Import wpt@4bc37b9ed1a901ad1fe872f2eacef3c5a8a2f0c3

Using wpt-import in Chromium e9d0a01bc47d487b5b7467952590e962c6584c4e.
With Chromium commits locally applied on WPT:
14c111075b "Implement `Sec-CH-Lang`"
df760ab0b2 "Don't skip past auto-height flexboxes in quirks mode."
cd40220a07 "Fix as=fetch preload where preload is used before response arrives"
1d89521e35 "[LayoutNG] Force relayout when constraint spaces change."
98e7141b53 "Fix 2_tracks, 3_tracks wpt/webvtt tests"
68d5240e06 "[ChromeDriver] Set key modifiers with mouse actions"
359fd7dab8 "[PE] Fix rendering issue with effect escaping in pre-CompositeAfterPaint"
52cfb86fe0 "[WPT] Move common.js from {referrer-policy,mixed-content} to common/security-features"

Note to sheriffs: This CL imports external tests and adds
expectations for those tests; if this CL is large and causes
a few new failures, please fix the failures by adding new
lines to TestExpectations rather than reverting. See:


No-Export: true
Change-Id: Ifb58eb7f73f3725e416e35394e5b466cfe5ea31f
Reviewed-by: WPT Autoroller <>
Commit-Queue: WPT Autoroller <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#634970}
3 files changed