tree: 2a8b57e7705ab071ca0614ced4136a3297364aa3 [path history] [tgz]
  1. protos/
  2. resources/
  5. contextual_search_context.h
  6. contextual_search_controller.h
  9. contextual_search_delegate.h
  10. contextual_search_highlighter_view.h
  13. contextual_search_metrics.h
  15. contextual_search_panel_state.h
  16. js_contextual_search_manager.h
  18. OWNERS
  21. switches.h
  22. touch_to_search_permissions_mediator+testing.h
  24. touch_to_search_permissions_mediator.h
  27. window_gesture_observer.h


Touch-to-Search is a feature that allows a Chrome user to quickly run Google searches by touching the text they wish to search for on a web page they are viewing. The search results are displayed in an overlay that can be “promoted” into a new tab if the user desires.


The original name for Touch-to-Search was “Contextual Search”, and usage of that name persists in many contexts, including all of the class names in this code.


Touch-to-Search was available in a limited Finch trial on iOS phone devices in M41-44, and will be available to all users (phone and tablet) in M49. It is also available via chrome://flags.

Bug component



Generally speaking, a touch-to-search interaction goes through some or all of the following phases, and the transitions between each phase are asynchronous.

  1. Touch: The user taps on a word on the web page. This yields both the tapped word and the surrounding text for use as context.
  2. Dispatch: The word and context are dispatched as a query to Google Search servers. The Touch-to-Search UI is displayed with the initial tapped text and surrounding context displayed.
  3. Resolution: The resolved search term is returned along with the URL of the search results page. The UI is updated with the resolved search term, and the search results page starts to load.
  4. Page Display: The search tab page load is complete.
  5. Promotion: The contextual search panel is promoted to a new tab. This is initiated by user action (such as tapping on the search term, or tapping a link in the search results tab).

There is a slightly different flow of states for when the user long-presses on a word on the web page, initiating an iOS text selection.

Additionally, during or between many of these phases, the user may be interacting with the touch-to-search panel, changing its position.

Opt-Out flow

Privacy controls

Controller architecture

Touch detection and handling

Touch detection is handled both by native code and injected javascript. Broadly speaking, detection happens as follows:

  1. The Touch-to-Search controller adds a UITapGestureRecognizer to the current tab's web view.
  2. When this tap recognizer fires, the injected JavaScript method handleTapAtPoint() is called. This method determines if the tap was inside a plain text word.
  3. If it was, a ‘context’ object is returned that includes the URL of the page, the word that was tapped, the text surrounding the tapped word, and the position of the tapped word inside the text.
  4. Once the Touch-to-Search controller receives the callback from the javascript call, it displays the Touch-to-Search UI and composes and sends the search query for resolution.

This takes the Touch-to-Search system from the Touch to Dispatch phases as described in Behavior, above.

(There are numerous complicating factors inside this sequence; they are detailed in sections below.)

DOM Mutation Lock.

In order to highlight text on the web page, Touch-to-Search inserts (via the JavaScript component) HTML and CSS. So that this DOM modification doesn't interfere with other DOM modifications performed by Chrome (for example, find-in-page highlighting), tap processing is performed after obtaining a DOM mutation lock on the page.

Tap delay.

Some pages may dynamically adjust the page in response to a tap (for example, a non-native drop-down menu may be implemented this way). In order to give a page time to update in response to a tap, tap processing is delayed by (currently) 800ms.

Tap rejection on mutated DOM elements.

Tapping on sections of a page that have recently been changed doesn't trigger touch-to-search, again on the assumption that a recently-updated part of the page is actually a control updating in response to the tap. To detect this, each DOM modification on the page is observed via a JavaScript MutationObserver. For each mutation, the time and the mutated DOM element are recorded. Taps that are in elements contained by or containing elements modified since the original native tap event are rejected. In conjunction with the tap processing delay (above), this is implemented by checking for DOM elements modified as long ago as the tap processing was delayed.

The list of modified DOM elements is cleared of records older than the 800ms tap delay every time a mutation occurs, but not more frequently than the tap delay.


The Touch-to-Search UI consists of the following views, which appear above the active tab:

  • The panel (ContextualSearchPanelView), which contains the other views and moves up and down in response to user gestures.
  • The header (ContextualSearchHeaderView), which displays the tapped word and its context, and other UI elements.
  • The search tab, a specially-configured Tab which is displayed inside the panel, containing the results of the tap-to-search query.

Panel positions

The panel can be in several different positions relative to the current tab. The panel's horizontal position never varies; it is always the width of the tab. Vertically, the panel can be in any of four position. These are named differently on iOS and Android; Android names are in parenthesis. (At some point iOS will standardize on the Android names).

DISMISSED (CLOSED)Panel is offscreen, just below the current tab,
PEEKING (PEEKED)Panel is showing only the header at the bottom of the tab.
PREVIEWING (EXPANDED)Panel covers 2/3 of the tab, showing most of the search results.
COVERING (MAXIMIZED)Panel covers the entire tab, so the header overlaps the toolbar.


The header is the main piece of UI for touch-to-search. It shows the currently active search term, indicates the progress of the search term resolution, shows the “Google G” for brand identification, and shows a control that hints as to how to expand/dismiss the panel.



Animations use standard material animation durations:

Panel movement (non-dismissing)0.35s
Panel dismissal0.25s
Text and other transitions0.25s

Panel position changes


As the panel moves from PEEKING to PREVIEWING (whether dragged or animated), the following animations occur:

  1. The header control rotates clockwise from pointing upwards to pointing downwards.
  2. The current tab's web page content is shaded with (approximately) 66% opaque black.


Search term resolution and loading


When touch-to-search is initiated (assuming the panel is DISMISSED):

  1. The panel moves to PEEKING (0.35s). The header is in the “initial” state.
  2. The tapped word is highlighted. This is not animated.
  3. After the panel motion completes, the header text and control fade in (0.25s).
  4. After the fade-in is complete, the G-logo irises in (0.25s).

(Total animation time: 0.85s)

These animations aren't preempted even if resolution occurs after they complete.

Implementation notes.

The G-logo iris effect is implemented by adding a circular alpha channel layer as a mask to the G-logo image view; this mask layer is initially scaled to be very small, and has its transform animated to scale up and reveal the logo.


There is currently no animation during dispatch.


When resolution occurs:

  1. If possible, the highlighted text on the web page is expanded to cover the resolved search term.
  2. After any initial (see Touch, above) animations complete, the context text views fade, the query text cross-fades to show the resolved text, and (not implemented) the resolved text moves to be leading-aligned and to the leading side of the header (0.25s).
  3. (Not implemented) 1.0s after the text transitions complete, the resolved text moves upwards and the search results caption text fades in underneath.


See also