blob: 3e1c4c4c586126a193a5a1ee68acebbd49dd716d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Namespace for test related things.
var test = test || {};
* Namespace for test utility functions.
* Public functions in the test.util.sync and the test.util.async namespaces are
* published to test cases and can be called by using callRemoteTestUtil. The
* arguments are serialized as JSON internally. If application ID is passed to
* callRemoteTestUtil, the content window of the application is added as the
* first argument. The functions in the test.util.async namespace are passed the
* callback function as the last argument.
test.util = {};
* Namespace for synchronous utility functions.
test.util.sync = {};
* Namespace for asynchronous utility functions.
test.util.async = {};
* Loaded at runtime and invoked by the external message listener to handle
* remote call requests.
* @type{?function(*, function(*): void)}
test.util.executeTestMessage = null;
* Registers message listener, which runs test utility functions.
test.util.registerRemoteTestUtils = () => {
let responsesWaitingForLoad = [];
// Return true for asynchronous functions, which keeps the connection to the
// caller alive; Return false for synchronous functions.
(request, sender, sendResponse) => {
* List of extension ID of the testing extension.
* @type {Array<string>}
* @const
const kTestingExtensionIds = [
'oobinhbdbiehknkpbpejbbpdbkdjmoco', // File Manager test extension.
'ejhcmmdhhpdhhgmifplfmjobgegbibkn', // Gallery test extension.
'ljoplibgfehghmibaoaepfagnmbbfiga', // Video Player test extension.
'ddabbgbggambiildohfagdkliahiecfl', // Audio Player test extension.
// Check the sender.
if (! || kTestingExtensionIds.indexOf( === -1) {
// Silently return. Don't return false; that short-circuits the
// propagation of messages, and there are now other listeners that
// want to handle external messages.
// Set the global IN_TEST flag, so other components are aware of it.
window.IN_TEST = true;
// If testing functions are loaded just run the requested function.
if (test.util.executeTestMessage !== null) {
return test.util.executeTestMessage(request, sendResponse);
// Queue the request/response pair.
const obj = {request, sendResponse};
// Only load the script with testing functions in the first request.
if (responsesWaitingForLoad.length > 1) {
return true;
// Asynchronously load the testing functions.
let script = document.createElement('script');
script.onload = () => {
// Run queued request/response pairs.
responsesWaitingForLoad.forEach((queueObj) => {
queueObj.request, queueObj.sendResponse);
responsesWaitingForLoad = [];
script.onerror = /** Event */ event => {
console.error('Failed to load the run-time test script: ' + event);
throw new Error('Failed to load the run-time test script: ' + event);
const kFileManagerExtension =
const kTestScriptUrl = kFileManagerExtension +
console.log('Loading ' + kTestScriptUrl);
script.src = kTestScriptUrl;
return true;