blob: 79a312356753a21b6d0b46788300764353bb3f87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// <include src="media_router_browser_api.js">
// <include src="media_router_data.js">
// <include src="media_router_ui_interface.js">
// Handles user events for the Media Router UI.
cr.define('media_router', function() {
'use strict';
* The media-router-container element. Initialized after polymer is ready.
* @type {?MediaRouterContainerInterface}
var container = null;
* Initializes the Media Router WebUI and requests initial media
* router content, such as the media sink and media route lists.
function initialize() {
// For non-Mac platforms, request data immediately after initialization.
if (!cr.isMac) {
container = /** @type {!MediaRouterContainerInterface} */
media_router.ui.setElements(container, container.header);
'acknowledge-first-run-flow', onAcknowledgeFirstRunFlow);
container.addEventListener('back-click', onNavigateToSinkList);
container.addEventListener('cast-mode-selected', onCastModeSelected);
'change-route-source-click', onChangeRouteSourceClick);
container.addEventListener('close-dialog', onCloseDialog);
container.addEventListener('close-route', onCloseRoute);
container.addEventListener('create-route', onCreateRoute);
container.addEventListener('issue-action-click', onIssueActionClick);
container.addEventListener('join-route-click', onJoinRouteClick);
'navigate-sink-list-to-details', onNavigateToDetails);
'navigate-to-cast-mode-list', onNavigateToCastMode);
'select-local-media-file', onSelectLocalMediaFile);
container.addEventListener('report-filter', onFilter);
container.addEventListener('report-initial-action', onInitialAction);
'report-initial-action-close', onInitialActionClose);
container.addEventListener('report-route-creation', onReportRouteCreation);
'report-sink-click-time', onSinkClickTimeReported);
container.addEventListener('report-sink-count', onSinkCountReported);
'report-resolved-route', onReportRouteCreationOutcome);
container.addEventListener('request-initial-data', onRequestInitialData);
'search-sinks-and-create-route', onSearchSinksAndCreateRoute);
container.addEventListener('show-initial-state', onShowInitialState);
container.addEventListener('sink-click', onSinkClick);
window.addEventListener('blur', onWindowBlur);
* Requests that the Media Router searches for a sink with criteria
* ||.
* @param {!Event} event
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* id - id of the pseudo sink generating the request.
* name - sink search criteria.
* domain - user's current domain.
* selectedCastMode - type of cast mode selected by the user.
function onSearchSinksAndCreateRoute(event) {
/** @type {{id: string, domain: string, name: string,
* selectedCastMode: number}} */
var detail = event.detail;
media_router.browserApi.searchSinksAndCreateRoute(,, detail.domain, detail.selectedCastMode);
* Reports the selected cast mode.
* Called when the user selects a cast mode from the picker.
* @param {!Event} event
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* castModeType - type of cast mode selected by the user.
function onCastModeSelected(event) {
/** @type {{castModeType: number}} */
var detail = event.detail;
* Reports the route for which the users wants to replace the source and the
* cast mode that should be used for the new source.
* @param {!Event} event The event object.
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* route - route to modify.
* selectedCastMode - type of cast mode selected by the user.
function onChangeRouteSourceClick(event) {
/** @type {{route: !media_router.Route, selectedCastMode: number}} */
var detail = event.detail;
detail.route, detail.selectedCastMode);
* Sends a request to the browser to select a local file.
function onSelectLocalMediaFile() {
* Updates the preference that the user has seen the first run flow.
* Called when the user clicks on the acknowledgement button on the first run
* flow.
* @param {!Event} event
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* optedIntoCloudServices - whether or not the user opted into cloud
* services.
function onAcknowledgeFirstRunFlow(event) {
/** @type {{optedIntoCloudServices: boolean}} */
var detail = event.detail;
* Closes the dialog.
* Called when the user clicks the close button on the dialog. Reports
* whether the user closed the dialog via the ESC key.
* @param {!Event} event
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* pressEscToClose - whether or not the user pressed ESC to close the
* dialog.
function onCloseDialog(event) {
/** @type {{pressEscToClose: boolean}} */
var detail = event.detail;
* Reports when the user uses the filter input to filter the sink list. This
* is reported at most once each time the user enters the filter view, and
* only if text is actually entered in the filter input.
function onFilter() {
* Reports the first action the user takes after opening the dialog.
* Called when the user explicitly interacts with the dialog to perform an
* action.
* @param {!Event} event
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* action - the first action taken by the user.
function onInitialAction(event) {
/** @type {{action: number}} */
var detail = event.detail;
* Reports the time it took for the user to close the dialog if that was the
* first action the user took after opening the dialog.
* Called when the user closes the dialog without taking any other action.
* @param {!Event} event
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* timeMs - time in ms for the user to close the dialog.
function onInitialActionClose(event) {
/** @type {{timeMs: number}} */
var detail = event.detail;
* Acts on an issue and dismisses it from the UI.
* Called when the user performs an action on an issue.
* @param {!Event} event
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* id - issue ID.
* actionType - type of action performed by the user.
* helpPageId - the numeric help center ID.
function onIssueActionClick(event) {
/** @type {{id: number, actionType: number, helpPageId: number}} */
var detail = event.detail;
media_router.browserApi.actOnIssue(, detail.actionType, detail.helpPageId);
container.issue = null;
* Creates a media route.
* Called when the user requests to create a media route.
* @param {!Event} event
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* sinkId - sink ID selected by the user.
* selectedCastModeValue - cast mode selected by the user.
function onCreateRoute(event) {
/** @type {{sinkId: string, selectedCastModeValue: number}} */
var detail = event.detail;
detail.sinkId, detail.selectedCastModeValue);
* Stops a route.
* Called when the user requests to stop a media route.
* @param {!Event} event
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* route - The route to close.
function onCloseRoute(event) {
/** @type {{route: !media_router.Route}} */
var detail = event.detail;
* Starts casting to an existing route.
* Called when the user requests to start casting to a media route that is
* joinable.
* @param {!Event} event
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* route - The route to connect to if possible.
function onJoinRouteClick(event) {
/** @type {{route: !media_router.Route}} */
var detail = event.detail;
* Reports the user navigation to the cast mode view.
* Called when the user clicks the drop arrow to navigate to the cast mode
* view on the dialog.
function onNavigateToCastMode() {
* Reports the user navigation the route details view.
* Called when the user clicks on a sink to navigate to the route details
* view.
function onNavigateToDetails() {
* Reports the user navigation the sink list view.
* Called when the user clicks on the back button from the route details view
* to the sink list view.
function onNavigateToSinkList() {
* Reports whether or not the route creation was successful.
* @param {!Event} event
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* success - whether or not the route creation was successful.
function onReportRouteCreation(event) {
/** @type {{success: boolean}} */
var detail = event.detail;
* Reports success or the type of failure for route creation response.
* Called when the route is resolved; either the route creation was a success
* or if there was no route or the route's corresponding sink is invalid;
* either the sink does not exist or was not the sink we were looking for.
* @param {!Event} event
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* outcome - the outcome of a create route response.
function onReportRouteCreationOutcome(event) {
/** @type {{outcome: number}} */
var detail = event.detail;
* Requests for initial data to load into the dialog.
function onRequestInitialData() {
* Reports the initial state of the dialog after it is opened.
* Called after initial data is populated.
* @param {!Event} event
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* currentView - the current dialog's current view.
function onShowInitialState(event) {
/** @type {{currentView: string}} */
var detail = event.detail;
* Reports the index of the sink that was clicked.
* Called when the user selects a sink on the sink list.
* @param {!Event} event
* Paramters in |event|.detail:
* index - the index of the clicked sink.
function onSinkClick(event) {
/** @type {{index: number}} */
var detail = event.detail;
* Reports the time it took for the user to select a sink to create a route
* after the list was popuated and shown.
* @param {!Event} event
* Paramters in |event|.detail:
* timeMs - the time it took for the user to select a sink.
function onSinkClickTimeReported(event) {
/** @type {{timeMs: number}} */
var detail = event.detail;
* Reports the current sink count.
* Called 3 seconds after the dialog is initially opened.
* @param {!Event} event
* Parameters in |event|.detail:
* sinkCount - the number of sinks.
function onSinkCountReported(event) {
/** @type {{sinkCount: number}} */
var detail = event.detail;
* Reports when the user clicks outside the dialog.
function onWindowBlur() {
return {
initialize: initialize,
window.addEventListener('load', media_router.initialize);