Add blacklist checks for javascript:// ulrs

Investigation in showed that
blacklists (URLBlacklist and URLWhitelist policies) are applied only to
“normal” urls, not ones with “javascript” scheme. This is because this
URLs (and some more, like “chrome://crash”) are so-called Renderer Debug
URLs, they don't need network fetch or something like that, and they are
just passed into renderer.

So to make blacklists work for such URLs we have to make additional

Bug: 913334
Change-Id: I109cf27640d641fc35f449ef0bfd622d19a6c27b
Reviewed-by: Camille Lamy <>
Reviewed-by: Sergey Poromov <>
Commit-Queue: Oleg Davydov <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#629135}
7 files changed