Changes to metrics logging on translate UI in Android.

Based on discussions with the PM, following changes are being made:

1) Rename "Tab language clicked" to "Translation accepted by clicking
on tab language".
2) Make sure that when a language is picked from more languages,
it's logged in the Translate.CompactInfobar.Event histogram as
"Translation accepted by clicking on language in more languages"
3) Rename "Translate services declined" to "X is clicked without
a prior translation and without a choice of never translate"
4) Always translate clicked, Never translate clicked, Never
translate site clicked, Undo always translate -
update all 4 to end in "in the options menu"
5) Always translate snackbar impression, Never translate snackbar
impression, Never translate site snackbar impression, Cancel
clicked on always translate snackbar, Cancel clicked on never
translate this site snackbar, Cancel clicked on never translate
snackbar - update all 6 to end in
"when triggered from the options menu"
6) "Infobar closed" get rid off
7) Rename description "Translate.InfobarShown" to indicate
it's for the old UI
8) Add logic for translate declined (this was removed in another cl
by mistake).


Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#479306}
3 files changed