blob: 36e76d560141f25e5785af2255ddfea63656e86c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('destination_settings_test', function() {
/** @enum {string} */
const TestNames = {
ChangeButtonState: 'change button state',
const suiteName = 'DestinationSettingsTest';
suite(suiteName, function() {
/** @type {?PrintPreviewDestinationSettingsElement} */
let destinationSettings = null;
/** @override */
setup(function() {
destinationSettings =
destinationSettings.disabled = false;
destinationSettings.destinationStore = null;
destinationSettings.state = print_preview_new.State.NOT_READY;
// Tests that the change button is enabled or disabled correctly based on
// the state.
test(assert(TestNames.ChangeButtonState), function() {
const button = destinationSettings.$$('paper-button');
// Initial state: No destination store, button should be disabled.
// Set up the destination store, but no destination yet. Button is now
// enabled.
const userInfo = new print_preview.UserInfo();
const destinationStore = new print_preview.DestinationStore(
userInfo, new WebUIListenerTracker());
false /* isInAppKioskMode */, 'FooDevice' /* printerName */,
'' /* serializedDefaultDestinationSelectionRulesStr */,
[] /* recentDestinations */);
destinationSettings.destinationStore = destinationStore;
destinationSettings.state = print_preview_new.State.NOT_READY;
// Simulate loading a destination and setting state to ready. The button
// is still enabled.
destinationSettings.destination = new print_preview.Destination(
'FooDevice', print_preview.DestinationType.LOCAL,
print_preview.DestinationOrigin.LOCAL, 'FooName', true /* isRecent */,
destinationSettings.state = print_preview_new.State.READY;
// Simulate setting a setting to an invalid value. Button is disabled due
// to validation error on another control.
destinationSettings.state = print_preview_new.State.INVALID_TICKET;
destinationSettings.disabled = true;
// Simulate the user fixing the validation error, and then selecting an
// invalid printer. Button is enabled, so that the user can fix the error.
destinationSettings.state = print_preview_new.State.READY;
destinationSettings.disabled = false;
destinationSettings.state = print_preview_new.State.INVALID_PRINTER;
destinationSettings.disabled = true;
return {
suiteName: suiteName,
TestNames: TestNames,