blob: 4af9e7e6a568e9b6e1105efdfeca88a1c9743f3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/** @const */ var TOTAL_RESULT_COUNT = 25;
* Test C++ fixture for downloads WebUI testing.
* @constructor
* @extends {testing.Test}
function DownloadsUIBrowserTest() {}
* Base fixture for Downloads WebUI testing.
* @extends {testing.Test}
* @constructor
function BaseDownloadsWebUITest() {}
BaseDownloadsWebUITest.prototype = {
__proto__: testing.Test.prototype,
* Browse to the downloads page & call our preLoad().
browsePreload: 'chrome://downloads/',
/** @override */
typedefCppFixture: 'DownloadsUIBrowserTest',
/** @override */
testGenPreamble: function() {
GEN(' SetDeleteAllowed(true);');
/** @override */
runAccessibilityChecks: true,
/** @override */
accessibilityIssuesAreErrors: true,
* Sends TOTAL_RESULT_COUNT fake downloads to the page. This can't be called
* in the preLoad, because it requires the global Download object to have
* been created by the page.
* @override
setUp: function() {
this.createdDownloads = [];
// The entries will begin at 1:00 AM on Sept 2, 2008, and will be spaced
// two minutes apart.
var timestamp = new Date(2008, 9, 2, 1, 0).getTime();
for (var i = 0; i < TOTAL_RESULT_COUNT; ++i) {
this.createDownload(i, timestamp);
timestamp += 2 * 60 * 1000; // Next visit is two minutes later.
expectEquals(downloads.Manager.size(), TOTAL_RESULT_COUNT);
* Creates a download object to be passed to the page, following the expected
* backend format (see
* @param {number} id A unique ID for the download.
* @param {number} timestamp The time the download purportedly started.
* @return {!Object} A fake download object.
createDownload: function(id, timestamp) {
id: id,
started: timestamp,
otr: false,
state: downloads.States.COMPLETE,
retry: false,
file_path: '/path/to/file',
file_url: '' + timestamp,
file_name: 'download_' + timestamp,
url: '' + timestamp,
file_externally_removed: false,
danger_type: downloads.DangerType.NOT_DANGEROUS,
last_reason_text: '',
since_string: 'today',
date_string: 'today',
percent: 100,
progress_status_text: 'done',
received: 128,
return this.createdDownloads[0];
* Creates a dangerous download object. See
* @param {number} id The ID of the download.
* @param {number} timestamp The time this download started.
* @return {!Object} A fake, dangerous download object.
createDangerousDownload: function(id, timestamp) {
id: id,
started: timestamp,
otr: false,
state: downloads.States.DANGEROUS,
retry: false,
file_path: '/oh/noes.jpg.exe',
file_url: '' + timestamp,
file_name: 'evil.' + timestamp + '.jar',
file_url: '' + timestamp,
file_externally_removed: false,
danger_type: downloads.DangerType.DANGEROUS_FILE,
last_reason_text: '',
since_string: 'today',
date_string: 'today',
percent: 0,
progress_status_text: '',
received: 128,
return this.createdDownloads[0];
* Simulates getting no results from C++.
sendEmptyList: function() {
assertEquals(0, downloads.Manager.size());
* Check that |element| is showing and contains |text|.
* @param {Element} element
* @param {string} text
checkShowing: function(element, text) {
expectNotEquals(-1, element.textContent.indexOf(text));
* Asserts the correctness of the state of the UI elements that delete the
* download history.
* @param {boolean} visible True if download deletion UI should be visible.
expectDeleteControlsVisible: function(visible) {
// "Clear all" should only be showing when deletions are allowed.
expectEquals(!visible, $('clear-all').hidden);
// "Remove from list" links should only exist when deletions are allowed.
var query = '#downloads-display .safe .remove';
if (!visible)
query += '[hidden]';
expectEquals(TOTAL_RESULT_COUNT, document.querySelectorAll(query).length);