blob: 8cd300e0d4142d364b12299b05d9f7ad98c5d25a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview
* Module to support debug overlay window with connection stats.
'use strict';
/** @suppress {duplicate} */
var remoting = remoting || {};
* @constructor
* @param {Element} statsElement The HTML div to which to update stats.
* @param {remoting.ClientPlugin} plugin
* @param {remoting.WindowShape=} opt_windowShape
* @implements {remoting.WindowShape.ClientUI}
* @implements {base.Disposable}
remoting.ConnectionStats = function(statsElement, plugin, opt_windowShape) {
/** @private */
this.statsElement_ = statsElement;
/** @private {remoting.ClientSession.PerfStats} */
this.mostRecent_ = null
/** @private */
this.plugin_ = plugin;
var that = this;
/** @private */
this.timer_ = new base.RepeatingTimer(function(){
}, 1000, true);
/** @private */
this.windowShape_ = opt_windowShape;
if (this.windowShape_) {
remoting.ConnectionStats.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.timer_ = null;
this.plugin_ = null;
if (this.windowShape_) {
* @return {remoting.ClientSession.PerfStats} The most recently-set PerfStats,
* or null if update() has not yet been called.
remoting.ConnectionStats.prototype.mostRecent = function() {
return this.mostRecent_;
* Show or hide the connection stats div.
remoting.ConnectionStats.prototype.toggle = function() {
this.statsElement_.hidden = !this.statsElement_.hidden;
* @return {boolean}
remoting.ConnectionStats.prototype.isVisible = function() {
return !this.statsElement_.hidden;
* Show or hide the connection stats div.
* @param {boolean} show
*/ = function(show) {
this.statsElement_.hidden = !show;
* If the stats panel is visible, add its bounding rectangle to the specified
* region.
* @param {Array<{left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number}>}
* rects List of rectangles.
remoting.ConnectionStats.prototype.addToRegion = function(rects) {
if (!this.statsElement_.hidden) {
* Update the statistics panel.
* @param {remoting.ClientSession.PerfStats} stats The connection statistics.
remoting.ConnectionStats.prototype.update = function(stats) {
this.mostRecent_ = stats;
var units = '';
var videoBandwidth = stats.videoBandwidth;
if (videoBandwidth != undefined) {
if (videoBandwidth < 1024) {
units = 'Bps';
} else if (videoBandwidth < 1048576) {
units = 'KiBps';
videoBandwidth = videoBandwidth / 1024;
} else if (videoBandwidth < 1073741824) {
units = 'MiBps';
videoBandwidth = videoBandwidth / 1048576;
} else {
units = 'GiBps';
videoBandwidth = videoBandwidth / 1073741824;
* @param {number} value
* @param {string} units
* @param {number} digits
* @return {string} Formatted number.
function formatStatNumber(value, units, digits) {
return value.toFixed(digits) + ' ' + units;
* @param {string} type
* @param {number} avg
* @param {number} max
* @return {string} "type: avg, max; " e.g. "RTT: 8.0, 13; "
function formatStat(type, avg, max) {
return type + ': ' + avg.toFixed(1) + ', ' + max + '; ';
var statistics = document.getElementById('statistics');
this.statsElement_.innerText = (
'(avg, max in ms) ' +
formatStat('Capture', stats.captureLatency, stats.maxCaptureLatency) +
formatStat('Encode', stats.encodeLatency, stats.maxEncodeLatency) +
formatStat('Decode', stats.decodeLatency, stats.maxDecodeLatency) +
formatStat('Render', stats.renderLatency, stats.maxRenderLatency) +
formatStat('RTT', stats.roundtripLatency, stats.maxRoundtripLatency) +
'Bandwidth: ' + formatStatNumber(videoBandwidth, units, 2) + '; ' +
'Frame Rate: ' + formatStatNumber(stats.videoFrameRate, 'fps', 1)