blob: 46aa5323d808212f0f146ab58b15ecf4a5b68a25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @ts-check
'use strict';
* @fileoverview
* Web worker code to parse JSON data from binary_size into data for the UI to
* display.
* @typedef {object} Meta
* @prop {string[]} components
* @prop {number} total
* @prop {boolean} diff_mode
* @typedef {object} SymbolEntry JSON object representing a single symbol.
* @prop {string} n Name of the symbol.
* @prop {number} b Byte size of the symbol, divided by num_aliases.
* @prop {string} t Single character string to indicate the symbol type.
* @prop {number} [u] Count value indicating how many symbols this entry
* represents. Negative value when removed in a diff.
* @typedef {object} FileEntry JSON object representing a single file and its
* symbols.
* @prop {string} p Path to the file (source_path).
* @prop {number} c Index of the file's component in meta (component_index).
* @prop {SymbolEntry[]} s - Symbols belonging to this node. Array of objects.
const _PATH_SEP = '/';
/** @param {FileEntry} fileEntry */
function getSourcePath(fileEntry) {
return fileEntry[_KEYS.SOURCE_PATH];
* Find the last index of either '/' or `sep` in the given path.
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} sep
function lastIndexOf(path, sep) {
if (sep === _PATH_SEP) {
return path.lastIndexOf(_PATH_SEP);
} else {
return Math.max(path.lastIndexOf(sep), path.lastIndexOf(_PATH_SEP));
* Return the dirname of the pathname 'path'. In a file path, this is the
* full path of its folder.
* @param {string} path Path to find dirname of.
* @param {string} sep Path seperator, such as '/'.
function dirname(path, sep) {
return path.substring(0, lastIndexOf(path, sep));
* Compare two nodes for sorting. Used in sortTree.
* @param {TreeNode} a
* @param {TreeNode} b
function _compareFunc(a, b) {
return Math.abs(b.size) - Math.abs(a.size);
* Make a node with some default arguments
* @param {Partial<TreeNode>} options
* Values to use for the node. If a value is
* omitted, a default will be used instead.
* @returns {TreeNode}
function createNode(options) {
const {idPath, type, shortNameIndex, size = 0, childStats = {}} = options;
return {
children: [],
parent: null,
* Class used to build a tree from a list of symbol objects.
* Add each file node using `addFileEntry()`, then call `build()` to finalize
* the tree and return the root node. The in-progress tree can be obtained from
* the `rootNode` property.
class TreeBuilder {
* @param {object} options
* @param {(fileEntry: FileEntry) => string} options.getPath Called to get the
* id path of a symbol's file entry.
* @param {(symbolNode: TreeNode) => boolean} options.filterTest Called to see
* if a symbol should be included. If a symbol fails the test, it will not be
* attached to the tree.
* @param {string} options.sep Path seperator used to find parent names.
constructor(options) {
this._getPath = options.getPath;
this._filterTest = options.filterTest;
this._sep = options.sep || _PATH_SEP;
this.rootNode = createNode({
idPath: this._sep,
shortNameIndex: 0,
type: this._containerType(this._sep),
/** @type {Map<string, TreeNode>} Cache for directory nodes */
this._parents = new Map();
* Regex used to split the `idPath` when finding nodes. Equivalent to
* one of: "/" or |sep|
this._splitter = new RegExp(`[/${this._sep}]`);
* Link a node to a new parent. Will go up the tree to update parent sizes to
* include the new child.
* @param {TreeNode} node Child node.
* @param {TreeNode} directParent New parent node.
static _attachToParent(node, directParent) {
// Link the nodes together
node.parent = directParent;
const additionalSize = node.size;
const additionalStats = Object.entries(node.childStats);
// Update the size and childStats of all ancestors
while (node.parent != null) {
const {parent} = node;
const [containerType, lastBiggestType] = parent.type;
let {size: lastBiggestSize = 0} =
parent.childStats[lastBiggestType] || {};
for (const [type, stat] of additionalStats) {
const parentStat = parent.childStats[type] || {size: 0, count: 0};
parentStat.size += stat.size;
parentStat.count += stat.count;
parent.childStats[type] = parentStat;
const absSize = Math.abs(parentStat.size);
if (absSize > lastBiggestSize) {
parent.type = `${containerType}${type}`;
lastBiggestSize = absSize;
parent.size += additionalSize;
node = parent;
* Merges dex method symbols such as "Controller#get" and "Controller#set"
* into containers, based on the class of the dex methods.
* @param {TreeNode} node
static _joinDexMethodClasses(node) {
const hasDexMethods = node.childStats[_DEX_METHOD_SYMBOL_TYPE] != null;
if (!hasDexMethods || node.children == null) return node;
if (node.type[0] === _CONTAINER_TYPES.FILE) {
/** @type {Map<string, TreeNode>} */
const javaClassContainers = new Map();
/** @type {TreeNode[]} */
const otherSymbols = [];
// Place all dex methods into buckets
for (const childNode of node.children) {
// Java classes are denoted with a "#", such as "LogoView#onDraw"
const splitIndex = childNode.idPath.lastIndexOf('#');
const isDexMethodWithClass =
childNode.type === _DEX_METHOD_SYMBOL_TYPE &&
splitIndex > childNode.shortNameIndex;
if (isDexMethodWithClass) {
// Get the idPath of the class
const classIdPath = childNode.idPath.slice(0, splitIndex);
let classNode = javaClassContainers.get(classIdPath);
if (classNode == null) {
classNode = createNode({
idPath: classIdPath,
shortNameIndex: childNode.shortNameIndex,
javaClassContainers.set(classIdPath, classNode);
// Adjust the dex method's short name so it starts after the "#"
childNode.shortNameIndex = splitIndex + 1;
TreeBuilder._attachToParent(childNode, classNode);
} else {
node.children = otherSymbols;
for (const containerNode of javaClassContainers.values()) {
// Delay setting the parent until here so that `_attachToParent`
// doesn't add method stats twice
containerNode.parent = node;
} else {
return node;
* Formats a tree node by removing references to its desendants and ancestors.
* This reduces how much data is sent to the UI thread at once. For large
* trees, serialization and deserialization of the entire tree can take ~7s.
* Only children up to `depth` will be kept, and deeper children will be
* replaced with `null` to indicate that there were children by they were
* removed.
* Leaves with no children will always have an empty children array.
* If a tree has only 1 child, it is kept as the UI will expand chains of
* single children in the tree.
* Additionally sorts the formatted portion of the tree.
* @param {TreeNode} node Node to format
* @param {number} depth How many levels of children to keep.
* @returns {TreeNode}
static formatNode(node, depth = 1) {
const childDepth = depth - 1;
// `null` represents that the children have not been loaded yet
let children = null;
if (depth > 0 || node.children.length <= 1) {
// If depth is larger than 0, include the children.
// If there are 0 children, include the empty array to indicate the node
// is a leaf.
// If there is 1 child, include it so the UI doesn't need to make a
// roundtrip in order to expand the chain.
children = node.children
.map(n => TreeBuilder.formatNode(n, childDepth))
return TreeBuilder._joinDexMethodClasses({
parent: null,
* Returns the container type for a parent node.
* @param {string} childIdPath
* @private
_containerType(childIdPath) {
const useAlternateType =
childIdPath.lastIndexOf(this._sep) > childIdPath.lastIndexOf(_PATH_SEP);
if (useAlternateType) {
} else {
* Helper to return the parent of the given node. The parent is determined
* based in the idPath and the path seperator. If the parent doesn't yet
* exist, one is created and stored in the parents map.
* @param {TreeNode} childNode
* @private
_getOrMakeParentNode(childNode) {
// Get idPath of this node's parent.
let parentPath;
if (childNode.idPath === '') parentPath = _NO_NAME;
else parentPath = dirname(childNode.idPath, this._sep);
// check if parent exists
let parentNode;
if (parentPath === '') {
// parent is root node if dirname is ''
parentNode = this.rootNode;
} else {
// get parent from cache if it exists, otherwise create it
parentNode = this._parents.get(parentPath);
if (parentNode == null) {
parentNode = createNode({
idPath: parentPath,
shortNameIndex: lastIndexOf(parentPath, this._sep) + 1,
type: this._containerType(childNode.idPath),
this._parents.set(parentPath, parentNode);
// attach node to the newly found parent
TreeBuilder._attachToParent(childNode, parentNode);
return parentNode;
* Iterate through every file node generated by supersize. Each node includes
* symbols that belong to that file. Create a tree node for each file with
* tree nodes for that file's symbols attached. Afterwards attach that node to
* its parent directory node, or create it if missing.
* @param {FileEntry} fileEntry File entry from data file
addFileEntry(fileEntry) {
const idPath = this._getPath(fileEntry);
// make node for this
const fileNode = createNode({
shortNameIndex: lastIndexOf(idPath, this._sep) + 1,
// build child nodes for this file's symbols and attach to self
for (const symbol of fileEntry[_KEYS.FILE_SYMBOLS]) {
const size = symbol[_KEYS.SIZE];
const type = symbol[_KEYS.TYPE];
const count = symbol[_KEYS.COUNT] || 1;
const symbolNode = createNode({
// Join file path to symbol name with a ":"
idPath: `${idPath}:${symbol[_KEYS.SYMBOL_NAME]}`,
shortNameIndex: idPath.length + 1,
type: symbol[_KEYS.TYPE],
childStats: {[type]: {size, count}},
if (this._filterTest(symbolNode)) {
TreeBuilder._attachToParent(symbolNode, fileNode);
// unless we filtered out every symbol belonging to this file,
if (fileNode.children.length > 0) {
// build all ancestor nodes for this file
let orphanNode = fileNode;
while (orphanNode.parent == null && orphanNode !== this.rootNode) {
orphanNode = this._getOrMakeParentNode(orphanNode);
* Finalize the creation of the tree and return the root node.
build() {
this._getPath = () => '';
this._filterTest = () => false;
return this.rootNode;
* Internal handler for `find` to search for a node.
* @private
* @param {string[]} idPathList
* @param {TreeNode} node
* @returns {TreeNode | null}
_find(idPathList, node) {
if (node == null) {
return null;
} else if (idPathList.length === 0) {
// Found desired node
return node;
const [shortNameToFind] = idPathList;
const child = node.children.find(n => shortName(n) === shortNameToFind);
return this._find(idPathList.slice(1), child);
* Find a node with a given `idPath` by traversing the tree.
* @param {string} idPath
find(idPath) {
// If `idPath` is the root's ID, return the root
if (idPath === this.rootNode.idPath) {
return this.rootNode;
const symbolIndex = idPath.indexOf(':');
let path;
if (symbolIndex > -1) {
const filePath = idPath.slice(0, symbolIndex);
const symbolName = idPath.slice(symbolIndex + 1);
path = filePath.split(this._splitter);
} else {
path = idPath.split(this._splitter);
// If the path is empty, it refers to the _NO_NAME container.
if (path[0] === '') {
return this._find(path, this.rootNode);
* Wrapper around fetch for requesting the same resource multiple times.
class DataFetcher {
constructor(input) {
/** @type {AbortController | null} */
this._controller = null;
* Sets the input that describes what will be fetched. Also clears the cache.
* @param {string | Request} input URL to the resource you want to fetch.
setInput(input) {
if (typeof this._input === 'string' && this._input.startsWith('blob:')) {
// Revoke the previous Blob url to prevent memory leaks
/** @type {Uint8Array | null} */
this._cache = null;
this._input = input;
* Starts a new request and aborts the previous one.
* @param {string | Request} url
async fetch(url) {
if (this._controller) this._controller.abort();
this._controller = new AbortController();
return fetch(url, {
credentials: 'same-origin',
signal: this._controller.signal,
* Yields binary chunks as Uint8Arrays. After a complete run, the bytes are
* cached and future calls will yield the cached Uint8Array instead.
async *arrayBufferStream() {
if (this._cache) {
yield this._cache;
const response = await this.fetch(this._input);
let result;
// Use streams, if supported, so that we can show in-progress data instead
// of waiting for the entire data file to download. The file can be >100 MB,
// so streams ensure slow connections still see some data.
if (response.body) {
const reader = response.body.getReader();
/** @type {Uint8Array[]} Store received bytes to merge later */
let buffer = [];
/** Total size of received bytes */
let byteSize = 0;
while (true) {
// Read values from the stream
const {done, value} = await;
if (done) break;
const chunk = new Uint8Array(value, 0, value.length);
yield chunk;
byteSize += chunk.length;
// We just cache a single typed array to save some memory and make future
// runs consistent with the no streams mode.
result = new Uint8Array(byteSize);
let i = 0;
for (const chunk of buffer) {
result.set(chunk, i);
i += chunk.length;
} else {
// In-memory version for browsers without stream support
result = new Uint8Array(await response.arrayBuffer());
yield result;
this._cache = result;
* Transforms a binary stream into a newline delimited JSON (.ndjson) stream.
* Each yielded value corresponds to one line in the stream.
* @returns {AsyncIterable<Meta | FileEntry>}
async *newlineDelimtedJsonStream() {
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const decoderArgs = {stream: true};
let textBuffer = '';
for await (const bytes of this.arrayBufferStream()) {
if (this._controller.signal.aborted) {
throw new DOMException('Request was aborted', 'AbortError');
textBuffer += decoder.decode(bytes, decoderArgs);
const lines = textBuffer.split('\n');
[textBuffer] = lines.splice(lines.length - 1, 1);
for (const line of lines) {
yield JSON.parse(line);
* Parse the options represented as a query string, into an object.
* Includes checks for valid values.
* @param {string} options Query string
function parseOptions(options) {
const params = new URLSearchParams(options);
const groupBy = params.get('group_by') || 'source_path';
const methodCountMode = params.has('method_count');
let minSymbolSize = Number(params.get('min_size'));
if (Number.isNaN(minSymbolSize)) {
minSymbolSize = 0;
const includeRegex = params.get('include');
const excludeRegex = params.get('exclude');
/** @type {Set<string>} */
let typeFilter;
if (methodCountMode) {
typeFilter = new Set(_DEX_METHOD_SYMBOL_TYPE);
} else {
typeFilter = new Set(types(params.getAll(_TYPE_STATE_KEY)));
if (typeFilter.size === 0) {
typeFilter = new Set(_SYMBOL_TYPE_SET);
/** @type {Array<(symbolNode: TreeNode) => boolean>} */
const filters = [];
/** Ensure symbol size is past the minimum */
if (minSymbolSize > 0) {
filters.push(s => Math.abs(s.size) >= minSymbolSize);
/** Ensure the symbol size wasn't filtered out */
if (typeFilter.size < _SYMBOL_TYPE_SET.size) {
filters.push(s => typeFilter.has(s.type));
if (includeRegex) {
const regex = new RegExp(includeRegex);
filters.push(s => regex.test(s.idPath));
if (excludeRegex) {
const regex = new RegExp(excludeRegex);
filters.push(s => !regex.test(s.idPath));
* Check that a symbol node passes all the filters in the filters array.
* @param {TreeNode} symbolNode
function filterTest(symbolNode) {
return filters.every(fn => fn(symbolNode));
return {groupBy, filterTest};
/** @type {TreeBuilder | null} */
let builder = null;
const fetcher = new DataFetcher('data.ndjson');
* Assemble a tree when this worker receives a message.
* @param {string} options Query string containing options for the builder.
* @param {(msg: TreeProgress) => void} onProgress
* @returns {Promise<TreeProgress>}
async function buildTree(options, onProgress) {
const {groupBy, filterTest} = parseOptions(options);
/** @type {Meta | null} Object from the first line of the data file */
let meta = null;
/** @type {{ [gropyBy: string]: (fileEntry: FileEntry) => string }} */
const getPathMap = {
component(fileEntry) {
const component = meta.components[fileEntry[_KEYS.COMPONENT_INDEX]];
const path = getSourcePath(fileEntry);
return `${component || '(No component)'}>${path}`;
source_path: getSourcePath,
builder = new TreeBuilder({
sep: groupBy === 'component' ? '>' : _PATH_SEP,
getPath: getPathMap[groupBy],
* Creates data to post to the UI thread. Defaults will be used for the root
* and percent values if not specified.
* @param {{root?:TreeNode,percent?:number,error?:Error}} data Default data
* values to post.
function createProgressMessage(data = {}) {
let {percent} = data;
if (percent == null) {
if (meta == null) {
percent = 0;
} else {
percent = Math.max(builder.rootNode.size /, 0.1);
const message = {
root: TreeBuilder.formatNode(data.root || builder.rootNode),
diffMode: meta && meta.diff_mode,
if (data.error) {
message.error = data.error.message;
return message;
* Post data to the UI thread. Defaults will be used for the root and percent
* values if not specified.
function postToUi() {
const message = createProgressMessage(); = 0;
try {
// Post partial state every second
let lastBatchSent =;
for await (const dataObj of fetcher.newlineDelimtedJsonStream()) {
if (meta == null) {
// First line of data is used to store meta information.
meta = /** @type {Meta} */ (dataObj);
} else {
builder.addFileEntry(/** @type {FileEntry} */ (dataObj));
const currentTime =;
if (currentTime - lastBatchSent > 500) {
await Promise.resolve(); // Pause loop to check for worker messages
lastBatchSent = currentTime;
return createProgressMessage({
percent: 1,
} catch (error) {
if ( === 'AbortError') {;
} else {
return createProgressMessage({error});
const actions = {
/** @param {{input:string,options:string}} data */
load(data) {
if (data.input) fetcher.setInput(data.input);
return buildTree(data.options, progress => {
// @ts-ignore
/** @param {string} path */
async open(path) {
if (!builder) throw new Error('Called open before load');
const node = builder.find(path);
return TreeBuilder.formatNode(node);
* Call the requested action function with the given data. If an error is thrown
* or rejected, post the error message to the UI thread.
* @param {number} id Unique message ID.
* @param {string} action Action type, corresponding to a key in `actions.`
* @param {any} data Data to supply to the action function.
async function runAction(id, action, data) {
try {
const result = await actions[action](data);
// @ts-ignore
self.postMessage({id, result});
} catch (err) {
// @ts-ignore
self.postMessage({id, error: err.message});
throw err;
const runActionDebounced = debounce(runAction, 0);
* @param {MessageEvent} event Event for when this worker receives a message.
self.onmessage = async event => {
const {id, action, data} =;
if (action === 'load') {
// Loading large files will block the worker thread until complete or when
// an await statement is reached. During this time, multiple load messages
// can pile up due to filters being adjusted. We debounce the load call
// so that only the last message is read (the current set of filters).
runActionDebounced(id, action, data);
} else {
runAction(id, action, data);