blob: afc2fadec9d8da2771424e72f17e38f5b633adad [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
// These tests rely on the User Agent providing an implementation of
// platform sensor backends.
// In Chromium-based browsers this implementation is provided by a polyfill
// in order to reduce the amount of test-only code shipped to users. To enable
// these tests the browser must be run with these options:
// --enable-blink-features=MojoJS,MojoJSTest
const loadChromiumResources = async () => {
if (!('MojoInterfaceInterceptor' in self)) {
// Do nothing on non-Chromium-based browsers or when the Mojo bindings are
// not present in the global namespace.
const resources = [
await Promise.all( => {
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = path;
script.async = false;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
script.onload = resolve;
script.onerror = reject;
return promise;
async function initialize_generic_sensor_tests() {
if (typeof GenericSensorTest === 'undefined') {
await loadChromiumResources();
typeof GenericSensorTest !== 'undefined',
'Mojo testing interface is not available.'
let sensorTest = new GenericSensorTest();
await sensorTest.initialize();
return sensorTest;
function sensor_test(func, name, properties) {
promise_test(async (t) => {
let sensorTest = await initialize_generic_sensor_tests();
try {
await func(t, sensorTest.getSensorProvider());
} finally {
await sensorTest.reset();
}, name, properties);
function verifySensorReading(pattern, values, timestamp, isNull) {
// If |val| cannot be converted to a float, we return the original value.
// This can happen when a value in |pattern| is not a number.
function round(val) {
const res = Number.parseFloat(val).toPrecision(6);
return res === "NaN" ? val : res;
if (isNull) {
return (values === null || values.every(r => r === null)) &&
timestamp === null;
return values.every((r, i) => round(r) === round(pattern[i])) &&
timestamp !== null;
function verifyXyzSensorReading(pattern, {x, y, z, timestamp}, isNull) {
return verifySensorReading(pattern, [x, y, z], timestamp, isNull);
function verifyQuatSensorReading(pattern, {quaternion, timestamp}, isNull) {
return verifySensorReading(pattern, quaternion, timestamp, isNull);
function verifyAlsSensorReading(pattern, {illuminance, timestamp}, isNull) {
return verifySensorReading(pattern, [illuminance], timestamp, isNull);
function verifyGeoSensorReading(pattern, {latitude, longitude, altitude,
accuracy, altitudeAccuracy, heading, speed, timestamp}, isNull) {
return verifySensorReading(pattern, [latitude, longitude, altitude,
accuracy, altitudeAccuracy, heading, speed], timestamp, isNull);
function verifyProximitySensorReading(pattern, {distance, max, near, timestamp}, isNull) {
return verifySensorReading(pattern, [distance, max, near], timestamp, isNull);
// A "sliding window" that iterates over |data| and returns one item at a
// time, advancing and wrapping around as needed. |data| must be an array of
// arrays.
class RingBuffer {
constructor(data) {
this.bufferPosition_ = 0;
// Validate |data|'s format and deep-copy every element.
this.data_ = Array.from(data, element => {
if (!Array.isArray(element)) {
throw new TypeError('Every |data| element must be an array.');
return Array.from(element);
next() {
const value = this.data_[this.bufferPosition_];
this.bufferPosition_ = (this.bufferPosition_ + 1) % this.data_.length;
return { done: false, value: value };
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this;