Remove RenderStyle member from FontBuilder.

The FontBuilder currently operates directly on RenderStyle every time a
font property is set. As indicated by the now-removed FIXME, this
is most unclean, and makes the FontBuilder not very attractive to use in
cases where you don't wish to spam the RenderStyle with setFontDescription
calls. (Example: FontBuilder::createFontForDocument).

This patch adds a FontDescription member instead, and changes
FontDescriptionChangeScope to act as a pure mark-if-dirty class to let
functions modify m_fontDescription directly, rather than through 'scope'.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// bbb929c8-8fbe-4397-9dbb-9b2b20218538
7 files changed
tree: eb647d43f02d1e5b748bd80d1fa8a41dffd5109c
  1. third_party/