blob: 0d9bacd87ee266b9b1637f66808244786c22ebde [file] [log] [blame]
// META: script=resources/test-helpers.js
promise_test(async t => cleanupSandboxedFileSystem(),
'Cleanup to setup test environment');
promise_test(async t => {
const dir = await FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getSystemDirectory({ type: 'sandbox' });
await promise_rejects(t, 'NotFoundError', dir.getFile('non-existing-file'));
}, 'getFile(create=false) rejects for non-existing files');
promise_test(async t => {
const dir = await FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getSystemDirectory({ type: 'sandbox' });
const handle = await dir.getFile('non-existing-file', { create: true });
t.add_cleanup(() => handle.remove());
assert_equals(, 'non-existing-file');
assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 0);
assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), '');
}, 'getFile(create=true) creates an empty file for non-existing files');
promise_test(async t => {
const existing_handle = await createFileWithContents(t, 'existing-file', '1234567890');
const dir = await FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getSystemDirectory({ type: 'sandbox' });
const handle = await dir.getFile('existing-file');
assert_equals(, 'existing-file');
assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 10);
assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), '1234567890');
}, 'getFile(create=false) returns existing files');
promise_test(async t => {
const existing_handle = await createFileWithContents(t, 'file-with-contents', '1234567890');
const dir = await FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getSystemDirectory({ type: 'sandbox' });
const handle = await dir.getFile('file-with-contents', { create: true });
assert_equals(, 'file-with-contents');
assert_equals(await getFileSize(handle), 10);
assert_equals(await getFileContents(handle), '1234567890');
}, 'getFile(create=true) returns existing files without erasing');
promise_test(async t => {
const dir = await FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getSystemDirectory({ type: 'sandbox' });
const dir_handle = await dir.getDirectory('dir-name', { create: true });
t.add_cleanup(() => dir_handle.removeRecursively());
await promise_rejects(t, 'TypeMismatchError', dir.getFile('dir-name'));
}, 'getFile(create=false) when a directory already exists with the same name');
promise_test(async t => {
const dir = await FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getSystemDirectory({ type: 'sandbox' });
const dir_handle = await dir.getDirectory('dir-name', { create: true });
t.add_cleanup(() => dir_handle.removeRecursively());
await promise_rejects(t, 'TypeMismatchError', dir.getFile('dir-name', { create: true }));
}, 'getFile(create=true) when a directory already exists with the same name');