blob: 82b87487629121e189b7384e1f1615012811fe1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
is: 'app-management-main-view',
behaviors: [
properties: {
* @private {AppMap}
apps_: {
type: Object,
observer: 'onAppsChanged_',
* List of apps displayed before expanding the app list.
* @private {Array<App>}
displayedApps_: {
type: Array,
value: () => [],
* List of apps displayed after expanding app list.
* @private {Array<App>}
collapsedApps_: {
type: Array,
value: () => [],
* A set containing the ids of all the apps with notifications enabled.
* @private {!Set<string>}
notificationAppIds_: {
type: Object,
observer: 'getNotificationSublabel_',
attached: function() {'apps_', state => state.apps);'notificationAppIds_', state => state.notifications.allowedIds);
* @private
onAppsChanged_: function() {
const appList = Object.values(this.apps_);
this.displayedApps_ = appList.slice(0, NUMBER_OF_APPS_DISPLAYED_DEFAULT);
this.collapsedApps_ =
appList.slice(NUMBER_OF_APPS_DISPLAYED_DEFAULT, appList.length);
/** @private */
onClickNotificationSublabel_: function() {
* Show a string with apps' |title|(s) previewed into a label, with each
* title ellipsised if too long.
* @private
getNotificationSublabelPieces_: async function() {
const notificationApps =
Array.from(this.notificationAppIds_, id => this.getState().apps[id]);
const /** @type {string} */ label = await cr.sendWithPromise(
'getPluralString', 'appListPreview', notificationApps.length);
const substitutions = [];
for (let i = 0;
i < APP_LIST_PREVIEW_APP_TITLES && i < notificationApps.length; i++) {
// Add X more apps if the length is more than APP_LIST_PREVIEW_APP_TITLES.
if (notificationApps.length >= APP_LIST_PREVIEW_APP_TITLES + 1) {
substitutions.push(notificationApps.length - APP_LIST_PREVIEW_APP_TITLES);
// Only APP_LIST_PREVIEW_APP_TITLES of apps' titles get ellipsised
// if too long. the element after that is "X other apps"
const placeholder = APP_LIST_PREVIEW_APP_TITLES + 1;
const pieces =
loadTimeData.getSubstitutedStringPieces(label, ...substitutions)
.map(function(p) {
// Make the titles of app collapsible but make the number in the
// "X other app(s)" part non-collapsible.
p.collapsible = !!p.arg && p.arg !== '$' + placeholder;
return p;
return pieces;
* Create <span> for each app title previewed,
* making certain text fragments collapsible.
getNotificationSublabel_: async function() {
const pieces = await this.getNotificationSublabelPieces_();
// Create <span> for each app title previewed,
// making certain text fragments collapsible.
const textContainer = this.$['notifications-sublabel'];
textContainer.textContent = '';
for (const p of pieces) {
if (!p.value || p.value.length === 0) {
const span = document.createElement('span');
span.textContent = p.value;
if (p.collapsible) {