blob: b4db220d1fb85b9cc0f4b47b8bb7ead438a01ba5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Wrapper around a file handle that allows the privileged context to arbitrate
* read and write access as well as file navigation. `token` uniquely identifies
* the file, `file` temporarily holds the object passed over postMessage, and
* `handle` allows it to be reopened upon navigation. If an error occurred on
* the last attempt to open `handle`, `lastError` holds the error name.
* @typedef {{
* token: number,
* file: ?File,
* handle: !FileSystemFileHandle,
* lastError: (string|undefined),
* }}
let FileDescriptor;
* Array of entries available in the current directory.
* @type {!Array<!FileDescriptor>}
const currentFiles = [];
* Index into `currentFiles` of the current file.
* @type {number}
let entryIndex = -1;
* Keeps track of the current launch (i.e. call to `launchWithDirectory`) .
* Since file loading can be deferred i.e. we can load the first focused file
* and start using the app then load other files in `loadOtherRelatedFiles()` we
* need to make sure `loadOtherRelatedFiles` gets aborted if it is out of date
* i.e. in interleaved launches.
* @type {number}
let globalLaunchNumber = -1;
* Reference to the directory handle that contains the first file in the most
* recent launch event.
* @type {?FileSystemDirectoryHandle}
let currentDirectoryHandle = null;
* Map of file tokens. Persists across new launch requests from the file
* manager when chrome://media-app has not been closed.
* @type {!Map<number, !FileSystemFileHandle>}
const tokenMap = new Map();
/** A pipe through which we can send messages to the guest frame. */
const guestMessagePipe = new MessagePipe('chrome-untrusted://media-app');
* Promise that resolves once the iframe is ready to receive messages. This is
* to allow initial file processing to run in parallel with the iframe load.
* @type {!Promise<undefined>}
const iframeReady = new Promise(resolve => {
guestMessagePipe.registerHandler(Message.IFRAME_READY, resolve);
guestMessagePipe.registerHandler(Message.OPEN_FEEDBACK_DIALOG, () => {
let response = mediaAppPageHandler.openFeedbackDialog();
if (response === null) {
response = {errorMessage: 'Null response received'};
return response;
guestMessagePipe.registerHandler(Message.OVERWRITE_FILE, async (message) => {
const overwrite = /** @type {!OverwriteFileMessage} */ (message);
const originalHandle = fileHandleForToken(overwrite.token);
try {
await saveBlobToFile(originalHandle, overwrite.blob);
} catch (/** @type {!DOMException|!Error} */ e) {
// TODO(b/160843424): Collect UMA.
console.warn('Showing a picker due to', e);
return pickFileForFailedOverwrite(,, overwrite);
* Shows a file picker and redirects a failed OverwriteFileMessage to the chosen
* file. Updates app state and rebinds file tokens if the write is successful.
* @param {string} fileName
* @param {string} errorName
* @param {!OverwriteFileMessage} overwrite
* @return {!Promise<!OverwriteFileResponse>}
async function pickFileForFailedOverwrite(fileName, errorName, overwrite) {
const fileHandle = await pickWritableFile(fileName, overwrite.blob.type);
await saveBlobToFile(fileHandle, overwrite.blob);
// Success. Replace the old handle.
tokenMap.set(overwrite.token, fileHandle);
const entry = currentFiles.find(i => i.token === overwrite.token);
if (entry) {
entry.handle = fileHandle;
return {renamedTo:, errorName};
guestMessagePipe.registerHandler(Message.DELETE_FILE, async (message) => {
const deleteMsg = /** @type {!DeleteFileMessage} */ (message);
const {handle, directory} =
assertFileAndDirectoryMutable(deleteMsg.token, 'Delete');
if (!(await isHandleInCurrentDirectory(handle))) {
return {deleteResult: DeleteResult.FILE_MOVED};
// Get the name from the file reference. Handles file renames.
const currentFilename = (await handle.getFile()).name;
await directory.removeEntry(currentFilename);
// Remove the file that was deleted.
currentFiles.splice(entryIndex, 1);
// Attempts to load the file to the right which is at now at
// `currentFiles[entryIndex]`, where `entryIndex` was previously the index of
// the deleted file.
await advance(0);
return {deleteResult: DeleteResult.SUCCESS};
/** Handler to rename the currently focused file. */
guestMessagePipe.registerHandler(Message.RENAME_FILE, async (message) => {
const renameMsg = /** @type {!RenameFileMessage} */ (message);
const {handle, directory} =
assertFileAndDirectoryMutable(renameMsg.token, 'Rename');
if (await filenameExistsInCurrentDirectory(renameMsg.newFilename)) {
return {renameResult: RenameResult.FILE_EXISTS};
const originalFile = await handle.getFile();
const renamedFileHandle =
await directory.getFileHandle(renameMsg.newFilename, {create: true});
// Copy file data over to the new file.
const writer = await renamedFileHandle.createWritable();
// TODO(b/153021155): Use
await writer.write(await originalFile.arrayBuffer());
await writer.truncate(originalFile.size);
await writer.close();
// Remove the old file since the new file has all the data & the new name.
// Note even though removing an entry that doesn't exist is considered
// success, we first check `handle` is the same as the handle for the file
// with that filename in the `currentDirectoryHandle`.
if (await isHandleInCurrentDirectory(handle)) {
await directory.removeEntry(;
// Reload current file so it is in an editable state, this is done before
// removing the old file so the relaunch starts sooner.
await launchWithDirectory(directory, renamedFileHandle);
return {renameResult: RenameResult.SUCCESS};
guestMessagePipe.registerHandler(Message.NAVIGATE, async (message) => {
const navigate = /** @type {!NavigateMessage} */ (message);
await advance(navigate.direction);
guestMessagePipe.registerHandler(Message.SAVE_COPY, async (message) => {
const {blob, suggestedName} = /** @type {!SaveCopyMessage} */ (message);
const fileSystemHandle = await pickWritableFile(suggestedName, blob.type);
const {handle} = await getFileFromHandle(fileSystemHandle);
// Note `handle` could be the same as a `FileSystemFileHandle` that exists in
// `tokenMap`. Possibly even the `File` currently open. But that's OK. E.g.
// the next overwrite-file request will just invoke `saveBlobToFile` in the
// same way. Note there may be no currently writable file (e.g. save from
// clipboard).
await saveBlobToFile(handle, blob);
* Shows a file picker to get a writable file.
* @param {string} suggestedName
* @param {string} mimeType
* @return {!Promise<!FileSystemFileHandle>}
function pickWritableFile(suggestedName, mimeType) {
const extension = suggestedName.split('.').reverse()[0];
// TODO(b/141587270): Add a default filename when it's supported by the native
// file api.
/** @type {!FilePickerOptions} */
const options = {
types: [
{description: extension, accept: {[mimeType]: [extension]}},
excludeAcceptAllOption: true,
// This may throw an error, but we can handle and recover from it on the
// unprivileged side.
return window.showSaveFilePicker(options);
* Generator instance for unguessable tokens.
* @suppress {reportUnknownTypes} Typing of yield is broken (b/142881197).
* @type {!Generator<number>}
const tokenGenerator = (function*() {
// To use the regular number type, tokens must stay below
// Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (2^53). So stick with ~33 bits. Note we can not
// request more than 64kBytes from crypto.getRandomValues() at a time.
const randomBuffer = new Uint32Array(1000);
while (true) {
for (let i = 0; i < randomBuffer.length; ++i) {
const token = randomBuffer[i];
if (!tokenMap.has(token)) {
yield Number(token);
* Generate a file token, and persist the mapping to `handle`.
* @param {!FileSystemFileHandle} handle
* @return {number}
function generateToken(handle) {
const token =;
tokenMap.set(token, handle);
return token;
* Returns the `FileSystemFileHandle` for the given `token`. This is
* "guaranteed" to succeed: tokens are only generated once a file handle has
* been successfully opened at least once (and determined to be "related"). The
* handle doesn't expire, but file system operations may fail later on.
* One corner case, however, is when the initial file open fails and the token
* gets replaced by `-1`. File operations all need to fail in that case.
* @param {number} token
* @return {!FileSystemFileHandle}
function fileHandleForToken(token) {
const handle = tokenMap.get(token);
if (!handle) {
throw new DOMException(`No handle for token(${token})`, 'NotFoundError');
return handle;
* Saves the provided blob the provided fileHandle. Assumes the handle is
* writable.
* @param {!FileSystemFileHandle} handle
* @param {!Blob} data
* @return {!Promise<undefined>}
async function saveBlobToFile(handle, data) {
const writer = await handle.createWritable();
await writer.write(data);
await writer.truncate(data.size);
await writer.close();
* Loads a single file into the guest.
* @param {{file: !File, handle: !FileSystemFileHandle}} fileHandle
* @returns {!Promise<undefined>}
async function loadSingleFile(fileHandle) {
/** @type {!FileDescriptor} */
const fd = {token: -1, file: fileHandle.file, handle: fileHandle.handle};
currentFiles.length = 0;
entryIndex = 0;
await sendFilesToGuest();
* Warns if a given exception is "uncommon". That is, one that the guest might
* not provide UX for and should be dumped to console to give additional
* context.
* @param {!DOMException} e
* @param {string} fileName
function warnIfUncommon(e, fileName) {
if ( === 'NotFoundError' || === 'NotAllowedError') {
console.warn(`Unexpected ${} on ${fileName}: ${e.message}`);
* If `fd.file` is null, re-opens the file handle in `fd`.
* @param {!FileDescriptor} fd
async function refreshFile(fd) {
if (fd.file) {
fd.lastError = '';
try {
fd.file = (await getFileFromHandle(fd.handle)).file;
} catch (/** @type {!DOMException} */ e) {
fd.lastError =;
// A failure here is only a problem for the "current" file (and that needs
// to be handled in the unprivileged context), so ignore known errors.
* Loads the current file list into the guest.
* @return {!Promise<undefined>}
async function sendFilesToGuest() {
return sendSnapshotToGuest(
[...currentFiles], globalLaunchNumber); // Shallow copy.
* Loads the provided file list into the guest without making any file writable.
* Note: code paths can defer loads i.e. `launchWithDirectory()` increment
* `globalLaunchNumber` to ensure their deferred load is still relevant when it
* finishes processing. Other code paths that call `sendSnapshotToGuest()` don't
* have to.
* @param {!Array<!FileDescriptor>} snapshot
* @param {number} localLaunchNumber
* @param {boolean=} extraFiles
* @return {!Promise<undefined>}
async function sendSnapshotToGuest(
snapshot, localLaunchNumber, extraFiles = false) {
const focusIndex = entryIndex;
// On first launch, files are opened to determine navigation candidates. Don't
// reopen in that case. Otherwise, attempt to reopen the focus file only. In
// future we might also open "nearby" files for preloading. However, reopening
// *all* files on every navigation attempt to verify they can still be
// navigated to adds noticeable lag in large directories.
if (focusIndex >= 0 && focusIndex < snapshot.length) {
await refreshFile(snapshot[focusIndex]);
} else if (snapshot.length !== 0) {
await refreshFile(snapshot[0]);
if (localLaunchNumber !== globalLaunchNumber) {
/** @type {!LoadFilesMessage} */
const loadFilesMessage = {
writableFileIndex: focusIndex,
// Handle can't be passed through a message pipe.
files: => ({
token: fd.token,
file: fd.file,
error: fd.lastError,
// Clear handles to the open files in the privileged context so they are
// refreshed on a navigation request. The refcount to the File will be alive
// in the postMessage object until the guest takes its own reference.
for (const fd of snapshot) {
fd.file = null;
await iframeReady;
if (extraFiles) {
await guestMessagePipe.sendMessage(
Message.LOAD_EXTRA_FILES, loadFilesMessage);
} else {
await guestMessagePipe.sendMessage(Message.LOAD_FILES, loadFilesMessage);
* Throws an error if the file or directory handles don't exist or the token for
* the file to be mutated is incorrect.
* @param {number} editFileToken
* @param {string} operation
* @return {{handle: !FileSystemFileHandle, directory:
* !FileSystemDirectoryHandle}}
function assertFileAndDirectoryMutable(editFileToken, operation) {
if (!currentDirectoryHandle) {
throw new Error(`${operation} failed. File without launch directory.`);
return {
handle: fileHandleForToken(editFileToken),
directory: currentDirectoryHandle
* Returns whether `handle` is in `currentDirectoryHandle`. Prevents mutating a
* file that doesn't exist.
* @param {!FileSystemFileHandle} handle
* @return {!Promise<boolean>}
async function isHandleInCurrentDirectory(handle) {
// Get the name from the file reference. Handles file renames.
const currentFilename = (await handle.getFile()).name;
const fileHandle = await getFileHandleFromCurrentDirectory(currentFilename);
return fileHandle ? fileHandle.isSameEntry(handle) : false;
* Returns if a`filename` exists in `currentDirectoryHandle`.
* @param {string} filename
* @return {!Promise<boolean>}
async function filenameExistsInCurrentDirectory(filename) {
return (await getFileHandleFromCurrentDirectory(filename, true)) !== null;
* Returns the `FileSystemFileHandle` for `filename` if it exists in the current
* directory, otherwise null.
* @param {string} filename
* @param {boolean=} suppressError
* @return {!Promise<!FileSystemHandle|null>}
async function getFileHandleFromCurrentDirectory(
filename, suppressError = false) {
if (!currentDirectoryHandle) {
return null;
try {
return (
await currentDirectoryHandle.getFileHandle(filename, {create: false}));
} catch (/** @type {?Object} */ e) {
if (!suppressError) {
return null;
* Gets a file from a handle received via the fileHandling API. Only handles
* expected to be files should be passed to this function. Throws a DOMException
* if opening the file fails - usually because the handle is stale.
* @param {?FileSystemHandle} fileSystemHandle
* @return {!Promise<{file: !File, handle: !FileSystemFileHandle}>}
async function getFileFromHandle(fileSystemHandle) {
if (!fileSystemHandle || fileSystemHandle.kind !== 'file') {
// Invent our own exception for this corner case. It might happen if a file
// is deleted and replaced with a directory with the same name.
throw new DOMException('Not a file.', 'NotAFile');
const handle = /** @type {!FileSystemFileHandle} */ (fileSystemHandle);
const file = await handle.getFile(); // Note: throws DOMException.
return {file, handle};
* Returns whether `file` is a video or image file.
* @param {!File} file
* @return {boolean}
function isVideoOrImage(file) {
// Check for .mkv explicitly because it is not a web-supported type, but is in
// common use on ChromeOS.
return /^(image)|(video)\//.test(file.type) || /\.mkv$/.test(;
* Returns whether `siblingFile` is related to `focusFile`. That is, whether
* they should be traversable from one another. Usually this means they share a
* similar (non-empty) MIME type.
* @param {!File} focusFile The file selected by the user.
* @param {!File} siblingFile A file in the same directory as `focusFile`.
* @return {boolean}
function isFileRelated(focusFile, siblingFile) {
return === ||
(!!focusFile.type && focusFile.type === siblingFile.type) ||
(isVideoOrImage(focusFile) && isVideoOrImage(siblingFile));
* Enum like return value of `processOtherFilesInDirectory()`.
* @enum {number}
const ProcessOtherFilesResult = {
// Newer load in progress, can abort loading these files.
ABORT: -2,
// The focusFile is missing, treat this as a normal load.
// The focusFile is present, load these files as extra files.
* Loads related files the working directory to initialize file iteration
* according to the type of the opened file. If `globalLaunchNumber` changes
* (i.e. another launch occurs), this will abort early and not change
* `currentFiles`.
* @param {!FileSystemDirectoryHandle} directory
* @param {?File} focusFile
* @param {number} localLaunchNumber
* @return {!Promise<!ProcessOtherFilesResult>}
async function processOtherFilesInDirectory(
directory, focusFile, localLaunchNumber) {
if (!focusFile || ! {
return ProcessOtherFilesResult.ABORT;
/** @type {!Array<!FileDescriptor>} */
const relatedFiles = [];
// TODO(b/158149714): Clear out old tokens as well? Care needs to be taken to
// ensure any file currently open with unsaved changes can still be saved.
for await (const /** !FileSystemHandle */ handle of directory.getEntries()) {
if (localLaunchNumber !== globalLaunchNumber) {
// Abort, another more up to date launch in progress.
return ProcessOtherFilesResult.ABORT;
if (handle.kind !== 'file') {
let entry = null;
try {
entry = await getFileFromHandle(handle);
} catch (/** @type {!DOMException} */ e) {
// Ignore exceptions thrown trying to open "other" files in the folder,
// and skip adding that file to `currentFiles`.
// Note the focusFile is passed in as `File`, so should be openable.
// Only allow traversal of related file types.
if (entry && isFileRelated(focusFile, entry.file)) {
token: generateToken(entry.handle),
file: entry.file,
handle: entry.handle,
if (localLaunchNumber !== globalLaunchNumber) {
return ProcessOtherFilesResult.ABORT;
// Iteration order is not guaranteed using `directory.getEntries()`, so we
// sort it afterwards by modification time to ensure a consistent and logical
// order. More recent (i.e. higher timestamp) files should appear first.
relatedFiles.sort((a, b) => {
// Sort null files last if they racily appear.
if (!a.file && !b.file) {
return 0;
} else if (!b.file) {
return -1;
} else if (!a.file) {
return 1;
return b.file.lastModified - a.file.lastModified;
const name =;
const focusIndex =
relatedFiles.findIndex(i => !!i.file && === name);
entryIndex = 0;
if (focusIndex === -1) {
// The focus file is no longer there i.e. might have been deleted, should be
// missing form `currentFiles` as well.
return ProcessOtherFilesResult.FOCUS_FILE_MISSING;
} else {
// Rotate the sorted files so focusIndex becomes index 0 such that we have
// [focus file, ...files larger, ...files smaller].
currentFiles.push(...relatedFiles.slice(focusIndex + 1));
currentFiles.push(...relatedFiles.slice(0, focusIndex));
return ProcessOtherFilesResult.FOCUS_FILE_RELEVANT;
* Loads related files in the working directory and sends them to the guest. If
* the focus file (currentFiles[0]) is no longer relevant i.e. is has been
* deleted, we load files as usual.
* @param {!FileSystemDirectoryHandle} directory
* @param {?File} focusFile
* @param {?FileSystemFileHandle} focusHandle
* @param {number} localLaunchNumber
async function loadOtherRelatedFiles(
directory, focusFile, focusHandle, localLaunchNumber) {
const processResult = await processOtherFilesInDirectory(
directory, focusFile, localLaunchNumber);
if (localLaunchNumber !== globalLaunchNumber ||
processResult === ProcessOtherFilesResult.ABORT) {
const shallowCopy = [...currentFiles];
if (processResult === ProcessOtherFilesResult.FOCUS_FILE_RELEVANT) {
await sendSnapshotToGuest(shallowCopy, localLaunchNumber, true);
} else {
// If the focus file is no longer relevant, load files as normal.
await sendSnapshotToGuest(shallowCopy, localLaunchNumber);
* Sets state for the files opened in the current directory.
* @param {!FileSystemDirectoryHandle} directory
* @param {{file: !File, handle: !FileSystemFileHandle}} focusFile
function setCurrentDirectory(directory, focusFile) {
// Load currentFiles into the guest.
currentFiles.length = 0;
token: generateToken(focusFile.handle),
file: focusFile.file,
handle: focusFile.handle,
currentDirectoryHandle = directory;
entryIndex = 0;
* Launch the media app with the files in the provided directory, using `handle`
* as the initial launch entry.
* @param {!FileSystemDirectoryHandle} directory
* @param {!FileSystemHandle} handle
async function launchWithDirectory(directory, handle) {
const localLaunchNumber = ++globalLaunchNumber;
let asFile;
try {
asFile = await getFileFromHandle(handle);
} catch (/** @type {!DOMException} */ e) {
console.warn(`${}: ${e.message}`);
[{token: -1, file: null, handle, error:}], localLaunchNumber);
// Load currentFiles into the guest.
setCurrentDirectory(directory, asFile);
await sendSnapshotToGuest([...currentFiles], localLaunchNumber);
// The app is operable with the first file now.
// Process other files in directory.
await loadOtherRelatedFiles(
directory, asFile.file, asFile.handle, localLaunchNumber);
* Launch the media app with the selected files.
* @param {!FileSystemDirectoryHandle} directory
* @param {!Array<?FileSystemHandle>} handles
async function launchWithMultipleSelection(directory, handles) {
currentFiles.length = 0;
for (const handle of handles) {
if (handle && handle.kind === 'file') {
const fileHandle = /** @type {!FileSystemFileHandle} */ (handle);
token: generateToken(fileHandle),
file: null, // Just let sendSnapshotToGuest() "refresh" it.
handle: fileHandle,
entryIndex = currentFiles.length > 0 ? 0 : -1;
currentDirectoryHandle = directory;
await sendFilesToGuest();
* Advance to another file.
* @param {number} direction How far to advance (e.g. +/-1).
async function advance(direction) {
if (currentFiles.length) {
entryIndex = (entryIndex + direction) % currentFiles.length;
if (entryIndex < 0) {
entryIndex += currentFiles.length;
} else {
entryIndex = -1;
await sendFilesToGuest();
* The launchQueue consumer. This returns a promise to help tests, but the file
* handling API will ignore it.
* @param {?LaunchParams} params
* @return {!Promise<undefined>}
function launchConsumer(params) {
// The MediaApp sets `include_launch_directory = true` in its SystemAppInfo
// struct compiled into Chrome. That means files[0] is guaranteed to be a
// directory, with remaining launch files following it. Validate that this is
// true and abort the launch if is is not.
if (!params || !params.files || params.files.length < 2) {
console.error('Invalid launch (missing files): ', params);
return Promise.resolve();
if (assertCast(params.files[0]).kind !== 'directory') {
console.error('Invalid launch: files[0] is not a directory: ', params);
return Promise.resolve();
const directory =
/** @type {!FileSystemDirectoryHandle} */ (params.files[0]);
// With a single file selected, launch with all files in the directory as
// navigation candidates. Otherwise, launch with all selected files (except
// the launch directory itself) as navigation candidates.
if (params.files.length === 2) {
const focusEntry = assertCast(params.files[1]);
return launchWithDirectory(directory, focusEntry);
} else {
return launchWithMultipleSelection(directory, params.files.slice(1));
* Installs the handler for launch files, if window.launchQueue is available.
function installLaunchHandler() {
if (!window.launchQueue) {
console.error('FileHandling API missing.');
// Make sure the guest frame has focus.
/** @type {!Element} */
const guest = assertCast(
guest.addEventListener('load', () => {