blob: 119495aa452db6724718124aa7b2abd35e359a02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview This class acts as the persistent store for all static data
* about commands.
* This store can safely be used within either a content or background script
* context.
* If you are looking to add a user command, follow the below steps for best
* integration with existing components:
* 1. Add a command below in cvox.CommandStore.CMD_WHITELIST. Pick a
* programmatic name and fill in each of the relevant JSON keys.
* Be sure to add a msg id and define it in chromevox/messages/messages.js which
* describes the command. Please also add a category msg id so that the command
* will show up in the options page.
* 2. Add the command's logic to cvox.UserCommands inside of our switch-based
* dispatch method (doCommand_).
* 3. Add a key binding in chromevox/background/keymaps/classic_keymap.json and
* chromevox/background/keymaps/flat_keymap.json.
* Class description:
* This class is entirely static and holds a JSON structure that stores
* commands and their associated metadata.
* From this metadata, we compute relevant subsets of data such as all present
* categories.
* Returns all of the categories in the store as an array.
* @return {Array<string>} The collection of categories.
cvox.CommandStore.categories = function() {
var categorySet = {};
for (var cmd in cvox.CommandStore.CMD_WHITELIST) {
var struct = cvox.CommandStore.CMD_WHITELIST[cmd];
if (struct.category) {
categorySet[struct.category] = true;
var ret = [];
for (var category in categorySet) {
return ret;
* Gets a message given a command.
* @param {string} command The command to query.
* @return {string|undefined} The message id, if any.
cvox.CommandStore.messageForCommand = function(command) {
return (cvox.CommandStore.CMD_WHITELIST[command] || {}).msgId;
* Gets a category given a command.
* @param {string} command The command to query.
* @return {string|undefined} The command, if any.
cvox.CommandStore.categoryForCommand = function(command) {
return (cvox.CommandStore.CMD_WHITELIST[command] || {}).category;
* Gets all commands for a category.
* @param {string} category The category to query.
* @return {Array<string>} The commands, if any.
cvox.CommandStore.commandsForCategory = function(category) {
var ret = [];
for (var cmd in cvox.CommandStore.CMD_WHITELIST) {
var struct = cvox.CommandStore.CMD_WHITELIST[cmd];
if (category == struct.category) {
return ret;
* List of commands and their properties
* @type {Object<{forward: (undefined|boolean),
* backward: (undefined|boolean),
* announce: boolean,
* category: (undefined|string),
* findNext: (undefined|string),
* doDefault: (undefined|boolean),
* msgId: (undefined|string),
* nodeList: (undefined|string),
* platformFilter: (undefined|cvox.PlatformFilter),
* skipInput: (undefined|boolean),
* allowEvents: (undefined|boolean),
* disallowContinuation: (undefined|boolean)}>}
* forward: Whether this command points forward.
* backward: Whether this command points backward. If neither forward or
* backward are specified, it stays facing in the current direction.
* announce: Whether to call finishNavCommand and announce the current
* position after the command is done.
* findNext: The id from the map above if this command is used for
* finding next/previous of something.
* category: The message resource describing the command's category.
* doDefault: Whether to do the default action. This means that keys will be
* passed through to the usual DOM capture/bubble phases.
* msgId: The message resource describing the command.
* nodeList: The id from the map above if this command is used for
* showing a list of nodes.
* platformFilter: Specifies to which platforms this command applies. If left
* undefined, the command applies to all platforms.
* skipInput: Explicitly skips this command when text input has focus.
* Defaults to false.
* disallowOOBE: Explicitly disallows this command when on chrome://oobe/*.
* Defaults to false.
* allowEvents: Allows EventWatcher to continue processing events which can
* trump TTS.
* disallowContinuation: Disallows continuous read to proceed. Defaults to
* false.
cvox.CommandStore.CMD_WHITELIST = {
'toggleStickyMode': {
announce: false,
msgId: 'toggle_sticky_mode',
'disallowOOBE': true,
category: 'modifier_keys'
'toggleKeyPrefix': {
announce: false,
skipInput: true,
msgId: 'prefix_key',
'disallowOOBE': true,
category: 'modifier_keys'
'passThroughMode': {
announce: false,
msgId: 'pass_through_key_description',
category: 'modifier_keys'
'stopSpeech': {
announce: false,
disallowContinuation: true,
doDefault: true,
msgId: 'stop_speech_key',
category: 'controlling_speech'
'toggleChromeVox': {
announce: false,
platformFilter: cvox.PlatformFilter.WML,
msgId: 'toggle_chromevox_active',
category: 'modifier_keys'
'toggleChromeVoxVersion': {announce: false},
'showNextUpdatePage': {
msgId: 'show_next_update_description',
announce: false,
'category': 'help_commands'
'openChromeVoxMenus': {announce: false, msgId: 'menus_title'},
'decreaseTtsRate': {
announce: false,
msgId: 'decrease_tts_rate',
category: 'controlling_speech'
'increaseTtsRate': {
announce: false,
msgId: 'increase_tts_rate',
category: 'controlling_speech'
'decreaseTtsPitch': {
announce: false,
msgId: 'decrease_tts_pitch',
category: 'controlling_speech'
'increaseTtsPitch': {
announce: false,
msgId: 'increase_tts_pitch',
category: 'controlling_speech'
'decreaseTtsVolume': {
announce: false,
msgId: 'decrease_tts_volume',
category: 'controlling_speech'
'increaseTtsVolume': {
announce: false,
msgId: 'increase_tts_volume',
category: 'controlling_speech'
'cyclePunctuationEcho': {
announce: false,
msgId: 'cycle_punctuation_echo',
category: 'controlling_speech'
'cycleTypingEcho': {
announce: false,
msgId: 'cycle_typing_echo',
category: 'controlling_speech'
{announce: true, msgId: 'toggle_earcons', category: 'controlling_speech'},
{msgId: 'speech_on_off_description', category: 'controlling_speech'},
'handleTab': {
allowEvents: true,
msgId: 'handle_tab_next',
disallowContinuation: true,
category: 'navigation'
'handleTabPrev': {
allowEvents: true,
msgId: 'handle_tab_prev',
disallowContinuation: true,
category: 'navigation'
{forward: true, announce: true, msgId: 'forward', category: 'navigation'},
'backward': {
backward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'backward',
category: 'navigation'
{forward: true, announce: true, msgId: 'right', category: 'navigation'},
{backward: true, announce: true, msgId: 'left', category: 'navigation'},
{announce: true, msgId: 'previous_granularity', category: 'navigation'},
{announce: true, msgId: 'next_granularity', category: 'navigation'},
'previousAtGranularity': {
announce: true,
msgId: 'previous_at_granularity',
category: 'navigation'
{announce: true, msgId: 'next_at_granularity', category: 'navigation'},
'previousCharacter': {
backward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'previous_character',
skipInput: true,
category: 'navigation'
'nextCharacter': {
forward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'next_character',
skipInput: true,
category: 'navigation'
'previousWord': {
backward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'previous_word',
skipInput: true,
category: 'navigation'
'nextWord': {
forward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'next_word',
skipInput: true,
category: 'navigation'
'previousLine': {
backward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'previous_line',
category: 'navigation'
'nextLine': {
forward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'next_line',
category: 'navigation'
'previousSentence': {
backward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'previous_sentence',
skipInput: true,
category: 'navigation'
'nextSentence': {
forward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'next_sentence',
skipInput: true,
category: 'navigation'
'previousObject': {
backward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'previous_object',
skipInput: true,
category: 'navigation'
'nextObject': {
forward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'next_object',
skipInput: true,
category: 'navigation'
'previousGroup': {
backward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'previous_group',
skipInput: true,
category: 'navigation'
'nextGroup': {
forward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'next_group',
skipInput: true,
category: 'navigation'
'jumpToTop': {
forward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'jump_to_top',
category: 'navigation'
'jumpToBottom': {
backward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'jump_to_bottom',
category: 'navigation'
// Intentionally uncategorized.
'moveToStartOfLine': {forward: true, announce: true},
'moveToEndOfLine': {backward: true, announce: true},
{announce: false, msgId: 'jump_to_details', category: 'navigation'},
'readFromHere': {
forward: true,
announce: false,
msgId: 'read_from_here',
category: 'navigation'
'forceClickOnCurrentItem': {
announce: true,
disallowContinuation: true,
allowEvents: true,
msgId: 'force_click_on_current_item',
category: 'actions'
{announce: true, allowEvents: true, disallowContinuation: true},
{announce: false, msgId: 'read_link_url', category: 'information'},
{announce: false, msgId: 'read_current_title', category: 'information'},
{announce: false, msgId: 'read_current_url', category: 'information'},
{announce: false, msgId: 'fully_describe', category: 'information'},
{announce: false, msgId: 'speak_time_and_date', category: 'information'},
{announce: true, msgId: 'toggle_selection', category: 'actions'},
'toggleSearchWidget': {
announce: false,
disallowContinuation: true,
msgId: 'toggle_search_widget',
category: 'information'
'undarkenScreen': {msgId: 'undarken_screen'},
'darkenScreen': {msgId: 'darken_screen'},
{msgId: 'toggle_braille_table', category: 'help_commands'},
'toggleKeyboardHelp': {
announce: false,
disallowContinuation: true,
msgId: 'show_panel_menu',
category: 'help_commands'
{announce: false, msgId: 'show_panel_menu', category: 'help_commands'},
'help': {
announce: false,
msgId: 'help',
'disallowOOBE': true,
disallowContinuation: true,
category: 'help_commands'
'contextMenu': {
announce: false,
msgId: 'show_context_menu',
disallowContinuation: true,
category: 'information'
'showOptionsPage': {
announce: false,
disallowContinuation: true,
msgId: 'show_options_page',
'disallowOOBE': true,
category: 'help_commands'
'showKbExplorerPage': {
announce: false,
disallowContinuation: true,
msgId: 'show_kb_explorer_page',
'disallowOOBE': true,
category: 'help_commands'
{announce: false, msgId: 'show_tts_settings', category: 'help_commands'},
{announce: false, msgId: 'braille_captions', category: 'help_commands'},
'reportIssue': {
announce: false,
msgId: 'panel_menu_item_report_issue',
category: 'help_commands'
'showFormsList': {
announce: false,
disallowContinuation: true,
nodeList: 'formField',
msgId: 'show_forms_list',
category: 'overview'
'showHeadingsList': {
announce: false,
nodeList: 'heading',
disallowContinuation: true,
msgId: 'show_headings_list',
category: 'overview'
'showLandmarksList': {
announce: false,
nodeList: 'landmark',
disallowContinuation: true,
msgId: 'show_landmarks_list',
category: 'overview'
'showLinksList': {
announce: false,
nodeList: 'link',
disallowContinuation: true,
msgId: 'show_links_list',
category: 'overview'
'showTablesList': {
announce: false,
nodeList: 'table',
disallowContinuation: true,
msgId: 'show_tables_list',
category: 'overview'
'nextArticle': {forward: true, findNext: 'article'},
'nextButton': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'button',
msgId: 'next_button',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextCheckbox': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'checkbox',
msgId: 'next_checkbox',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextComboBox': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'combobox',
msgId: 'next_combo_box',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextControl': {forward: true, findNext: 'control'},
'nextEditText': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'editText',
msgId: 'next_edit_text',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextFormField': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'formField',
msgId: 'next_form_field',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextGraphic': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'graphic',
msgId: 'next_graphic',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextHeading': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'heading',
msgId: 'next_heading',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextHeading1': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'heading1',
msgId: 'next_heading1',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextHeading2': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'heading2',
msgId: 'next_heading2',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextHeading3': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'heading3',
msgId: 'next_heading3',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextHeading4': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'heading4',
msgId: 'next_heading4',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextHeading5': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'heading5',
msgId: 'next_heading5',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextHeading6': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'heading6',
msgId: 'next_heading6',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextLandmark': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'landmark',
msgId: 'next_landmark',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextLink': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'link',
msgId: 'next_link',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextList': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'list',
msgId: 'next_list',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextListItem': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'listItem',
msgId: 'next_list_item',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextMath': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'math',
msgId: 'next_math',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextMedia': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'media',
msgId: 'next_media',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextRadio': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'radio',
msgId: 'next_radio',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextSection': {forward: true, findNext: 'section'},
'nextSlider': {forward: true, findNext: 'slider'},
'nextTable': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'table',
msgId: 'next_table',
category: 'jump_commands'
'nextVisitedLink': {
forward: true,
findNext: 'visitedLink',
msgId: 'next_visited_link',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousArticle': {backward: true, findNext: 'article'},
'previousButton': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'button',
msgId: 'previous_button',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousCheckbox': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'checkbox',
msgId: 'previous_checkbox',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousComboBox': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'combobox',
msgId: 'previous_combo_box',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousControl': {backward: true, findNext: 'control'},
'previousEditText': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'editText',
msgId: 'previous_edit_text',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousFormField': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'formField',
msgId: 'previous_form_field',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousGraphic': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'graphic',
msgId: 'previous_graphic',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousHeading': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'heading',
msgId: 'previous_heading',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousHeading1': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'heading1',
msgId: 'previous_heading1',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousHeading2': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'heading2',
msgId: 'previous_heading2',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousHeading3': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'heading3',
msgId: 'previous_heading3',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousHeading4': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'heading4',
msgId: 'previous_heading4',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousHeading5': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'heading5',
msgId: 'previous_heading5',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousHeading6': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'heading6',
msgId: 'previous_heading6',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousLandmark': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'landmark',
msgId: 'previous_landmark',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousLink': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'link',
msgId: 'previous_link',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousList': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'list',
msgId: 'previous_list',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousListItem': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'listItem',
msgId: 'previous_list_item',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousMath': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'math',
msgId: 'previous_math',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousMedia': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'media',
msgId: 'previous_media',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousRadio': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'radio',
msgId: 'previous_radio',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousSection': {backward: true, findNext: 'section'},
'previousSlider': {backward: true, findNext: 'slider'},
'previousTable': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'table',
msgId: 'previous_table',
category: 'jump_commands'
'previousVisitedLink': {
backward: true,
findNext: 'visitedLink',
msgId: 'previous_visited_link',
category: 'jump_commands'
// Table Actions.
{announce: false, msgId: 'announce_headers', category: 'tables'},
{announce: false, msgId: 'speak_table_location', category: 'tables'},
{announce: true, msgId: 'skip_to_beginning', category: 'tables'},
'goToLastCell': {announce: true, msgId: 'skip_to_end', category: 'tables'},
{announce: true, msgId: 'skip_to_row_beginning', category: 'tables'},
{announce: true, msgId: 'skip_to_row_end', category: 'tables'},
{announce: true, msgId: 'skip_to_col_beginning', category: 'tables'},
{announce: true, msgId: 'skip_to_col_end', category: 'tables'},
'previousRow': {
backward: true,
announce: true,
skipInput: true,
msgId: 'skip_to_prev_row',
category: 'tables'
'previousCol': {
backward: true,
announce: true,
skipInput: true,
msgId: 'skip_to_prev_col',
category: 'tables'
'nextRow': {
forward: true,
announce: true,
skipInput: true,
msgId: 'skip_to_next_row',
category: 'tables'
'nextCol': {
forward: true,
announce: true,
skipInput: true,
msgId: 'skip_to_next_col',
category: 'tables'
// Generic Actions.
{announce: true, msgId: 'enter_content', category: 'navigation'},
{announce: true, msgId: 'exit_content', category: 'navigation'},
'exitShifterContent': {announce: true},
{announce: false, msgId: 'open_long_desc', category: 'information'},
{announce: false, msgId: 'pause_all_media', category: 'information'},
// Scrolling actions.
'scrollBackward': {msgId: 'action_scroll_backward_description'},
'scrollForward': {msgId: 'action_scroll_forward_description'},
// Math specific commands.
{announce: false, msgId: 'toggle_semantics', category: 'information'},
// Braille specific commands.
'routing': {
announce: false,
allowEvents: true,
msgId: 'braille_routing',
category: 'braille'
'pan_left': {
backward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'braille_pan_left',
category: 'braille'
'pan_right': {
forward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'braille_pan_right',
category: 'braille'
'line_up': {
backward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'braille_line_up',
category: 'braille'
'line_down': {
forward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'braille_line_down',
category: 'braille'
'top': {
forward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'braille_top',
category: 'braille'
'bottom': {
backward: true,
announce: true,
msgId: 'braille_bottom',
category: 'braille'
{announce: true, msgId: 'view_graphic_as_braille', category: 'braille'},
// Developer commands.
{announce: false, msgId: 'enable_tts_log', category: 'developer'},
'startHistoryRecording': {announce: false},
'stopHistoryRecording': {announce: false},
'autorunner': {announce: false},
'debug': {announce: false},
'nop': {announce: false}
* List of find next commands and their associated data.
* @type {Object<{predicate: string,
* typeMsg: string,
* forwardError: string,
* backwardError: string}>}
* predicate: The name of the predicate. This must be defined in DomPredicates.
* forwardError: The message id of the error string when moving forward.
* backwardError: The message id of the error string when moving backward.
cvox.CommandStore.NODE_INFO_MAP = {
'checkbox': {
predicate: 'checkboxPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_checkbox',
backwardError: 'no_previous_checkbox',
typeMsg: 'role_checkbox'
'radio': {
predicate: 'radioPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_radio_button',
backwardError: 'no_previous_radio_button',
typeMsg: 'role_radio'
'slider': {
predicate: 'sliderPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_slider',
backwardError: 'no_previous_slider',
typeMsg: 'role_slider'
'graphic': {
predicate: 'graphicPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_graphic',
backwardError: 'no_previous_graphic',
typeMsg: 'UNUSED'
'article': {
predicate: 'articlePredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_ARTICLE',
backwardError: 'no_previous_ARTICLE',
typeMsg: 'TAG_ARTICLE'
'button': {
predicate: 'buttonPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_button',
backwardError: 'no_previous_button',
typeMsg: 'role_button'
'combobox': {
predicate: 'comboBoxPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_combo_box',
backwardError: 'no_previous_combo_box',
typeMsg: 'role_combobox'
'editText': {
predicate: 'editTextPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_edit_text',
backwardError: 'no_previous_edit_text',
typeMsg: 'input_type_text'
'heading': {
predicate: 'headingPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_heading',
backwardError: 'no_previous_heading',
typeMsg: 'role_heading'
'heading1': {
predicate: 'heading1Predicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_heading_1',
backwardError: 'no_previous_heading_1'
'heading2': {
predicate: 'heading2Predicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_heading_2',
backwardError: 'no_previous_heading_2'
'heading3': {
predicate: 'heading3Predicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_heading_3',
backwardError: 'no_previous_heading_3'
'heading4': {
predicate: 'heading4Predicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_heading_4',
backwardError: 'no_previous_heading_4'
'heading5': {
predicate: 'heading5Predicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_heading_5',
backwardError: 'no_previous_heading_5'
'heading6': {
predicate: 'heading6Predicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_heading_6',
backwardError: 'no_previous_heading_6'
'link': {
predicate: 'linkPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_link',
backwardError: 'no_previous_link',
typeMsg: 'role_link'
'table': {
predicate: 'tablePredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_table',
backwardError: 'no_previous_table',
typeMsg: 'table_strategy'
'visitedLink': {
predicate: 'visitedLinkPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_visited_link',
backwardError: 'no_previous_visited_link',
typeMsg: 'role_link'
'list': {
predicate: 'listPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_list',
backwardError: 'no_previous_list',
typeMsg: 'role_list'
'listItem': {
predicate: 'listItemPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_list_item',
backwardError: 'no_previous_list_item',
typeMsg: 'role_listitem'
'formField': {
predicate: 'formFieldPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_form_field',
backwardError: 'no_previous_form_field',
typeMsg: 'role_form'
'landmark': {
predicate: 'landmarkPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_landmark',
backwardError: 'no_previous_landmark',
typeMsg: 'role_landmark'
'math': {
predicate: 'mathPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_math',
backwardError: 'no_previous_math',
typeMsg: 'math_expr'
'media': {
predicate: 'mediaPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_media_widget',
backwardError: 'no_previous_media_widget'
'section': {
predicate: 'sectionPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_section',
backwardError: 'no_previous_section'
'control': {
predicate: 'controlPredicate',
forwardError: 'no_next_control',
backwardError: 'no_previous_control'