Don't apply column-span:all for display:table-*

The spec doesn't allow this, and we crash if we allow it.

This fix is specific to the old / current multicol implementation. The
new one already does it correctly, FWIW.

The old / current multicol implementation has this concept of block
continuations, which we establish when there's a spanner inside some multicol
child. We do this before considering any render tree fixup for anonymous table
objects. These two render tree fixup mechanisms simply don't play well
together, and since table-* cannot become spanners, according to the spec,
there's no need to make them cope with such situations. Just prevent spanners
in such cases.


Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// bbb929c8-8fbe-4397-9dbb-9b2b20218538
13 files changed
tree: 663877ce7737ed1b37643a8e52c3189124deefd7
  1. third_party/