blob: 2252b4c0a73ff913d1091ae27814cfb48f66f501 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
is: 'app-management-notifications-view',
behaviors: [
properties: {
* @private {AppMap}
apps_: {
type: Object,
observer: 'onAppsChanged_',
* List of apps with notification permission
* displayed before expanding the app list.
* @private {!Array<App>}
displayedApps_: {
type: Array,
value: () => [],
* List of apps without notification permission
* displayed after expanding app list.
* @private {!Array<App>}
collapsedApps_: {
type: Array,
value: () => [],
* @private {boolean}
listExpanded_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
attached: function() {'apps_', state => state.apps);
* Creates arrays of displayed and collapsed apps based on the sets of apps
* with notifications allowed and blocked in the Store. The orders of apps
* in these arrays should then remain fixed while this view is showing.
* If all the apps have / don't have notification permission, display the
* whole list, else display those with notification permission before
* expanding.
* @private
onViewLoaded_: function() {
const state = this.getState();
this.displayedApps_ =
Array.from(state.notifications.allowedIds, id => state.apps[id]);
this.collapsedApps_ =
Array.from(state.notifications.blockedIds, id => state.apps[id]);
if (this.displayedApps_.length === 0) {
this.displayedApps_ = this.collapsedApps_;
this.collapsedApps_ = [];
* Updates the lists of displayed and collapsed apps when any changes occur
* to the apps in the Store, maintaining the original order of apps in the
* lists. New lists are created so that Polymer bindings will re-evaluate.
* @private
onAppsChanged_() {
const unhandledAppIds = new Set(Object.keys(this.apps_));
this.displayedApps_ =
this.updateAppList_(this.displayedApps_, unhandledAppIds);
this.collapsedApps_ =
this.updateAppList_(this.collapsedApps_, unhandledAppIds);
// If any new apps have been added, append them to the appropriate list.
for (const appId of unhandledAppIds) {
const app = this.apps_[appId];
const allowed = app_management.util.notificationsAllowed(app);
if (allowed === OptionalBool.kUnknown) {
if (allowed === OptionalBool.kTrue) {
} else {
* Creates a new list of apps with the same order as the original appList,
* but using the updated apps from this.apps_. As each app is added to the
* new list, it is also removed from the unhandledAppIds set.
* @param {!Array<App>} appList
* @param {!Set<string>} unhandledAppIds
* @return {!Array<App>}
* @private
updateAppList_(appList, unhandledAppIds) {
const newApps = [];
for (const app of appList) {
if (unhandledAppIds.has( {
return newApps;
/** @private */
onClickBackButton_: function() {
this.listExpanded_ = false;
if (!window.history.state) {
} else {
* Returns a boolean representation of the permission value, which used to
* determine the position of the permission toggle.
* @param {App} app
* @return {boolean}
* @private
getNotificationValueBool_: function(app) {
return app_management.util.getPermissionValueBool(
app, this.notificationsPermissionType(app));
* @param {App} app
* @return {string}
* @private
notificationsPermissionType_: function(app) {
return assert(app_management.util.notificationsPermissionType(app));