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Content Settings and Site Settings in Android


There are 3 main user-facing screens when it comes to displaying content settings status to the user:

  • Site Settings provides a link to All Sites and an overview of all content settings. Supported by the SiteSettings class.
  • Settings Category displays a specific content setting in detail. This usually includes a toggle to enable/disable the content setting browser-wide, any category-specific options, and lists of sites that are allowed/blocked/managed. The same screen is used to display the All Sites category which displays all sites that have any content settings set. Supported by the SingleCategorySettings class.
  • Website Settings displays site-specific content settings information. It displays a list of content settings that the site is either allowed or blocked from and a button to reset all content settings state for this site. Supported by the SingleWebsiteSettings class.

All of these extend PreferenceFragmentCompat via SiteSettingsPreferenceFragment and use a layout xml to define the preferences that form the screens.

Site Settings

This screen is relatively static in nature, being a central hub for settings categories.

site_settings_preferences.xml lists all preferences.

configurePreferences() will remove some preferences based on command line switches and feature availability.

updatePreferenceStates() goes through all preferences and configures cool things like: title, summary, icon, and click listeners.

Settings Category

This screen contains the logic used to display specific categories, as well as the ‘All sites’ category."

website_preferences.xml outlines the basic layout of the screen displaying the global settings for a category.

The mCategory member holds which category needs to be displayed and is queried to dictate the customization of the page.

configureGlobalToggles() handles most of the customization of the screen. It will go through all preferences and set their values, their visibility status as well as set up preference change listeners.

getInfoForOrigins() is used to fetch websites information via a WebsitePermissionsFetcher. When the data is available it rebuilds the screen and adds the websites to the allowed/blocked/managed lists.

onPreferenceChange() is the main listener of user input. When the user updates a preference, it will identify the changed preference, use bridges to call the native code that handles updating user content settings (WebsitePreferenceBridge and PrefServiceBridge) and then update the screen to ensure the new preference value is taken into account including whatever ramifications that might have.

The All Sites list and the three allowed/blocked/managed lists are populated with the custom WebsitePreference type of preference which allows clicks to navigate to the SingleWebsiteSettings fragment.

Website Settings

This screen is used to display the relevant information for a specific website.

single_website_preferences.xml outlines the layout of the screen.

The underlying model object is a Website object: the mSite member. This is either directly provided by the activity initiator, or alternately fetched via a SingleWebsitePermissionsPopulator based on the website address.

displaySitePermissions() is used to configure the screen and populate it with data from mSite, mostly by calling setUpPreference() on every preference as well as specific custom setup functions.

onPreferenceChange() and onPreferenceClick() are responsbile for listening to user input and updating the content settings accordingly.