blob: ca9881429451341fcada8c7484b4e14fa6efa3ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
QUnit.module('base.inherits', {
beforeEach: function() {
var base_inherits = {};
base_inherits.setupTestClasses = function() {
* @constructor
* @extends {base_inherits.ChildClass}
base_inherits.GrandChildClass = function() {
base.inherits(this, base_inherits.ChildClass); = 'grandChild';
* @param {string} arg
* @return {string}
base_inherits.GrandChildClass.prototype.overrideMethod = function(arg) {
return 'overrideMethod - grandChild - ' + arg;
* @constructor
* @extends {base_inherits.ParentClass}
base_inherits.ChildClass = function() {
base.inherits(this, base_inherits.ParentClass, 'parentArg'); = 'child';
this.childOnly = 'childOnly';
* @param {string} arg
* @return {string}
base_inherits.ChildClass.prototype.overrideMethod = function(arg) {
return 'overrideMethod - child - ' + arg;
/** @return {string} */
base_inherits.ChildClass.prototype.childMethod = function() {
return 'childMethod';
* @param {string} arg
* @constructor
base_inherits.ParentClass = function(arg) {
/** @type {string} */ = 'parent';
/** @type {string} */
this.parentOnly = 'parentOnly';
/** @type {string} */
this.parentConstructorArg = arg;
// Record the parent method so that we can ensure that it is available in
// the parent constructor regardless of what type of object |this| points to.
this.parentMethodDuringCtor = this.parentMethod;
/** @return {string} */
base_inherits.ParentClass.prototype.parentMethod = function() {
return 'parentMethod';
* @param {string} arg
* @return {string}
base_inherits.ParentClass.prototype.overrideMethod = function(arg) {
return 'overrideMethod - parent - ' + arg;
QUnit.test('should invoke parent constructor with the correct arguments',
function(assert) {
var child = new base_inherits.ChildClass();
assert.equal(child.parentConstructorArg, 'parentArg');
QUnit.test('should preserve parent property and method', function(assert) {
var child = new base_inherits.ChildClass();
assert.equal(child.parentOnly, 'parentOnly');
assert.equal(child.parentMethod(), 'parentMethod');
QUnit.test('should preserve instanceof', function(assert) {
var child = new base_inherits.ChildClass();
var grandChild = new base_inherits.GrandChildClass();
assert.ok(child instanceof base_inherits.ParentClass);
assert.ok(child instanceof base_inherits.ChildClass);
assert.ok(grandChild instanceof base_inherits.ParentClass);
assert.ok(grandChild instanceof base_inherits.ChildClass);
assert.ok(grandChild instanceof base_inherits.GrandChildClass);
QUnit.test('should override parent property and method', function(assert) {
var child = new base_inherits.ChildClass();
assert.equal(, 'child');
assert.equal(child.overrideMethod('123'), 'overrideMethod - child - 123');
assert.equal(child.childOnly, 'childOnly');
assert.equal(child.childMethod(), 'childMethod');
QUnit.test('should work on an inheritance chain', function(assert) {
var grandChild = new base_inherits.GrandChildClass();
assert.equal(, 'grandChild');
'overrideMethod - grandChild - 246');
assert.equal(grandChild.childOnly, 'childOnly');
assert.equal(grandChild.childMethod(), 'childMethod');
assert.equal(grandChild.parentOnly, 'parentOnly');
assert.equal(grandChild.parentMethod(), 'parentMethod');
QUnit.test('should be able to access parent class methods', function(assert) {
var grandChild = new base_inherits.GrandChildClass();
'overrideMethod - grandChild - 789');
var childMethod = base_inherits.ChildClass.prototype.overrideMethod.
call(grandChild, '81');
assert.equal(childMethod, 'overrideMethod - child - 81');
var parentMethod = base_inherits.ParentClass.prototype.overrideMethod.
call(grandChild, '4');
assert.equal(parentMethod, 'overrideMethod - parent - 4');
QUnit.test('parent ctor should have access to parent methods',
function(assert) {
var child = new base_inherits.ChildClass();
var parent = new base_inherits.ParentClass('blah');