blob: 96454f09536a9912d0396ef7fad7dffa06e64f5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview
* Class handling saving and restoring of per-host options.
/** @suppress {duplicate} */
var remoting = remoting || {};
'use strict';
* @param {string} hostId
* @constructor
remoting.HostOptions = function (hostId) {
/** @private @const */
this.hostId_ = hostId;
// This class violates the convention that private variables end with an
// underscore because it simplifies the load/save code.
/** @private {?boolean} */
this.shrinkToFit = null;
/** @private {?boolean} */
this.resizeToClient = null;
/** @private {?number} */
this.desktopScale = null;
/** @private {?remoting.PairingInfo} */
this.pairingInfo = null;
/** @private {Object} */
this.remapKeys = null;
* Create a typed HostOptions instance from an untyped Object.
* @param {Object} object
* @param {string} hostId
* @return {remoting.HostOptions}
remoting.HostOptions.fromObject = function(object, hostId) {
var result = new remoting.HostOptions(hostId);
try {
result.shrinkToFit = base.assertBoolean(object.shrinkToFit);
} catch (e) {}
try {
result.resizeToClient = base.assertBoolean(object.resizeToClient);
} catch (e) {}
try {
result.desktopScale = base.assertNumber(object.desktopScale);
} catch (e) {}
try {
pairingInfo = base.assertObject(object.pairingInfo);
} catch (e) {}
try {
remapKeys = base.assertObject(object.remapKeys);
} catch (e) {}
return result;
/** @return {boolean} True if the remote desktop should be reduced in size to
* fit a smaller client window; false if scroll-bars or bump-scrolling
* should be used instead.
remoting.HostOptions.prototype.getShrinkToFit = function() {
return (this.shrinkToFit == null) ? true : this.shrinkToFit;
/** @param {boolean} shrinkToFit */
remoting.HostOptions.prototype.setShrinkToFit = function(shrinkToFit) {
this.shrinkToFit = shrinkToFit;
/** @return {boolean} True if the remote desktop should be resized to fit the
* client window size.
remoting.HostOptions.prototype.getResizeToClient = function() {
return (this.resizeToClient == null) ? true : this.resizeToClient;
/** @param {boolean} resizeToClient */
remoting.HostOptions.prototype.setResizeToClient = function(resizeToClient) {
this.resizeToClient = resizeToClient;
/** @return {number} The scaling factor applied when rendering or resizing the
* remote desktop.
remoting.HostOptions.prototype.getDesktopScale = function() {
return (this.desktopScale == null) ? 1 : this.desktopScale;
/** @param {number} desktopScale */
remoting.HostOptions.prototype.setDesktopScale = function(desktopScale) {
this.desktopScale = desktopScale;
* @return {!remoting.PairingInfo} The pairing info for this client/host pair.
remoting.HostOptions.prototype.getPairingInfo = function() {
return (this.pairingInfo == null)
? {clientId: '', sharedSecret: ''}
: /** @type {remoting.PairingInfo} */ (base.deepCopy(this.pairingInfo));
* @param {!remoting.PairingInfo} pairingInfo
remoting.HostOptions.prototype.setPairingInfo = function(pairingInfo) {
this.pairingInfo =
/** @type {remoting.PairingInfo} */ (base.deepCopy(pairingInfo));
* @return {!Object} The key remapping to apply to connections to this host.
remoting.HostOptions.prototype.getRemapKeys = function() {
if (this.remapKeys == null) {
return (remoting.platformIsChromeOS()) ? {0x0700e4: 0x0700e7} : {};
} else {
return /** @type {!Object} */ (base.deepCopy(this.remapKeys));
* @param {string|!Object} remapKeys The new key remapping, either in the new-
* style dictionary format, or the old-style "from>to,..." string encoding.
remoting.HostOptions.prototype.setRemapKeys = function(remapKeys) {
this.remapKeys = (typeof remapKeys == 'string')
? remapKeysFromString_(/** @type {string} */(remapKeys))
: /** @type {!Object} */ (base.deepCopy(remapKeys))
* Save the settings for this host. Only settings that have been set using one
* of the setter methods are saved.
* @return {Promise} Promise resolved when the save is complete.
*/ = function() {
var settings = base.copyWithoutNullFields(this);
delete settings['hostId_']; // No need to save the hostId
var hostId = this.hostId_;
return remoting.HostOptions.loadInternal_().then(
function(/** Object */ allHosts) {
allHosts[hostId] = settings;
var newSettings = {};
newSettings[remoting.HostOptions.KEY_] = JSON.stringify(allHosts);
var deferred = new base.Deferred();,
function() { deferred.resolve(); });
return deferred.promise();
* Load the settings for this host.
* @return {Promise} Promise resolved when the load is complete.
remoting.HostOptions.prototype.load = function() {
var that = this;
return remoting.HostOptions.loadInternal_().then(
function(/** Object */ allHosts) {
if (allHosts.hasOwnProperty(that.hostId_) &&
typeof(allHosts[that.hostId_]) == 'object') {
/** @type {!Object} */
var host = allHosts[that.hostId_];
base.mergeWithoutNullFields(that, host);
// Older clients stored remapKeys as a string, which will be decoded
// in setRemapKeys().
if (typeof that.remapKeys == 'string') {
that.setRemapKeys(/** @type {string} */ (host['remapKeys']));
* Helper function for both load and save.
* @return {Promise<Object>} Promise resolved with the current settings for
* all hosts.
* @private
remoting.HostOptions.loadInternal_ = function() {
var deferred = new base.Deferred();
* @param {Object} storageResult The current options for all hosts.
var onDone = function(storageResult) {
var result = {};
try {
/** @type {string} */
var allHosts = storageResult[remoting.HostOptions.KEY_];
if (allHosts && typeof allHosts == 'string') {
result = base.jsonParseSafe(allHosts);
if (typeof(result) != 'object') {
console.error('Error loading host settings: Not an object');
result = {};
} catch (/** @type {*} */ err) {
console.error('Error loading host settings:', err);
};, onDone);
return deferred.promise();
* Convert an old-style string key remapping into a new-style dictionary one.
* @param {string} remappings
* @return {!Object} The same remapping expressed as a dictionary.
function remapKeysFromString_(remappings) {
var remappingsArr = remappings.split(',');
var result = {};
for (var i = 0; i < remappingsArr.length; ++i) {
var keyCodes = remappingsArr[i].split('>');
if (keyCodes.length != 2) {
console.log('bad remapKey: ' + remappingsArr[i]);
var fromKey = parseInt(keyCodes[0], 0);
var toKey = parseInt(keyCodes[1], 0);
if (!fromKey || !toKey) {
console.log('bad remapKey code: ' + remappingsArr[i]);
result[fromKey] = toKey;
return result;
/** @type {string} @private */
remoting.HostOptions.KEY_ = 'remoting-host-options';