blob: 01959912e314d357b6a8273a46cdf162691041ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
var remoting = remoting || {};
/** @typedef {{clientId: string, sharedSecret: string}} */
/** @typedef {{token: string, secret: string}} */
* Parameters for the remoting.CredentialsProvider constructor.
* fetchPin: Called by Me2Me connections when a PIN needs to be obtained
* interactively.
* pairingInfo: The pairing info for Me2Me Connections.
* accessCode: It2Me access code. If present, the |fetchPin| callback will be
* ignored.
* fetchThirdPartyToken: Called when a third party authentication token
* is needed
* @typedef {{
* accessCode: (string|undefined),
* fetchPin: (function(boolean,function(string): void)|undefined),
* pairingInfo: (remoting.PairingInfo|undefined),
* fetchThirdPartyToken:
* (function(string ,string , string,
* function(string, string):void) | undefined)
* }}
* @param {remoting.CredentialsProviderParams} args
* @constructor
remoting.CredentialsProvider = function(args) {
/** @private */
this.fetchPin_ = (args.accessCode) ? this.getAccessCode_ : args.fetchPin;
/** @private */
this.pairingInfo_ = args.pairingInfo;
/** @private */
this.accessCode_ = args.accessCode;
/** @private */
this.fetchThirdPartyToken_ = args.fetchThirdPartyToken;
/** @private {?remoting.ChromotingEvent.AuthMethod} */
this.authMethod_ = null;
/** @returns {void} */
remoting.CredentialsProvider.prototype.getAccessCode_ = function(
/** boolean */ supportsPairing, /** Function */ callback) {
this.authMethod_ = remoting.ChromotingEvent.AuthMethod.ACCESS_CODE;
/** @returns {remoting.PairingInfo} */
remoting.CredentialsProvider.prototype.getPairingInfo = function() {
if (this.pairingInfo_) {
this.authMethod_ = remoting.ChromotingEvent.AuthMethod.PINLESS;
return this.pairingInfo_ || { clientId: '', sharedSecret: ''};
* @param {boolean} pairingSupported Whether pairing is supported by the host.
* @returns {Promise<string>}
remoting.CredentialsProvider.prototype.getPIN = function(pairingSupported) {
var that = this;
if (!this.fetchPin_) {
this.authMethod_ = remoting.ChromotingEvent.AuthMethod.PIN;
return new Promise(function(/** function(string) */ resolve) {
that.fetchPin_(pairingSupported, resolve);
* @param {string} tokenUrl Token-issue URL received from the host.
* @param {string} hostPublicKey Host public key (DER and Base64 encoded).
* @param {string} scope OAuth scope to request the token for.
* @returns {Promise<remoting.ThirdPartyToken>}
remoting.CredentialsProvider.prototype.getThirdPartyToken = function(
tokenUrl, hostPublicKey, scope) {
var that = this;
if (!this.fetchThirdPartyToken_) {
Promise.resolve({token: '', secret: ''});
this.authMethod_ = remoting.ChromotingEvent.AuthMethod.THIRD_PARTY;
return new Promise(function(/** Function */ resolve) {
var onTokenFetched = function(/** string */ token, /** string */ secret) {
resolve({token: token, secret: secret});
that.fetchThirdPartyToken_(tokenUrl, hostPublicKey, scope, onTokenFetched);
/** @return {?remoting.ChromotingEvent.AuthMethod} */
remoting.CredentialsProvider.prototype.getAuthMethod = function() {
return this.authMethod_;