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  1. chrome/
  2. DEPS

iOS Chrome Architecture

/ios/clean/ houses a revised and updated architecture for iOS Chrome's UI. iOS is in the process of migrating into this new architecture. During this process, code in /ios/clean should not depend on code in ios/chrome/browser/ui, or vice-versa; instead code that is shared between the two will be moved into ios/shared.

This document is a general overview of the fundamental concepts of the new architecture. More specific documentation is located alongside the implementations.

Goals and core principles.

The goals of the new architecture, briefly, are to:

  • Allow for radical user interface experimentation and changes.
  • Make development and maintenance of features easier.
  • Cut the Gordian knots of the existing architecture, removing the need for unmaintainable monster classes that accrete functionality.
  • Keep up with the evolution if iOS by providing a structure in which the affordances provided by Cocoa Touch can be used without radical changes.

In order to meet these goals, the new architecture is designed according to these three core principles:

  • Strong Decoupling. Components of the browser, especially UI components, should not depend on other components explicitly. Where components interact, they should do so through protocols or other abstractions that prevent tight coupling.
  • Strong Encapsulation. A complement to decoupling is encapsulation. Components of the browser should expose little specifics about their implementation or state. Public APIs should be as small as possible. Architectural commonalities (for example, the use of a common superclass for coordinators) will mean that the essential interfaces for complex components can be both small and common across many implementations. Overall the combination of decoupling and encapsulation means that components of Chrome can be rearranged or removed without impacting the rest of the application.
  • Separation of layers. Objects should operate at a specific layer, and their interactions with objects in other layers should be well-defined. We distinguish model, coordinator, and UI layers.


View controllers.

Since this is an iOS application, view controllers remain a fundamental building block of the user interface. However, the scope of a view controller’s responsibilities are strongly constrained. View controllers are responsible for the display and user interactions of a specific piece of user interface. They may contain, or be contained in, other view controllers in order to compose the complete UI that a user interacts with.

For example, when viewing a web page in a Chrome tab, the web page contents, the toolbar above the page, and the location bar in the toolbar are each separate view controllers, and a fourth view controller is responsible for composing them together. View controllers do not directly interact with each other or with any model-layer services.


Since view controllers are heavily encapsulated, another object is responsible for creating them and connecting them to other objects. This object is a coordinator, and in this architecture all coordinators are subclasses of BrowserCoordinator. Coordinators exist in a hierarchy, roughly parallel to the view controller hierarchy; each coordinator can have multiple child coordinators, and there is a single root coordinator that is created when the application launches.

The primary role of coordinators is to create and configure their view controller, connect it to a mediator and/or a dispatcher (see below), and to handle the creation and lifecycle of any child view controllers. Coordinators shouldn’t directly interact with model-layer services, and should contain little if any “business logic”.


Mediators encapsulate the interactions between the model layer and the user interface. They are created by coordinators and are handed connections to any model-layer services they need, as well as to a “consumer” which they will push user interface configuration and updates into.

The consumer is typically a view controller, and there is a consumer protocol defined as part of the UI layer that the view controller adopts for this purpose. A view controller that integrates UI updates from multiple model services may be consuming from multiple mediators and may thus implement multiple consumer protocols.

Mediators can be either Objective-C or C++ objects, and there isn't a universal superclass for them.

Service Objects.

Coordinators are created with access to a number of “service objects” that they may connect to mediators and view controllers. By default a coordinator passes pointers to all of these objects into their children.

The inventory of service objects includes:

  • WebStateList: An observable, mutable, ordered collection of WebStates. A WebState is the model-layer representation of a browser tab.

  • BrowserState: The ChromeBrowserState object as used in the old architecture.

  • Dispatcher: A decoupled interface over which application-level method calls may be made; see below.

  • Broadcaster: A decoupled interface over which some properties of the user interface may be observed.

Some of these service objects are contained inside a Browser object, which represents a collection of user tabs, equivalent to a window on desktop platforms.

The Dispatcher merits special discussion. The role of the dispatcher is to opaquely route Objective-C method calls. The dispatcher can register objects to handle specific method calls, or an entire protocol. These protocols are conventionally called ‘commands’.

Coordinators typically register themselves or the mediators they own to handle commands related to the area of their responsibility. The dispatcher is handed into the view controller that a coordinator creates in the guise of a generic Objective-C object that conforms to the command protocols that the view controller needs. This allows the view controller to call methods on objects that its coordinator doesn’t directly know about.


Within this basic structure, and given the overall principles of decoupling, encapsulation, and separation of layers, there are a number of restrictions that all of these classes of objects should adhere to.

View Controllers

  • Cannot directly create or interact with any other specific classes of view controllers. View controllers that contain other view controllers should have public properties or methods for these embedded view controllers to be provided; internally they are limited to adding, removing, positioning, and resizing any such view controllers.

  • Cannot depend on any model-layer objects or types.

  • Should only operate on the main thread.

  • Should not be their own transitioning delegates; an object from the coordinator layer (usually the coordinator) should handle that.

  • Should handle action methods for their own UI, or, if appropriate, have the command-handling object they are given (a pointer to the dispatcher) be the target for control actions.

  • Should only take input from other parts of the application by having them pushed over the consumer interface (or interfaces).

  • Should only send messages to the rest of the application directly via the dispatcher.

The UI layer

View controllers, the consumer protocols they adopt, and associated classes and assets constitute the “UI layer” of the application, and it is a separate source set in the gn configurations. The UI layer should have no dependencies on coordinators, mediators, or model objects.


  • Should only pass a minimal set of service objects into mediators or other objects that require them. Rather than passing a Browser or BrowserState, they should pass specific services or sub-objects. Rather than passing the Dispatcher, they should cast it into an id object that conforms to the protocol(s) the object requires.

  • Should only handle command method whose execution is mostly a matter of creating, starting, or stopping other coordinators. Interactions with model-layer objects should be handled by mediators. Coordinators can have methods dispatch to their mediator.

  • Should only operate on the main thread.

  • If custom view controller presentation or animation is required, the coordinator can be the presented view controller’s transitioning delegate, or it can create a helper object for that.


  • Should have any services they need passed into them by the coordinator. They shouldn’t depend on singletons, or on aggregate service objects such as BrowserState.

  • Can communicate with their consumer only over the consumer interface and only on the main thread. It is the mediator’s responsibility to manage any model updates that occur on other threads and consolidate them into updates sent to the consumer on the main thread.

  • Can only send Foundation value types, collections, or data classes containing them to their consumer.

  • Cannot expose any kind of delegate interface for the consumer to call. Mediators push updates to consumers, and view controllers call command methods to induce model changes.


  • Should only be used for “command-ish” methods. The dispatcher shouldn’t be used to implement what are functionally delegation, observation, or notification relationships. Other tools (such as the Broadcaster, and model-layer observers) exist for those purposes.