateLimitMs = 250;
var clientArea = this.getClientArea();
this.resizeTimer_ = window.setTimeout(this.resizeHostDesktop_.bind(this),
// If bump-scrolling is enabled, adjust the plugin margins to fully utilize
// the new window area.
* @return {{width:number, height:number}} The height of the window's client
* area. This differs between apps v1 and apps v2 due to the custom window
* borders used by the latter.
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.getClientArea = function() {
return remoting.windowFrame ?
remoting.windowFrame.getClientArea() :
{ 'width': window.innerWidth, 'height': window.innerHeight };
* Notifies the host of the client's current dimensions and DPI.
* Also takes into account per-host scaling factor, if configured.
* @private
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.resizeHostDesktop_ = function() {
var clientArea = this.getClientArea();
clientArea.width * this.hostOptions_.getDesktopScale(),
clientArea.height * this.hostOptions_.getDesktopScale(),
* This is a callback that gets called when the plugin notifies us of a change
* in the size of the remote desktop.
* @return {void} Nothing.
* @private
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.onDesktopSizeChanged_ = function() {
var dimensions = this.hostDesktop_.getDimensions();
console.log('desktop size changed: ' +
dimensions.width + 'x' +
dimensions.height +' @ ' +
dimensions.xDpi + 'x' +
dimensions.yDpi + ' DPI');
* Called when the window or desktop size or the scaling settings change,
* to set the scroll-bar visibility.
* TODO(jamiewalch): Remove this once is
* fixed.
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.updateScrollbarVisibility_ = function() {
// TODO(kelvinp): Remove the check once app-remoting no longer depends on
// this.
if (!this.rootElement_) {
var needsScrollY = false;
var needsScrollX = false;
if (!this.hostOptions_.getShrinkToFit()) {
// Determine whether or not horizontal or vertical scrollbars are
// required, taking into account their width.
var clientArea = this.getClientArea();
var hostDesktop = this.hostDesktop_.getDimensions();
needsScrollY = clientArea.height < hostDesktop.height;
needsScrollX = clientArea.width < hostDesktop.width;
var kScrollBarWidth = 16;
if (needsScrollX && !needsScrollY) {
needsScrollY = clientArea.height - kScrollBarWidth < hostDesktop.height;
} else if (!needsScrollX && needsScrollY) {
needsScrollX = clientArea.width - kScrollBarWidth < hostDesktop.width;
this.rootElement_.classList.toggle('no-horizontal-scroll', !needsScrollX);
this.rootElement_.classList.toggle('no-vertical-scroll', !needsScrollY);
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.updateDimensions_ = function() {
var dimensions = this.hostDesktop_.getDimensions();
if (dimensions.width === 0 || dimensions.height === 0) {
var desktopSize = { width: dimensions.width,
height: dimensions.height };
var desktopDpi = { x: dimensions.xDpi,
y: dimensions.yDpi };
var clientSize = this.getClientArea();
var newSize = remoting.Viewport.choosePluginSize(
clientSize, window.devicePixelRatio,
desktopSize, desktopDpi, this.hostOptions_.getDesktopScale(),
remoting.fullscreen.isActive(), this.hostOptions_.getShrinkToFit());
// Log the host and client dimensions. Since we don't support differing x- and
// y-DPIs, arbitrarily pick one for the host DPI.
this.logDimensions_(desktopSize, desktopDpi.x, newSize, clientSize,
window.devicePixelRatio * 96,
// Resize the plugin if necessary.
console.log('plugin dimensions:' + newSize.width + 'x' + newSize.height); = newSize.width + 'px'; = newSize.height + 'px';
/** @private */
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.resetScroll_ = function() { = '0px'; = '0px';
* Sets and stores the scale factor to apply to host sizing requests.
* The desktopScale applies to the dimensions reported to the host, not
* to the client DPI reported to it.
* @param {number} desktopScale Scale factor to apply.
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.setDesktopScale = function(desktopScale) {
// onResize() will update the plugin size and scrollbars for the new
// scaled plugin dimensions, and send a client resolution notification.
// Save the new desktop scale setting.;
* Log the specified client and host sizes after a short delay. Since the host
* size may change in response to a change in the client size, the delay allows
* time for the desktop size change notification to arrive from the host, and
* avoids logging the intermediate state.
* @param {{width: number, height: number}} hostSize
* @param {{width: number, height: number}} clientPluginSize
* @param {{width: number, height: number}} clientWindowSize
* @param {boolean} clientFullscreen
remoting.DesktopViewport.prototype.logDimensions_ =
function(hostSize, hostDpi, clientPluginSize, clientWindowSize, clientDpi,
isFullscreen) {
if (this.loggingTimer_ !== null) {
var kLoggingRateLimitMs = 2000;
this.loggingTimer_ = window.setTimeout(
() => {
this.logger_.logScreenResolutions(hostSize, hostDpi, clientPluginSize,
clientWindowSize, clientDpi,