blob: bbb307a1f5b2e2b0d430cb4a4ddc0a08de6e4816 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
is: 'audio-player',
listeners: {
'toggle-pause-event': 'onTogglePauseEvent_',
'next-track-event': 'onNextTrackEvent_',
'previous-track-event': 'onPreviousTrackEvent_',
'small-forward-skip-event': 'onSmallForwardSkipEvent_',
'small-backword-skip-event': 'onSmallBackwordSkipEvent_',
'big-forward-skip-event': 'onBigForwardSkipEvent_',
'big-backword-skip-event': 'onBigBackwordSkipEvent_',
properties: {
* Flag whether the audio is playing or paused. True if playing, or false
* paused.
playing: {
type: Boolean,
observer: 'playingChanged',
reflectToAttribute: true,
notify: true
* Current elapsed time in the current music in millisecond.
time: Number,
* Whether the shuffle button is ON.
shuffle: {
type: Boolean,
notify: true,
* What mode the repeat button idicates.
* |repeatMode| can be "no-repeat", "repeat-all", or "repeat-one".
repeatMode: {
type: String,
notify: true,
* The audio volume. 0 is silent, and 100 is maximum loud.
volume: {
type: Number,
notify: true,
* Whether the playlist is expanded or not.
playlistExpanded: {
type: Boolean,
notify: true,
* Whether the artwork is expanded or not.
trackInfoExpanded: {
type: Boolean,
notify: true,
* Track index of the current track.
currentTrackIndex: {
type: Number,
observer: 'currentTrackIndexChanged',
* URL of the current track. (exposed publicly for tests)
currenttrackurl: {
type: String,
value: '',
reflectToAttribute: true,
* The number of played tracks. (exposed publicly for tests)
playcount: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
reflectToAttribute: true,
/** @type {AriaLabels} */
ariaLabels: Object,
* The last playing state when user starts dragging the seek bar.
* @private {boolean}
wasPlayingOnDragStart_: false,
* Initializes an element. This method is called automatically when the
* element is ready.
ready: function() {
'seeking-changed', this.onSeekingChanged_.bind(this));
this.$.audio.addEventListener('ended', this.onAudioEnded.bind(this));
this.$.audio.addEventListener('error', this.onAudioError.bind(this));
var onAudioStatusUpdatedBound = this.onAudioStatusUpdate_.bind(this);
this.$.audio.addEventListener('timeupdate', onAudioStatusUpdatedBound);
this.$.audio.addEventListener('ended', onAudioStatusUpdatedBound);
this.$.audio.addEventListener('play', onAudioStatusUpdatedBound);
this.$.audio.addEventListener('pause', onAudioStatusUpdatedBound);
this.$.audio.addEventListener('suspend', onAudioStatusUpdatedBound);
this.$.audio.addEventListener('abort', onAudioStatusUpdatedBound);
this.$.audio.addEventListener('error', onAudioStatusUpdatedBound);
this.$.audio.addEventListener('emptied', onAudioStatusUpdatedBound);
this.$.audio.addEventListener('stalled', onAudioStatusUpdatedBound);
this.$.audio.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', onAudioStatusUpdatedBound);
* Starts playing in inner audio element.
play: function() {
* Invoked when trackList.currentTrackIndex is changed.
* @param {number} newValue new value.
* @param {number} oldValue old value.
currentTrackIndexChanged: function(newValue, oldValue) {
var currentTrackUrl = '';
if (oldValue != newValue) {
var currentTrack = this.$.trackList.getCurrentTrack();
if(currentTrack && currentTrack != this.$.trackInfo.track){
this.$.trackInfo.track = currentTrack;
this.$.trackInfo.artworkAvailable = !!currentTrack.artworkUrl;
if (currentTrack && currentTrack.url != this.$.audio.src) {
this.$.audio.src = currentTrack.url;
currentTrackUrl = this.$.audio.src;
if (this.playing) {
// The attributes may be being watched, so we change it at the last.
this.currenttrackurl = currentTrackUrl;
* Invoked when playing is changed.
* @param {boolean} newValue new value.
* @param {boolean} oldValue old value.
playingChanged: function(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue) {
if (!this.$.audio.src) {
var currentTrack = this.$.trackList.getCurrentTrack();
if (currentTrack && currentTrack.url != this.$.audio.src) {
this.$.audio.src = currentTrack.url;
if (this.$.audio.src) {
this.currenttrackurl = this.$.audio.src;
// When the new status is "stopped".
this.currenttrackurl = '';
* Invoked when the next button in the controller is clicked.
* This handler is registered in the 'on-click' attribute of the element.
onControllerNextClicked: function() {
this.advance_(true /* forward */, true /* repeat */);
* Invoked when the previous button in the controller is clicked.
* This handler is registered in the 'on-click' attribute of the element.
onControllerPreviousClicked: function() {
this.advance_(false /* forward */, true /* repeat */);
* Invoked when the playback in the audio element is ended.
* This handler is registered in this.ready().
onAudioEnded: function() {
if(this.repeatMode === "repeat-one") {
this.playing = true;
this.$.audio.currentTime = 0;
this.time = 0;
this.advance_(true /* forward */, this.repeatMode === "repeat-all");
* Invoked when the playback in the audio element gets error.
* This handler is registered in this.ready().
onAudioError: function() {
if(this.repeatMode === "repeat-one") {
this.playing = false;
true /* forward */, this.repeatMode === "repeat-all");
* Invoked when the time of playback in the audio element is updated.
* This handler is registered in this.ready().
* @private
onAudioStatusUpdate_: function() {
this.playing = !this.$.audio.paused;
// If we're paused due to drag, do not update time.
if (this.playing) {
this.time = this.$.audio.currentTime * 1000;
if (!Number.isNaN(this.$.audio.duration)) {
this.duration = this.$.audio.duration * 1000;
* Invoked when receivig a request to start playing the current music.
onPlayCurrentTrack: function() {
* Invoked when receiving a request to replay the current music from the track
* list element.
onReplayCurrentTrack: function() {
// Changes the current time back to the beginning, regardless of the current
// status (playing or paused).
this.$.audio.currentTime = 0;
this.time = 0;
* Goes to the previous or the next track.
* @param {boolean} forward True if next, false if previous.
* @param {boolean} repeat True if repeat-mode is "repeat-all". False
* "no-repeat".
* @private
advance_: function(forward, repeat) {
var nextTrackIndex = this.$.trackList.getNextTrackIndex(forward, true);
var isNextTrackAvailable =
(this.$.trackList.getNextTrackIndex(forward, repeat) !== -1);
this.playing = isNextTrackAvailable;
var shouldFireEvent = this.$.trackList.currentTrackIndex === nextTrackIndex;
this.$.trackList.currentTrackIndex = nextTrackIndex;
this.$.audio.currentTime = 0;
this.time = 0;
// If the next track and current track is the same,
// the event will not be fired.
// So we will fire the event here.
// This happenes if there is only one song.
if (shouldFireEvent) {
* Timeout ID of auto advance. Used internally in scheduleAutoAdvance_() and
* cancelAutoAdvance_().
* @type {number?}
* @private
autoAdvanceTimer_: null,
* Schedules automatic advance to the next track after a timeout.
* @param {boolean} forward True if next, false if previous.
* @param {boolean} repeat True if repeat-mode is enabled. False otherwise.
* @private
scheduleAutoAdvance_: function(forward, repeat) {
var currentTrackIndex = this.currentTrackIndex;
var timerId = setTimeout(
function() {
// If the other timer is scheduled, do nothing.
if (this.autoAdvanceTimer_ !== timerId) {
this.autoAdvanceTimer_ = null;
// If the track has been changed since the advance was scheduled, do
// nothing.
if (this.currentTrackIndex !== currentTrackIndex) {
// We are advancing only if the next track is not known to be invalid.
// This prevents an endless auto-advancing in the case when all tracks
// are invalid (we will only visit each track once).
this.advance_(forward, repeat);
this.autoAdvanceTimer_ = timerId;
* Cancels the scheduled auto advance.
* @private
cancelAutoAdvance_: function() {
if (this.autoAdvanceTimer_) {
this.autoAdvanceTimer_ = null;
* The list of the tracks in the playlist.
* When it changed, current operation including playback is stopped and
* restarts playback with new tracks if necessary.
* @type {Array<TrackInfo>}
get tracks() {
return this.$.trackList ? this.$.trackList.tracks : null;
set tracks(tracks) {
if (this.$.trackList.tracks === tracks) {
this.$.trackList.tracks = tracks;
var currentTrack = this.$.trackList.getCurrentTrack();
if (currentTrack && currentTrack.url != this.$.audio.src) {
this.$.audio.src = currentTrack.url;
* Notifis the track-list element that the metadata for specified track is
* updated.
* @param {number} index The index of the track whose metadata is updated.
notifyTrackMetadataUpdated: function(index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.tracks.length) {
this.$.trackList.notifyPath('tracks.' + index + '.title',
this.$.trackList.notifyPath('tracks.' + index + '.artist',
if (this.$.trackInfo.track &&
this.$.trackInfo.track.url === this.tracks[index].url){
this.$.trackInfo.notifyPath('track.title', this.tracks[index].title);
this.$.trackInfo.notifyPath('track.artist', this.tracks[index].artist);
var artworkUrl = this.tracks[index].artworkUrl;
if (artworkUrl) {
this.$.trackInfo.artworkAvailable = true;
} else {
this.$.trackInfo.notifyPath('track.artworkUrl', undefined);
this.$.trackInfo.artworkAvailable = false;
* Invoked when the audio player is being unloaded.
onPageUnload: function() {
this.$.audio.src = ''; // Hack to prevent crashing.
* Invoked when dragging state of seek bar on control panel is changed.
* During the user is dragging it, audio playback is paused temporalily.
* @param {!CustomEvent<{value: boolean}>} e
onSeekingChanged_: function(e) {
if (e.detail.value && this.playing) {
this.wasPlayingOnDragStart_ = true;
if (!e.detail.value && this.wasPlayingOnDragStart_) {
this.wasPlayingOnDragStart_ = false;
* @param {!CustomEvent<number>} e
* @private
onUpdateTime_: function(e) {
this.$.audio.currentTime = e.detail / 1000;
this.time = e.detail;
* Computes volume value for audio element. (should be in [0.0, 1.0])
* @param {number} volume Volume which is set in the UI. ([0, 100])
* @return {number}
computeAudioVolume_: function(volume) {
return volume / 100;
* Toggle pause.
* @private
onTogglePauseEvent_: function() {
* Small skip forward.
* @private
onSmallForwardSkipEvent_: function() {
* Small skip backword.
* @private
onSmallBackwordSkipEvent_: function() {
* Big skip forward.
* @private
onBigForwardSkipEvent_: function() {
* Big skip backword.
* @private
onBigBackwordSkipEvent_: function() {
/** @private */
onNextTrackEvent_: function() {
/** @private */
onPreviousTrackEvent_: function() {