blob: 6c37372e38a4ddfbfba68da4ba10135621795120 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
onload = function() {
var getURL = chrome.extension.getURL;
chrome.tabs.create({"url": "about:blank"}, function(tab) {
var tabId =;
// Navigates to an URL.
function simpleLoad() {
{ label: "a-onBeforeNavigate",
event: "onBeforeNavigate",
details: { frameId: 0,
parentFrameId: -1,
processId: -1,
tabId: 0,
timeStamp: 0,
url: getURL('a.html') }},
{ label: "a-onCommitted",
event: "onCommitted",
details: { frameId: 0,
processId: 0,
tabId: 0,
timeStamp: 0,
transitionQualifiers: [],
transitionType: "link",
url: getURL('a.html') }},
{ label: "a-onDOMContentLoaded",
event: "onDOMContentLoaded",
details: { frameId: 0,
processId: 0,
tabId: 0,
timeStamp: 0,
url: getURL('a.html') }},
{ label: "a-onCompleted",
event: "onCompleted",
details: { frameId: 0,
processId: 0,
tabId: 0,
timeStamp: 0,
url: getURL('a.html') }}],
[ navigationOrder("a-") ]);
chrome.tabs.update(tabId, { url: getURL('a.html') });