blob: 8eeb3ee85761894ba2af61ecb29f4c59236c1335 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/** A pipe through which we can send messages to the parent frame. */
const parentMessagePipe = new MessagePipe('chrome://media-app', window.parent);
* Placeholder Blob used when a null file is received. For null files we only
* know the name until the file is navigated to.
const PLACEHOLDER_BLOB = new Blob([]);
* A file received from the privileged context, and decorated with IPC methods
* added in the untrusted (this) context to communicate back.
* @implements {mediaApp.AbstractFile}
class ReceivedFile {
/** @param {!FileContext} file */
constructor(file) {
this.blob = file.file || PLACEHOLDER_BLOB; =;
this.size = this.blob.size;
this.mimeType = this.blob.type;
this.token = file.token;
this.error = file.error;
this.fromClipboard = false;
* @override
* @param{!Blob} blob
async overwriteOriginal(blob) {
/** @type {!OverwriteFileMessage} */
const message = {token: this.token, blob: blob};
const result = /** @type {!OverwriteFileResponse} */ (
await parentMessagePipe.sendMessage(Message.OVERWRITE_FILE, message));
// Note the following are skipped if an exception is thrown above.
this.blob = blob;
this.size = blob.size;
this.mimeType = blob.type;
return result;
* @override
* @return {!Promise<number>}
async deleteOriginalFile() {
const deleteResponse =
/** @type {!DeleteFileResponse} */ (await parentMessagePipe.sendMessage(
Message.DELETE_FILE, {token: this.token}));
return deleteResponse.deleteResult;
* @override
* @param {string} newName
* @return {!Promise<number>}
async renameOriginalFile(newName) {
const renameResponse =
/** @type {!RenameFileResponse} */ (await parentMessagePipe.sendMessage(
Message.RENAME_FILE, {token: this.token, newFilename: newName}));
return renameResponse.renameResult;
* Source of truth for what files are loaded in the app and writable. This can
* be appended to via `ReceivedFileList.addFiles()`.
* @type {?ReceivedFileList}
let lastLoadedReceivedFileList = null;
* A file list consisting of all files received from the parent. Exposes the
* currently writable file and all other readable files in the current
* directory.
* @implements mediaApp.AbstractFileList
class ReceivedFileList {
/** @param {!LoadFilesMessage} filesMessage */
constructor(filesMessage) {
// We make sure the 0th item in the list is the writable one so we
// don't break older versions of the media app which uses item(0) instead
// of getCurrentlyWritable()
// TODO(b/151880563): remove this.
let writableFileIndex = filesMessage.writableFileIndex;
const files = filesMessage.files;
while (writableFileIndex > 0) {
this.length = files.length;
/** @type {!Array<!ReceivedFile>} */
this.files = => new ReceivedFile(f));
/** @type {number} */
this.writableFileIndex = 0;
/** @type {!Array<function(!mediaApp.AbstractFileList): void>} */
this.observers = [];
/** @override */
item(index) {
return this.files[index] || null;
* Returns the file which is currently writable or null if there isn't one.
* @override
* @return {?mediaApp.AbstractFile}
getCurrentlyWritable() {
return this.item(this.writableFileIndex);
* Loads in the next file in the list as a writable.
* @override
* @return {!Promise<undefined>}
async loadNext() {
// Awaiting this message send allows callers to wait for the full effects of
// the navigation to complete. This may include a call to load a new set of
// files, and the initial decode, which replaces this AbstractFileList and
// alters other app state.
await parentMessagePipe.sendMessage(Message.NAVIGATE, {direction: 1});
* Loads in the previous file in the list as a writable.
* @override
* @return {!Promise<undefined>}
async loadPrev() {
await parentMessagePipe.sendMessage(Message.NAVIGATE, {direction: -1});
/** @override */
addObserver(observer) {
/** @param {!Array<!ReceivedFile>} files */
addFiles(files) {
if (files.length === 0) {
this.files = [...this.files, ...files];
this.length = this.files.length;
// Call observers with the new underlying files. => o(this));
parentMessagePipe.registerHandler(Message.LOAD_FILES, async (message) => {
const filesMessage = /** @type {!LoadFilesMessage} */ (message);
lastLoadedReceivedFileList = new ReceivedFileList(filesMessage);
await loadFiles(lastLoadedReceivedFileList);
// Load extra files by appending to the current `ReceivedFileList`.
parentMessagePipe.registerHandler(Message.LOAD_EXTRA_FILES, async (message) => {
if (!lastLoadedReceivedFileList) {
const extraFilesMessage = /** @type {!LoadFilesMessage} */ (message);
const newFiles = => new ReceivedFile(f));
// As soon as the LOAD_FILES handler is installed, signal readiness to the
// parent frame (privileged context).
* A delegate which exposes privileged WebUI functionality to the media
* app.
* @type {!mediaApp.ClientApiDelegate}
const DELEGATE = {
async openFeedbackDialog() {
const response =
await parentMessagePipe.sendMessage(Message.OPEN_FEEDBACK_DIALOG);
return /** @type {?string} */ (response['errorMessage']);
* @param {!mediaApp.AbstractFile} abstractFile
* @return {!Promise<undefined>}
async saveCopy(abstractFile) {
/** @type {!SaveCopyMessage} */
const msg = {blob: abstractFile.blob, suggestedName:};
await parentMessagePipe.sendMessage(Message.SAVE_COPY, msg);
* Returns the media app if it can find it in the DOM.
* @return {?mediaApp.ClientApi}
function getApp() {
return /** @type {?mediaApp.ClientApi} */ (
* Loads a file list into the media app.
* @param {!ReceivedFileList} fileList
* @return {!Promise<undefined>}
async function loadFiles(fileList) {
const app = getApp();
if (app) {
await app.loadFiles(fileList);
} else {
// Note we don't await in this case, which may affect b/152729704.
window.customLaunchData = {files: fileList};
* Runs any initialization code on the media app once it is in the dom.
* @param {!mediaApp.ClientApi} app
function initializeApp(app) {
* Called when a mutation occurs on document.body to check if the media app is
* available.
* @param {!Array<!MutationRecord>} mutationsList
* @param {!MutationObserver} observer
function mutationCallback(mutationsList, observer) {
const app = getApp();
if (!app) {
// The media app now exists so we can initialize it.
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const app = getApp();
if (app) {
// If translations need to be fetched, the app element may not be added yet.
// In that case, observe <body> until it is.
const observer = new MutationObserver(mutationCallback);
observer.observe(document.body, {childList: true});
// Attempting to show file pickers in the sandboxed <iframe> is guaranteed to
// result in a SecurityError: hide them.
// TODO(crbug/1040328): Remove this when we have a polyfill that allows us to
// talk to the privileged frame.
window['chooseFileSystemEntries'] = null;
window['showOpenFilePicker'] = null;
window['showSaveFilePicker'] = null;
window['showDirectoryPicker'] = null;