blob: dc50fd15230075b5fff3daeb29c78345f174664d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview
* Utility class for making XHRs more pleasant.
* Note: a mock version of this API exists in mock_xhr.js.
/** @suppress {duplicate} */
var remoting = remoting || {};
(function() {
'use strict';
* @constructor
* @param {remoting.Xhr.Params} params
remoting.Xhr = function(params) {
// Apply URL parameters.
var url = params.url;
var parameterString = '';
if (typeof(params.urlParams) === 'string') {
parameterString = params.urlParams;
} else if (typeof(params.urlParams) === 'object') {
parameterString = remoting.Xhr.urlencodeParamHash(
if (parameterString) {
url += '?' + parameterString;
// Prepare the build modified headers.
/** @const */
this.headers_ = base.copyWithoutNullFields(params.headers);
// Convert the content fields to a single text content variable.
/** @private {?string} */
this.content_ = null;
if (params.textContent !== undefined) {
this.content_ = params.textContent;
} else if (params.formContent !== undefined) {
this.content_ = remoting.Xhr.urlencodeParamHash(params.formContent);
} else if (params.jsonContent !== undefined) {
this.content_ = JSON.stringify(params.jsonContent);
// Apply the oauthToken field.
if (params.oauthToken !== undefined) {
/** @private @const {boolean} */
this.acceptJson_ = params.acceptJson || false;
if (this.acceptJson_) {
this.maybeSetHeader_('Accept', 'application/json');
// Apply useIdentity field.
/** @const {boolean} */
this.useIdentity_ = params.useIdentity || false;
/** @private @const {!XMLHttpRequest} */
this.nativeXhr_ = new XMLHttpRequest();
this.nativeXhr_.onreadystatechange = this.onReadyStateChange_.bind(this);
this.nativeXhr_.withCredentials = params.withCredentials || false;, url, true);
/** @private {base.Deferred<!remoting.Xhr.Response>} */
this.deferred_ = null;
* Starts and HTTP request and gets a promise that is resolved when
* the request completes.
* Any error that prevents sending the request causes the promise to
* be rejected.
* NOTE: Calling this method more than once will return the same
* promise and not start a new request, despite what the name
* suggests.
* @return {!Promise<!remoting.Xhr.Response>}
remoting.Xhr.prototype.start = function() {
if (this.deferred_ == null) {
this.deferred_ = new base.Deferred();
// Send the XHR, possibly after getting an OAuth token.
var that = this;
if (this.useIdentity_) {
remoting.identity.getToken().then(function(token) {
console.assert(that.nativeXhr_.readyState == 1,
'Bad |readyState|: ' + that.nativeXhr_.readyState + '.');
}).catch(function(error) {
} else {
return this.deferred_.promise();
* The set of possible fields in remoting.Xhr.Params.
* @const
* @param {remoting.Xhr.Params} params
* @throws {Error} if params are invalid
* @private
remoting.Xhr.checkParams_ = function(params) {
// Provide a sensible error message when the user misspells a
// parameter name, since the compiler won't catch it.
for (var field in params) {
if (ALLOWED_PARAMS.indexOf(field) == -1) {
throw new Error('unknow parameter: ' + field);
if (params.urlParams) {
if (params.url.indexOf('?') != -1) {
throw new Error('URL may not contain "?" when urlParams is set');
if (params.url.indexOf('#') != -1) {
throw new Error('URL may not contain "#" when urlParams is set');
if ((Number(params.textContent !== undefined) +
Number(params.formContent !== undefined) +
Number(params.jsonContent !== undefined)) > 1) {
throw new Error(
'may only specify one of textContent, formContent, and jsonContent');
if (params.useIdentity && params.oauthToken !== undefined) {
throw new Error('may not specify both useIdentity and oauthToken');
if ((params.useIdentity || params.oauthToken !== undefined) &&
params.headers &&
params.headers['Authorization'] != null) {
throw new Error(
'may not specify useIdentity or oauthToken ' +
'with an Authorization header');
* @param {string} token
* @private
remoting.Xhr.prototype.setAuthToken_ = function(token) {
this.setHeader_('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token);
* @param {string} type
* @private
remoting.Xhr.prototype.maybeSetContentType_ = function(type) {
this.maybeSetHeader_('Content-type', type + '; charset=UTF-8');
* @param {string} key
* @param {string} value
* @private
remoting.Xhr.prototype.setHeader_ = function(key, value) {
var wasSet = this.maybeSetHeader_(key, value);
console.assert(wasSet, 'setHeader(' + key + ', ' + value + ') failed.');
* @param {string} key
* @param {string} value
* @return {boolean}
* @private
remoting.Xhr.prototype.maybeSetHeader_ = function(key, value) {
if (!(key in this.headers_)) {
this.headers_[key] = value;
return true;
return false;
/** @private */
remoting.Xhr.prototype.sendXhr_ = function() {
for (var key in this.headers_) {
key, /** @type {string} */ (this.headers_[key]));
this.content_ = null; // for gc
* @private
remoting.Xhr.prototype.onReadyStateChange_ = function() {
var xhr = this.nativeXhr_;
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
// See comments at remoting.Xhr.Response.
xhr, this.acceptJson_));
* The response-related parts of an XMLHttpRequest. Note that this
* class is not just a facade for XMLHttpRequest; it saves the value
* of the |responseText| field becuase once onReadyStateChange_
* (above) returns, the value of |responseText| is reset to the empty
* string! This is a documented anti-feature of the XMLHttpRequest
* API.
* @constructor
* @param {number} status
* @param {string} statusText
* @param {?string} url
* @param {string} text
* @param {boolean} allowJson
remoting.Xhr.Response = function(
status, statusText, url, text, allowJson) {
* The HTTP status code.
* @const {number}
this.status = status;
* The HTTP status description.
* @const {string}
this.statusText = statusText;
* The response URL, if any.
* @const {?string}
this.url = url;
/** @private {string} */
this.text_ = text;
/** @private @const */
this.allowJson_ = allowJson;
/** @private {*|undefined} */
this.json_ = undefined;
* @param {!XMLHttpRequest} xhr
* @param {boolean} allowJson
* @return {!remoting.Xhr.Response}
remoting.Xhr.Response.fromXhr_ = function(xhr, allowJson) {
return new remoting.Xhr.Response(
xhr.responseText || '',
* @return {boolean} True if the response code is outside the 200-299
* range (i.e. success as defined by the HTTP protocol).
remoting.Xhr.Response.prototype.isError = function() {
return this.status < 200 || this.status >= 300;
* @return {string} The text content of the response.
remoting.Xhr.Response.prototype.getText = function() {
return this.text_;
* Get the JSON content of the response. Requires acceptJson to have
* been true in the request.
* @return {*} The parsed JSON content of the response.
remoting.Xhr.Response.prototype.getJson = function() {
console.assert(this.allowJson_, 'getJson() called with |allowJson_| false.');
if (this.json_ === undefined) {
this.json_ = JSON.parse(this.text_);
return this.json_;
* Takes an associative array of parameters and urlencodes it.
* @param {Object<string>} paramHash The parameter key/value pairs.
* @return {string} URLEncoded version of paramHash.
remoting.Xhr.urlencodeParamHash = function(paramHash) {
var paramArray = [];
for (var key in paramHash) {
var value = paramHash[key];
if (value != null) {
paramArray.push(encodeURIComponent(key) +
'=' + encodeURIComponent(value));
if (paramArray.length > 0) {
return paramArray.join('&');
return '';
* An object that will retry an XHR request upon network failures until
* |opt_maxRetryAttempts| is reached.
* According to, the
* HTTP status would be 0 when the STATE is UNSENT, which occurs when we have
* lost network connectivity.
* @param {remoting.Xhr.Params} params
* @param {number=} opt_maxRetryAttempts
* @implements {base.Disposable}
* @constructor
remoting.AutoRetryXhr = function(params, opt_maxRetryAttempts) {
/** @private */
this.xhrParams_ = params;
* Retry for 60 x 250ms = 15s by default.
* @private
this.retryAttemptsRemaining_ = opt_maxRetryAttempts != undefined &&
Number.isInteger(opt_maxRetryAttempts) ? opt_maxRetryAttempts : 60;
/** @private */
this.deferred_ = new base.Deferred();
remoting.AutoRetryXhr.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.retryAttemptsRemaining_ = 0;
this.deferred_.reject(new remoting.Error(remoting.Error.Tag.CANCELLED));
* Calling this method multiple times will return the same promise and will not
* start a new request.
* @return {!Promise<!remoting.Xhr.Response>}
remoting.AutoRetryXhr.prototype.start = function() {
return this.deferred_.promise();
/** @private */
remoting.AutoRetryXhr.prototype.onNetworkFailure_ = function() {
if (--this.retryAttemptsRemaining_ > 0) {
var timer = new base.OneShotTimer(this.doXhr_.bind(this), 250);
} else {
new remoting.Error(remoting.Error.Tag.NETWORK_FAILURE));
/** @private */
remoting.AutoRetryXhr.prototype.doXhr_ = function() {
if (!base.isOnline()) {
new remoting.Error(remoting.Error.Tag.NETWORK_FAILURE));
var that = this;
var xhr = new remoting.Xhr(this.xhrParams_);
return xhr.start().then(function(response){
if (response.status === 0) {
} else {
* Parameters for the 'start' function. Unless otherwise noted, all
* parameters are optional.
* method: (required) The HTTP method to use.
* url: (required) The URL to request.
* urlParams: Parameters to be appended to the URL. Null-valued
* parameters are omitted.
* textContent: Text to be sent as the request body.
* formContent: Data to be URL-encoded and sent as the request body.
* Causes Content-type header to be set appropriately.
* jsonContent: Data to be JSON-encoded and sent as the request body.
* Causes Content-type header to be set appropriately.
* headers: Additional request headers to be sent. Null-valued
* headers are omitted.
* withCredentials: Value of the XHR's withCredentials field.
* oauthToken: An OAuth2 token used to construct an Authentication
* header.
* useIdentity: Use identity API to get an OAuth2 token.
* acceptJson: If true, send an Accept header indicating that a JSON
* response is expected.
* @typedef {{
* method: string,
* url:string,
* urlParams:(string|Object<?string>|undefined),
* textContent:(string|undefined),
* formContent:(Object|undefined),
* jsonContent:(*|undefined),
* headers:(Object<?string>|undefined),
* withCredentials:(boolean|undefined),
* oauthToken:(string|undefined),
* useIdentity:(boolean|undefined),
* acceptJson:(boolean|undefined)
* }}