blob: 8115cf1cb79f114e3e29ae4c88743ea883be3295 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Selects the first item in the file list.
* @param {string} windowId ID of the target window.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled on success.
function selectFirstListItem(windowId) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
// Ensure no selected item.
return remoteCall.waitForElementLost(
'div.detail-table > list > li[selected]');
}).then(function() {
// Push Down.
return remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil('fakeKeyDown',
// Down
['#file-list', 'Down', true]);
}).then(function() {
// Wait for selection.
return remoteCall.waitForElement(windowId,
'div.detail-table > list > li[selected]');
}).then(function() {
// Ensure that only the first item is selected.
return remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
['div.detail-table > list > li[selected]']);
}).then(function(elements) {
chrome.test.assertEq(1, elements.length);
chrome.test.assertEq('detail-table-1', elements[0].attributes['id']);
* Creates new folder.
* @param {string} windowId ID of the target window.
* @param {string} path Initial path.
* @param {Array.<TestEntryInfo>} initialEntrySet Initial set of entries.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled on success.
function createNewFolder(windowId, path, initialEntrySet) {
return Promise.resolve(
).then(function() {
// Push Ctrl + E.
return remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil('fakeKeyDown',
// Ctrl + E
['#file-list', 'U+0045', true]);
}).then(function() {
// Wait for rename text field.
return remoteCall.waitForElement(windowId, 'li[renaming] input.rename');
}).then(function() {
return remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
['div.detail-table > list > li[selected]']);
}).then(function(elements) {
// Ensure that only the new directory is selected and being renamed.
chrome.test.assertEq(1, elements.length);
chrome.test.assertTrue('renaming' in elements[0].attributes);
}).then(function() {
// Type new folder name.
return remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'inputText', windowId, ['input.rename', 'Test Folder Name']);
}).then(function() {
// Push Enter.
return remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
['input.rename', 'Enter', false]);
}).then(function() {
// Wait until rename completes.
return remoteCall.waitForElementLost(windowId, 'input.rename');
}).then(function() {
var expectedEntryRows = TestEntryInfo.getExpectedRows(initialEntrySet);
expectedEntryRows.push(['Test Folder Name', '--', 'Folder', '']);
// Wait for the new folder.
return remoteCall.waitForFiles(windowId,
{ignoreLastModifiedTime: true});
}).then(function() {
// Wait until the new created folder is selected.
var nameSpanQuery = 'div.detail-table > list > ' +
'li[selected]:not([renaming]) span.entry-name';
return repeatUntil(function() {
var selectedNameRetrievePromise = remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
['div.detail-table > list > li[selected] span.entry-name']);
return selectedNameRetrievePromise.then(function(elements) {
if (elements.length !== 1) {
return pending('Selection is not ready (elements: %j)', elements);
} else if (elements[0].text !== 'Test Folder Name') {
return pending('Selected item is wrong. (actual: %s)',
} else {
return true;
testcase.createNewFolderAfterSelectFile = function() {
var PATH = RootPath.DOWNLOADS;
var windowId = null;
var promise = new Promise(function(callback) {
setupAndWaitUntilReady(null, PATH, callback);
}).then(function(inWindowId) {
windowId = inWindowId;
return selectFirstListItem(windowId);
}).then(function() {
return createNewFolder(windowId, PATH, BASIC_LOCAL_ENTRY_SET);
testcase.createNewFolderDownloads = function() {
var PATH = RootPath.DOWNLOADS;
var promise = new Promise(function(callback) {
setupAndWaitUntilReady(null, PATH, callback);
}).then(function(windowId) {
return createNewFolder(windowId, PATH, BASIC_LOCAL_ENTRY_SET);
testcase.createNewFolderDrive = function() {
var PATH = RootPath.DRIVE;
var promise = new Promise(function(callback) {
setupAndWaitUntilReady(null, PATH, callback);
}).then(function(windowId) {
return createNewFolder(windowId, PATH, BASIC_DRIVE_ENTRY_SET);