blob: 137ce147248c60fae2ea2273588e0d12d76224bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Provides output services for ChromeVox.
goog.scope(function() {
var Dir = AutomationUtil.Dir;
* An Output object formats a cursors.Range into speech, braille, or both
* representations. This is typically a cvox.Spannable.
* The translation from Range to these output representations rely upon format
* rules which specify how to convert AutomationNode objects into annotated
* strings.
* The format of these rules is as follows.
* $ prefix: used to substitute either an attribute or a specialized value from
* an AutomationNode. Specialized values include role and state. Attributes
* available for substitution are AutomationNode.prototype.attributes and
* AutomationNode.prototype.state.
* For example, $value $role $enabled
* @ prefix: used to substitute a message. Note the ability to specify params to
* the message. For example, '@tag_html' '@selected_index($text_sel_start,
* $text_sel_end').
* = suffix: used to specify substitution only if not previously appended.
* For example, $name= would insert the name attribute only if no name
* attribute had been inserted previously.
* @constructor
Output = function() {
// TODO(dtseng): Include braille specific rules.
/** @type {!Array<cvox.Spannable>} */
this.buffer_ = [];
/** @type {!Array<cvox.Spannable>} */
this.brailleBuffer_ = [];
/** @type {!Array<Object>} */
this.locations_ = [];
/** @type {function(?)} */
* Current global options.
* @type {{speech: boolean, braille: boolean, location: boolean}}
this.formatOptions_ = {speech: true, braille: false, location: true};
* Speech properties to apply to the entire output.
* @type {!Object<string, *>}
this.speechProperties_ = {};
* Delimiter to use between output values.
* @type {string}
Output.SPACE = ' ';
* Metadata about supported automation roles.
* @const {Object<string, {msgId: string,
* earconId: (string|undefined),
* inherits: (string|undefined)}>}
* msgId: the message id of the role.
* earconId: an optional earcon to play when encountering the role.
* inherits: inherits rules from this role.
* @private
Output.ROLE_INFO_ = {
alert: {
msgId: 'aria_role_alert',
alertDialog: {
msgId: 'aria_role_alertdialog'
article: {
msgId: 'aria_role_article',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
application: {
msgId: 'aria_role_application',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
banner: {
msgId: 'aria_role_banner',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
button: {
msgId: 'tag_button',
earconId: 'BUTTON'
cell: {
msgId: 'aria_role_gridcell'
checkBox: {
msgId: 'input_type_checkbox'
columnHeader: {
msgId: 'aria_role_columnheader',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
comboBox: {
msgId: 'aria_role_combobox'
complementary: {
msgId: 'aria_role_complementary',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
contentInfo: {
msgId: 'aria_role_contentinfo',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
date: {
msgId: 'input_type_date',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
definition: {
msgId: 'aria_role_definition',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
dialog: {
msgId: 'dialog'
directory: {
msgId: 'aria_role_directory',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
document: {
msgId: 'aria_role_document',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
form: {
msgId: 'aria_role_form',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
grid: {
msgId: 'aria_role_grid'
group: {
msgId: 'aria_role_group'
heading: {
msgId: 'aria_role_heading',
image: {
msgId: 'aria_role_img',
link: {
msgId: 'tag_link',
earconId: 'LINK'
listBox: {
msgId: 'aria_role_listbox',
earconId: 'LISTBOX'
listBoxOption: {
msgId: 'aria_role_listitem',
earconId: 'LIST_ITEM'
listItem: {
msgId: 'aria_role_listitem',
earconId: 'LIST_ITEM'
log: {
msgId: 'aria_role_log',
main: {
msgId: 'aria_role_main',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
marquee: {
msgId: 'aria_role_marquee',
math: {
msgId: 'aria_role_math',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
menu: {
msgId: 'aria_role_menu'
menuBar: {
msgId: 'aria_role_menubar',
menuItem: {
msgId: 'aria_role_menuitem'
menuItemCheckBox: {
msgId: 'aria_role_menuitemcheckbox'
menuItemRadio: {
msgId: 'aria_role_menuitemradio'
menuListOption: {
msgId: 'aria_role_menuitem'
menuListPopup: {
msgId: 'aria_role_menu'
navigation: {
msgId: 'aria_role_navigation',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
note: {
msgId: 'aria_role_note',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
region: {
msgId: 'aria_role_region',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
popUpButton: {
msgId: 'tag_button',
earcon: 'LISTBOX'
radioButton: {
msgId: 'input_type_radio'
radioGroup: {
msgId: 'aria_role_radiogroup',
rowHeader: {
msgId: 'aria_role_rowheader',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
scrollBar: {
msgId: 'aria_role_scrollbar',
search: {
msgId: 'aria_role_search',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
separator: {
msgId: 'aria_role_separator',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
spinButton: {
msgId: 'aria_role_spinbutton',
earconId: 'LISTBOX'
status: {
msgId: 'aria_role_status'
tab: {
msgId: 'aria_role_tab'
tabList: {
msgId: 'aria_role_tablist'
tabPanel: {
msgId: 'aria_role_tabpanel'
textBox: {
msgId: 'input_type_text',
textField: {
msgId: 'input_type_text',
time: {
msgId: 'tag_time',
inherits: 'abstractContainer'
timer: {
msgId: 'aria_role_timer'
toolbar: {
msgId: 'aria_role_toolbar'
tree: {
msgId: 'aria_role_tree'
treeItem: {
msgId: 'aria_role_treeitem'
* Metadata about supported automation states.
* @const {!Object<string,
* {on: {msgId: string, earconId: string},
* off: {msgId: string, earconId: string},
* omitted: {msgId: string, earconId: string}}>}
* on: info used to describe a state that is set to true.
* off: info used to describe a state that is set to false.
* omitted: info used to describe a state that is undefined.
* @private
Output.STATE_INFO_ = {
checked: {
on: {
earconId: 'CHECK_ON',
msgId: 'checkbox_checked_state'
off: {
earconId: 'CHECK_OFF',
msgId: 'checkbox_unchecked_state'
omitted: {
earconId: 'CHECK_OFF',
msgId: 'checkbox_unchecked_state'
collapsed: {
on: {
msgId: 'aria_expanded_false'
off: {
msgId: 'aria_expanded_true'
expanded: {
on: {
msgId: 'aria_expanded_true'
off: {
msgId: 'aria_expanded_false'
visited: {
on: {
msgId: 'visited_state'
* Rules specifying format of AutomationNodes for output.
* @type {!Object<string, Object<string, Object<string, string>>>}
Output.RULES = {
navigate: {
'default': {
speak: '$name $value $description $help $role',
braille: ''
abstractContainer: {
enter: '$name $role',
leave: '@exited_container($role)'
alert: {
speak: '!doNotInterrupt $role $descendants'
alertDialog: {
enter: '$name $role $descendants'
cell: {
enter: '@column_granularity $tableCellColumnIndex'
checkBox: {
speak: '$name $role $checked'
dialog: {
enter: '$name $role'
grid: {
enter: '$name $role'
heading: {
enter: '@tag_h+$hierarchicalLevel',
speak: '@tag_h+$hierarchicalLevel $nameOrDescendants='
inlineTextBox: {
speak: '$value='
link: {
enter: '$name $visited $role',
stay: '$name= $visited $role',
speak: '$name= $visited $role'
list: {
enter: '$role @list_with_items($countChildren(listItem))'
listBox: {
enter: '$name $role @list_with_items($countChildren(listBoxOption))'
listBoxOption: {
speak: '$name $role @describe_index($indexInParent, $parentChildCount)'
listItem: {
enter: '$role'
menu: {
enter: '$name $role @list_with_items($countChildren(menuItem))'
menuItem: {
speak: '$if($haspopup, @describe_menu_item_with_submenu($name), ' +
'@describe_menu_item($name)) ' +
'@describe_index($indexInParent, $parentChildCount)'
menuListOption: {
speak: '$name $value @aria_role_menuitem ' +
'@describe_index($indexInParent, $parentChildCount)'
paragraph: {
speak: '$value'
popUpButton: {
speak: '$value $name $role @aria_has_popup ' +
'$if($collapsed, @aria_expanded_false, @aria_expanded_true)'
radioButton: {
speak: '$if($checked, @describe_radio_selected($name), ' +
radioGroup: {
enter: '$name $role'
row: {
enter: '@row_granularity $tableRowIndex'
slider: {
speak: '@describe_slider($value, $name) $help'
staticText: {
speak: '$value $name'
tab: {
speak: '@describe_tab($name)'
textField: {
speak: '$name $value $if(' +
'$textInputType, @input_type_+$textInputType, @input_type_text)',
braille: ''
toolbar: {
enter: '$name $role'
tree: {
enter: '$name $role @list_with_items($countChildren(treeItem))'
treeItem: {
enter: '$role $expanded $collapsed ' +
'@describe_index($indexInParent, $parentChildCount) ' +
window: {
enter: '$name',
speak: '@describe_window($name) $earcon(OBJECT_OPEN)'
menuStart: {
'default': {
speak: '@chrome_menu_opened($name) $earcon(OBJECT_OPEN)'
menuEnd: {
'default': {
speak: '@chrome_menu_closed $earcon(OBJECT_CLOSE)'
menuListValueChanged: {
'default': {
speak: '$value $name ' +
'$find({"state": {"selected": true, "invisible": false}}, ' +
'@describe_index($indexInParent, $parentChildCount)) '
alert: {
default: {
speak: '!doNotInterrupt ' +
'@aria_role_alert $name $earcon(ALERT_NONMODAL) $descendants'
* Custom actions performed while rendering an output string.
* @param {function()} action
* @constructor
Output.Action = function(action) {
this.action_ = action;
Output.Action.prototype = {
run: function() {
* Action to play a earcon.
* @param {string} earconId
* @constructor
* @extends {Output.Action}
Output.EarconAction = function(earconId) {, function() {
Output.EarconAction.prototype = {
__proto__: Output.Action.prototype
* Annotation for selection.
* @param {number} startIndex
* @param {number} endIndex
* @constructor
Output.SelectionSpan = function(startIndex, endIndex) {
// TODO(dtseng): Direction lost below; should preserve for braille panning.
this.startIndex = startIndex < endIndex ? startIndex : endIndex;
this.endIndex = endIndex > startIndex ? endIndex : startIndex;
* Possible events handled by ChromeVox internally.
* @enum {string}
Output.EventType = {
NAVIGATE: 'navigate'
Output.prototype = {
* Gets the output buffer for speech.
* @param {string=} opt_separator Used to join components of the output.
* @return {!cvox.Spannable}
toSpannable: function(opt_separator) {
opt_separator = opt_separator || '';
return this.buffer_.reduce(function(prev, cur) {
if (prev === null)
return cur;
return prev;
}, null);
* Gets the output buffer for speech with separator '|'.
* @return {!cvox.Spannable}
toSpannableForTest: function() {
return this.toSpannable('|');
* Specify ranges for speech.
* @param {!cursors.Range} range
* @param {cursors.Range} prevRange
* @param {chrome.automation.EventType|Output.EventType} type
* @return {!Output}
withSpeech: function(range, prevRange, type) {
this.formatOptions_ = {speech: true, braille: false, location: true};
this.render_(range, prevRange, type, this.buffer_);
return this;
* Specify ranges for braille.
* @param {!cursors.Range} range
* @param {cursors.Range} prevRange
* @param {chrome.automation.EventType|Output.EventType} type
* @return {!Output}
withBraille: function(range, prevRange, type) {
this.formatOptions_ = {speech: false, braille: true, location: false};
this.render_(range, prevRange, type, this.brailleBuffer_);
return this;
* Specify the same ranges for speech and braille.
* @param {!cursors.Range} range
* @param {cursors.Range} prevRange
* @param {chrome.automation.EventType|Output.EventType} type
* @return {!Output}
withSpeechAndBraille: function(range, prevRange, type) {
this.withSpeech(range, prevRange, type);
this.withBraille(range, prevRange, type);
return this;
* Apply a format string directly to the output buffer. This lets you
* output a message directly to the buffer using the format syntax.
* @param {string} formatStr
* @return {!Output}
format: function(formatStr) {
this.formatOptions_ = {speech: true, braille: false, location: true};
this.format_(null, formatStr, this.buffer_);
this.formatOptions_ = {speech: false, braille: true, location: false};
this.format_(null, formatStr, this.brailleBuffer_);
return this;
* Triggers callback for a speech event.
* @param {function()} callback
onSpeechEnd: function(callback) {
this.speechEndCallback_ = function(opt_cleanupOnly) {
if (!opt_cleanupOnly)
return this;
* Executes all specified output.
go: function() {
// Speech.
var queueMode = cvox.QueueMode.FLUSH;
this.buffer_.forEach(function(buff, i, a) {
if (buff.toString()) {
(function() {
var scopedBuff = buff;
this.speechProperties_['startCallback'] = function() {
var actions = scopedBuff.getSpansInstanceOf(Output.Action);
if (actions) {
actions.forEach(function(a) {;
if (this.speechEndCallback_ && i == a.length - 1)
this.speechProperties_['endCallback'] = this.speechEndCallback_;
this.speechProperties_['endCallback'] = null;
buff.toString(), queueMode, this.speechProperties_);
queueMode = cvox.QueueMode.QUEUE;
// Braille.
var buff = this.brailleBuffer_.reduce(function(prev, cur) {
if (prev.getLength() > 0 && cur.getLength() > 0)
return prev;
}, new cvox.Spannable());
var selSpan =
var startIndex = -1, endIndex = -1;
if (selSpan) {
// Casts ok, since the span is known to be in the spannable.
var valueStart =
/** @type {number} */ (buff.getSpanStart(selSpan));
var valueEnd =
/** @type {number} */ (buff.getSpanEnd(selSpan));
startIndex = valueStart + selSpan.startIndex;
endIndex = valueStart + selSpan.endIndex;
buff.setSpan(new cvox.ValueSpan(0),
valueStart, valueEnd);
buff.setSpan(new cvox.ValueSelectionSpan(),
startIndex, endIndex);
var output = new cvox.NavBraille({
text: buff,
startIndex: startIndex,
endIndex: endIndex
if (this.brailleBuffer_)
// Display.
* Renders the given range using optional context previous range and event
* type.
* @param {!cursors.Range} range
* @param {cursors.Range} prevRange
* @param {chrome.automation.EventType|string} type
* @param {!Array<cvox.Spannable>} buff Buffer to receive rendered output.
* @private
render_: function(range, prevRange, type, buff) {
if (range.isSubNode())
this.subNode_(range, prevRange, type, buff);
this.range_(range, prevRange, type, buff);
* Format the node given the format specifier.
* @param {chrome.automation.AutomationNode} node
* @param {string|!Object} format The output format either specified as an
* output template string or a parsed output format tree.
* @param {!Array<cvox.Spannable>} buff Buffer to receive rendered output.
* @param {!Object=} opt_exclude A set of attributes to exclude.
* @private
format_: function(node, format, buff, opt_exclude) {
opt_exclude = opt_exclude || {};
var tokens = [];
var args = null;
// Hacky way to support args.
if (typeof(format) == 'string') {
format = format.replace(/([,:])\W/g, '$1');
tokens = format.split(' ');
} else {
tokens = [format];
tokens.forEach(function(token) {
// Ignore empty tokens.
if (!token)
// Parse the token.
var tree;
if (typeof(token) == 'string')
tree = this.createParseTree(token);
tree = token;
// Obtain the operator token.
token = tree.value;
// Set suffix options.
var options = {};
options.annotation = [];
options.isUnique = token[token.length - 1] == '=';
if (options.isUnique)
token = token.substring(0, token.length - 1);
// Process token based on prefix.
var prefix = token[0];
token = token.slice(1);
if (opt_exclude[token])
// All possible tokens based on prefix.
if (prefix == '$') {
if (token == 'value') {
var text = node.attributes.value;
if (text !== undefined) {
if (node.attributes.textSelStart !== undefined) {
options.annotation.push(new Output.SelectionSpan(
// Annotate this as a name so we don't duplicate names from ancestors.
if (node.role == chrome.automation.RoleType.inlineTextBox)
token = 'name';
this.append_(buff, text, options);
} else if (token == 'name') {
var earconFinder = node;
while (earconFinder) {
var info = Output.ROLE_INFO_[earconFinder.role];
if (info && info.earconId) {
new Output.EarconAction(info.earconId));
earconFinder = earconFinder.parent;
this.append_(buff,, options);
} else if (token == 'nameOrDescendants') {
if (
this.append_(buff,, options);
this.format_(node, '$descendants', buff);
} else if (token == 'indexInParent') {
this.append_(buff, String(node.indexInParent + 1));
} else if (token == 'parentChildCount') {
if (node.parent)
this.append_(buff, String(node.parent.children.length));
} else if (token == 'state') {
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(node.state).forEach(function(s) {
this.append_(buff, s, options);
} else if (token == 'find') {
// Find takes two arguments: JSON query string and format string.
if (tree.firstChild) {
var jsonQuery = tree.firstChild.value;
node = node.find(
/** @type {Object}*/(JSON.parse(jsonQuery)));
var formatString = tree.firstChild.nextSibling;
if (node)
this.format_(node, formatString, buff);
} else if (token == 'descendants') {
if (AutomationPredicate.leaf(node))
// Construct a range to the leftmost and rightmost leaves.
var leftmost = AutomationUtil.findNodePre(
node, Dir.FORWARD, AutomationPredicate.leaf);
var rightmost = AutomationUtil.findNodePre(
node, Dir.BACKWARD, AutomationPredicate.leaf);
if (!leftmost || !rightmost)
var subrange = new cursors.Range(
new cursors.Cursor(leftmost, 0),
new cursors.Cursor(rightmost, 0));
var prev = null;
if (node)
prev = cursors.Range.fromNode(node);
this.range_(subrange, prev, 'navigate', buff);
} else if (token == 'role') {
var msg = node.role;
var info = Output.ROLE_INFO_[node.role];
if (info) {
if (this.formatOptions_.braille)
msg = cvox.ChromeVox.msgs.getMsg(info.msgId + '_brl');
msg = cvox.ChromeVox.msgs.getMsg(info.msgId);
} else {
console.error('Missing role info for ' + node.role);
this.append_(buff, msg, options);
} else if (token == 'tableRowIndex' ||
token == 'tableCellColumnIndex') {
var value = node.attributes[token];
if (!value)
value = String(value + 1);
this.append_(buff, value, options);
} else if (node.attributes[token] !== undefined) {
var value = node.attributes[token];
if (typeof value == 'number')
value = String(value);
this.append_(buff, value, options);
} else if (Output.STATE_INFO_[token]) {
var stateInfo = Output.STATE_INFO_[token];
var resolvedInfo = {};
if (node.state[token] === undefined)
resolvedInfo = stateInfo.omitted;
resolvedInfo = node.state[token] ? stateInfo.on :;
if (!resolvedInfo)
if (resolvedInfo.earconId) {
new Output.EarconAction(resolvedInfo.earconId));
var msgId =
this.formatOptions_.braille ? resolvedInfo.msgId + '_brl' :
var msg = cvox.ChromeVox.msgs.getMsg(msgId);
this.append_(buff, msg, options);
} else if (tree.firstChild) {
// Custom functions.
if (token == 'if') {
var cond = tree.firstChild;
var attrib = cond.value.slice(1);
if (node.attributes[attrib] || node.state[attrib])
this.format_(node, cond.nextSibling, buff);
this.format_(node, cond.nextSibling.nextSibling, buff);
} else if (token == 'earcon') {
// Assumes there's existing output in our buffer.
var lastBuff = buff[buff.length - 1];
if (!lastBuff)
new Output.EarconAction(tree.firstChild.value), 0, 0);
} else if (token == 'countChildren') {
var role = tree.firstChild.value;
var count = node.children.filter(function(e) {
return e.role == role;
this.append_(buff, String(count));
} else if (prefix == '@') {
// Tokens can have substitutions.
var pieces = token.split('+');
token = pieces.reduce(function(prev, cur) {
var lookup = cur;
if (cur[0] == '$')
lookup = node.attributes[cur.slice(1)];
return prev + lookup;
}.bind(this), '');
var msgId = token;
var msgArgs = [];
var curMsg = tree.firstChild;
while (curMsg) {
var arg = curMsg.value;
if (arg[0] != '$') {
console.error('Unexpected value: ' + arg);
var msgBuff = [];
this.format_(node, curMsg, msgBuff);
msgArgs = msgArgs.concat(msgBuff);
curMsg = curMsg.nextSibling;
var msg = cvox.ChromeVox.msgs.getMsg(msgId, msgArgs);
try {
if (this.formatOptions_.braille)
msg = cvox.ChromeVox.msgs.getMsg(msgId + '_brl', msgArgs) || msg;
} catch(e) {}
if (msg) {
this.append_(buff, msg, options);
} else if (prefix == '!') {
this.speechProperties_[token] = true;
* @param {!cursors.Range} range
* @param {cursors.Range} prevRange
* @param {chrome.automation.EventType|string} type
* @param {!Array<cvox.Spannable>} rangeBuff
* @private
range_: function(range, prevRange, type, rangeBuff) {
if (!prevRange)
prevRange = cursors.Range.fromNode(range.getStart().getNode().root);
var cursor = range.getStart();
var prevNode = prevRange.getStart().getNode();
var formatNodeAndAncestors = function(node, prevNode) {
var buff = [];
this.ancestry_(node, prevNode, type, buff);
this.node_(node, prevNode, type, buff);
if (this.formatOptions_.location)
return buff;
while (cursor.getNode() != range.getEnd().getNode()) {
var node = cursor.getNode();
rangeBuff.push.apply(rangeBuff, formatNodeAndAncestors(node, prevNode));
prevNode = node;
cursor = cursor.move(cursors.Unit.NODE,
var lastNode = range.getEnd().getNode();
rangeBuff.push.apply(rangeBuff, formatNodeAndAncestors(lastNode, prevNode));
* @param {!chrome.automation.AutomationNode} node
* @param {!chrome.automation.AutomationNode} prevNode
* @param {chrome.automation.EventType|string} type
* @param {!Array<cvox.Spannable>} buff
* @param {!Object=} opt_exclude A list of attributes to exclude from
* processing.
* @private
ancestry_: function(node, prevNode, type, buff, opt_exclude) {
opt_exclude = opt_exclude || {};
var prevUniqueAncestors =
AutomationUtil.getUniqueAncestors(node, prevNode);
var uniqueAncestors = AutomationUtil.getUniqueAncestors(prevNode, node);
// First, look up the event type's format block.
// Navigate is the default event.
var eventBlock = Output.RULES[type] || Output.RULES['navigate'];
var getMergedRoleBlock = function(role) {
var parentRole = (Output.ROLE_INFO_[role] || {}).inherits;
var roleBlock = eventBlock[role] || eventBlock['default'];
var parentRoleBlock = parentRole ? eventBlock[parentRole] : {};
var mergedRoleBlock = {};
for (var key in parentRoleBlock)
mergedRoleBlock[key] = parentRoleBlock[key];
for (var key in roleBlock)
mergedRoleBlock[key] = roleBlock[key];
return mergedRoleBlock;
for (var i = 0, formatPrevNode;
(formatPrevNode = prevUniqueAncestors[i]);
i++) {
var roleBlock = getMergedRoleBlock(formatPrevNode.role);
if (roleBlock.leave)
this.format_(formatPrevNode, roleBlock.leave, buff, opt_exclude);
var enterOutputs = [];
var enterRole = {};
for (var j = uniqueAncestors.length - 2, formatNode;
(formatNode = uniqueAncestors[j]);
j--) {
var roleBlock = getMergedRoleBlock(formatNode.role);
if (roleBlock.enter) {
if (enterRole[formatNode.role])
enterRole[formatNode.role] = true;
var tempBuff = [];
this.format_(formatNode, roleBlock.enter, tempBuff, opt_exclude);
if (formatNode.role == 'window')
enterOutputs.forEach(function(b) {
buff.push.apply(buff, b);
if (!opt_exclude.stay) {
var commonFormatNode = uniqueAncestors[0];
while (commonFormatNode && commonFormatNode.parent) {
commonFormatNode = commonFormatNode.parent;
var roleBlock =
eventBlock[commonFormatNode.role] || eventBlock['default'];
if (roleBlock.stay)
this.format_(commonFormatNode, roleBlock.stay, buff, opt_exclude);
* @param {!chrome.automation.AutomationNode} node
* @param {!chrome.automation.AutomationNode} prevNode
* @param {chrome.automation.EventType|string} type
* @param {!Array<cvox.Spannable>} buff
* @private
node_: function(node, prevNode, type, buff) {
// Navigate is the default event.
var eventBlock = Output.RULES[type] || Output.RULES['navigate'];
var roleBlock = eventBlock[node.role] || eventBlock['default'];
var speakFormat = roleBlock.speak || eventBlock['default'].speak;
this.format_(node, speakFormat, buff);
* @param {!cursors.Range} range
* @param {cursors.Range} prevRange
* @param {chrome.automation.EventType|string} type
* @param {!Array<cvox.Spannable>} buff
* @private
subNode_: function(range, prevRange, type, buff) {
if (!prevRange)
prevRange = range;
var dir = cursors.Range.getDirection(prevRange, range);
var prevNode = prevRange.getBound(dir).getNode();
range.getStart().getNode(), prevNode, type, buff,
{stay: true, name: true, value: true});
var startIndex = range.getStart().getIndex();
var endIndex = range.getEnd().getIndex();
if (startIndex === endIndex)
buff, range.getStart().getText().substring(startIndex, endIndex));
* Appends output to the |buff|.
* @param {!Array<cvox.Spannable>} buff
* @param {string|!cvox.Spannable} value
* @param {{isUnique: (boolean|undefined),
* annotation: !Array<*>}=} opt_options
append_: function(buff, value, opt_options) {
opt_options = opt_options || {isUnique: false, annotation: []};
// Reject empty values without annotations.
if ((!value || value.length == 0) && opt_options.annotation.length == 0)
var spannableToAdd = new cvox.Spannable(value);
opt_options.annotation.forEach(function(a) {
spannableToAdd.setSpan(a, 0, spannableToAdd.getLength());
// Early return if the buffer is empty.
if (buff.length == 0) {
// |isUnique| specifies an annotation that cannot be duplicated.
if (opt_options.isUnique) {
var alreadyAnnotated = buff.some(function(s) {
return opt_options.annotation.some(function(annotation) {
return s.getSpanStart(annotation) != undefined;
if (alreadyAnnotated)
* Parses the token containing a custom function and returns a tree.
* @param {string} inputStr
* @return {Object}
createParseTree: function(inputStr) {
var root = {value: ''};
var currentNode = root;
var index = 0;
var braceNesting = 0;
while (index < inputStr.length) {
if (inputStr[index] == '(') {
currentNode.firstChild = {value: ''};
currentNode.firstChild.parent = currentNode;
currentNode = currentNode.firstChild;
} else if (inputStr[index] == ')') {
currentNode = currentNode.parent;
} else if (inputStr[index] == '{') {
currentNode.value += inputStr[index];
} else if (inputStr[index] == '}') {
currentNode.value += inputStr[index];
} else if (inputStr[index] == ',' && braceNesting === 0) {
currentNode.nextSibling = {value: ''};
currentNode.nextSibling.parent = currentNode.parent;
currentNode = currentNode.nextSibling;
} else {
currentNode.value += inputStr[index];
if (currentNode != root)
throw 'Unbalanced parenthesis.';
return root;
}); // goog.scope