blob: 00e23ac44ca28be592c046127a40d2b1507f2e93 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Utils provide logging functions and other JS functions commonly used by the
// app and media players.
var Utils = new function() {
this.titleChanged = false;
// Adds options to document element.
Utils.addOptions = function(elementID, keyValueOptions, disabledOptions) {
disabledOptions = disabledOptions || [];
var selectElement = document.getElementById(elementID);
var keys = Object.keys(keyValueOptions);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
var option = new Option(key, keyValueOptions[key]);
option.title = keyValueOptions[key];
if (disabledOptions.indexOf(key) >= 0)
option.disabled = true;
Utils.convertToArray = function(input) {
if (Array.isArray(input))
return input;
return [input];
Utils.convertToUint8Array = function(msg) {
if (typeof msg == 'string') {
var ans = new Uint8Array(msg.length);
for (var i = 0; i < msg.length; i++) {
ans[i] = msg.charCodeAt(i);
return ans;
// Assume it is an ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView. If it already is a
// Uint8Array, this will just make a copy of the view.
return new Uint8Array(msg);
Utils.createJWKData = function(keyId, key) {
// JWK routines copied from third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/media/
// encrypted-media/encrypted-media-utils.js
// Encodes data (Uint8Array) into base64url string. There is no '=' padding,
// and the characters '-' and '_' must be used instead of '+' and '/',
// respectively.
function base64urlEncode(data) {
var result = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, data));
return result.replace(/=+$/g, '').replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_");
// Creates a JWK from raw key ID and key.
function createJWK(keyId, key) {
var jwk = '{"kty":"oct","alg":"A128KW","kid":"';
jwk += base64urlEncode(keyId);
jwk += '","k":"';
jwk += base64urlEncode(key);
jwk += '"}';
return jwk;
// Creates a JWK Set from an array of JWK(s).
function createJWKSet() {
var jwkSet = '{"keys":[';
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (i != 0)
jwkSet += ',';
jwkSet += arguments[i];
jwkSet += ']}';
return jwkSet;
return Utils.convertToUint8Array(createJWKSet(createJWK(keyId, key)));
Utils.extractFirstLicenseKeyId = function(message) {
// Decodes data (Uint8Array) from base64url string.
function base64urlDecode(data) {
return atob(data.replace(/\-/g, "+").replace(/\_/g, "/"));
function convertToString(data) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, Utils.convertToUint8Array(data));
try {
var json = JSON.parse(convertToString(message));
// Decode the first element of 'kids', return it as an Uint8Array.
return Utils.convertToUint8Array(base64urlDecode([0]));
} catch (error) {
// Not valid JSON, so return message untouched as Uint8Array.
return Utils.convertToUint8Array(message);
Utils.documentLog = function(log, success, time) {
if (!docLogs)
time = time || Utils.getCurrentTimeString();
var timeLog = '<span style="color: green">' + time + '</span>';
var logColor = !success ? 'red' : 'black'; // default is true.
log = '<span style="color: "' + logColor + '>' + log + '</span>';
docLogs.innerHTML = timeLog + ' - ' + log + '<br>' + docLogs.innerHTML;
Utils.ensureOptionInList = function(listID, option) {
var selectElement = document.getElementById(listID);
for (var i = 0; i < selectElement.length; i++) {
if (selectElement.options[i].value == option) {
selectElement.value = option;
// The list does not have the option, let's add it and select it.
var optionElement = new Option(option, option);
optionElement.title = option;
selectElement.value = option;
Utils.failTest = function(msg, newTitle) {
var failMessage = 'FAIL: ';
var title = 'FAILED';
// Handle exception messages;
if (msg.message) {
title = || 'Error';
failMessage += title + ' ' + msg.message;
} else if (msg instanceof Event) {
// Handle failing events.
failMessage = + '.' + msg.type;
title = msg.type;
} else {
failMessage += msg;
// Force newTitle if passed.
title = newTitle || title;
// Log failure.
Utils.documentLog(failMessage, false);
console.log(failMessage, msg);
Utils.getCurrentTimeString = function() {
var date = new Date();
var hours = ('0' + date.getHours()).slice(-2);
var minutes = ('0' + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
var secs = ('0' + date.getSeconds()).slice(-2);
var milliSecs = ('00' + date.getMilliseconds()).slice(-3);
return hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + secs + '.' + milliSecs;
Utils.getDefaultKey = function(forceInvalidResponse) {
if (forceInvalidResponse) {
Utils.timeLog('Forcing invalid key data.');
return new Uint8Array([0xAA]);
return KEY;
Utils.getHexString = function(uintArray) {
var hex_str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < uintArray.length; i++) {
var hex = uintArray[i].toString(16);
if (hex.length == 1)
hex = '0' + hex;
hex_str += hex;
return hex_str;
Utils.hasPrefix = function(msg, prefix) {
var message = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, msg);
return message.substring(0, prefix.length) == prefix;
Utils.installTitleEventHandler = function(element, event) {
element.addEventListener(event, function(e) {
}, false);
Utils.isRenewalMessage = function(message) {
if (message.messageType != 'license-renewal')
return false;
if (!Utils.isRenewalMessagePrefixed(message.message)) {
Utils.failTest('license-renewal message doesn\'t contain expected header',
return true;
// For the prefixed API renewal messages are determined by looking at the
// message and finding a known string.
Utils.isRenewalMessagePrefixed = function(msg) {
return Utils.hasPrefix(Utils.convertToUint8Array(msg),
Utils.resetTitleChange = function() {
this.titleChanged = false;
document.title = '';
Utils.sendRequest = function(
requestType, responseType, message, serverURL, onResponseCallbackFn,
forceInvalidResponse) {
var requestAttemptCount = 0;
function sendRequestAttempt() {
// No limit on the number of retries. This will retry on failures
// until the test framework stops the test.
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.responseType = responseType;, serverURL, true);
xmlhttp.onerror = function(e) {
Utils.timeLog('Request status: ' + this.statusText);
Utils.timeLog('FAILED: License request XHR failed with network error.');
Utils.timeLog('Retrying request in ' + REQUEST_RETRY_DELAY_MS + 'ms');
setTimeout(sendRequestAttempt, REQUEST_RETRY_DELAY_MS);
xmlhttp.onload = function(e) {
if (this.status == 200) {
} else if (this.status == 404 && serverURL == DEFAULT_LICENSE_SERVER) {
// If using the default license server, no page available means there
// is no license server configured.
onResponseCallbackFn(Utils.convertToUint8Array("No license."));
} else {
Utils.timeLog('Bad response status: ' + this.status);
Utils.timeLog('Bad response: ' + this.response);
Utils.timeLog('Retrying request in ' + REQUEST_RETRY_DELAY_MS + 'ms');
setTimeout(sendRequestAttempt, REQUEST_RETRY_DELAY_MS);
xmlhttp.timeout = REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS;
xmlhttp.ontimeout = function(e) {
Utils.timeLog('Request timeout');
Utils.timeLog('Retrying request in ' + REQUEST_RETRY_DELAY_MS + 'ms');
setTimeout(sendRequestAttempt, REQUEST_RETRY_DELAY_MS);
Utils.timeLog('Attempt (' + requestAttemptCount +
'): sending request to server: ' + serverURL);
if (forceInvalidResponse) {
Utils.timeLog('Not sending request - forcing an invalid response.');
return onResponseCallbackFn(Utils.convertToUint8Array("Invalid response."));
Utils.setResultInTitle = function(title) {
// If document title is 'ENDED', then update it with new title to possibly
// mark a test as failure. Otherwise, keep the first title change in place.
if (!this.titleChanged || document.title.toUpperCase() == 'ENDED')
document.title = title.toUpperCase();
Utils.timeLog('Set document title to: ' + title + ', updated title: ' +
this.titleChanged = true;
Utils.timeLog = function(/**/) {
if (arguments.length == 0)
var time = Utils.getCurrentTimeString();
// Log to document.
Utils.documentLog(arguments[0], time);
// Log to JS console.
var logString = time + ' - ';
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
logString += ' ' + arguments[i];