blob: 8e343b158d917e1aaa0f834a9fe24f0118cd8a0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
const extract = require('./extract-metric.js');
const tryrequire = require('./try-require.js');
const fs = require('fs');
const puppeteer = tryrequire.tryrequire('puppeteer');
if (!puppeteer) {
'Please install the `puppeteer` package from npm (`npm i puppeteer`).');
const yargs = tryrequire.tryrequire('yargs');
if (!yargs) {
console.error('Please install the `yargs` package from npm (`npm i yargs`).');
async function main() {
const argv = yargs
.option('directory', {
alias: 'd',
description: 'Directory containing all the trace files.',
type: 'string'
.option('parallel', {
alias: 'p',
description: 'How many stories to process in parallel.',
type: 'number',
default: 20,
const location =;
if (!location) {
'Please specify the location that contains all the traces (using -d).');
if (!fs.existsSync(location)) {
console.error('Directotry specified (' + location + ') does not exist.');
const filenames = fs.readdirSync(location).filter(f => f.endsWith('.html'));
const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
const promises = [];
let counter = 1;
const rows = [['name', 'PercentDroppedFrames', 'PercentDroppedFrames2']];
for (const f of filenames) {
const traceurl = 'file://' + fs.realpathSync(`${location}/${f}`);
const p = extract.extractMetrics(browser, traceurl, 'umaMetric');
p.then((histograms) => {
const oldh = 'Graphics.Smoothness.PercentDroppedFrames.AllSequences';
const newh = 'Graphics.Smoothness.PercentDroppedFrames2.AllSequences';
let msg = '';
if ('error' in histograms) {
msg = 'some error happened: ' + histograms.error;
} else if (!(oldh in histograms) && !(newh in histograms)) {
msg = 'no metrics.';
} else {
if (!(newh in histograms)) {
const oldv = histograms[oldh].avg;
msg = `No new metric, old metric: ${oldv.toFixed(2)}`;
rows.push([f, oldv, -1]);
} else if (!(oldh in histograms)) {
const newv = histograms[newh].avg;
msg = `No old metric, new metric: ${newv.toFixed(2)}`;
rows.push([f, -1, newv]);
} else {
const newv = histograms[newh].avg;
const oldv = histograms[oldh].avg;
const diff = Math.abs(newv - oldv);
msg = `Difference: ${diff.toFixed(2)} (${newv.toFixed(2)} vs ${
rows.push([f, oldv, newv]);
console.log(`${counter++}/${filenames.length} ${f}: ${msg}`);
if (promises.length === argv.p) {
await Promise.all(promises);
promises.length = 0;
await Promise.all(promises);
await browser.close();
console.log( => r.join(',')).join('\n'));