Use per-frame task runner at script injection of extensions

This CL switches task runners at several places from per-thread to
per-frame. The purpose of this change is to make it possible to freeze
tasks for bfcache.

ScriptInjectionManager tries to execute JavaScript, and this is done in
the default task runner in the current code. This CL replaces this with
a per-frame task runner.

Some tests hit this: e.g.
extensions_browsertests --gtest_filter=WebViewAPITest.TestResizeWebviewResizesContent

Bug: 870606
Change-Id: I8c5168d116a04824a8ca6d03e6f4b54cb3fc4c6f
Reviewed-by: Alexander Timin <>
Reviewed-by: Ken Rockot <>
Commit-Queue: Hajime Hoshi <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#639394}
1 file changed