Remove includes of web_task_runner.h in platform/ and elsewhere.

This CL rewrites #include lines of web_task_runner.h, which is now
deprecated. Instead of web_task_runner.h, new include lines of
post_cancellable_task.h and/or post_cross_thread_task.h are inserted,
depending on what's used in each file.

This CL only touches #include lines and nothing else.

Bug: 826203
Change-Id: Ic69f1c44af50d2ad39cee4d8bc42d8b37cb9b528
Commit-Queue: Yuta Kitamura <>
Reviewed-by: Kentaro Hara <>
Reviewed-by: Alexander Timin <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#612124}
59 files changed