blob: 33d247f044f2cf36b72d1afe7155fcc9fc109317 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert} from '../chrome_util.js';
import {NotImplementedError} from '../type.js';
import {AsyncWriter} from './async_writer.js';
import {
AbstractDirectoryEntry, // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
AbstractFileEntry, // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
AbstractFileSystemEntry, // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
} from './file_system_entry.js';
* The file system entry implementation for SWA.
* @implements {AbstractFileSystemEntry}
export class NativeFileSystemEntry {
* @param {!FileSystemHandle} handle
constructor(handle) {
* @type {!FileSystemHandle}
* @private
this.handle_ = handle;
* @override
get name() {
* The file entry implementation for SWA.
* @implements {AbstractFileEntry}
export class NativeFileEntry extends NativeFileSystemEntry {
* @param {!FileSystemFileHandle} handle
constructor(handle) {
* @type {!FileSystemFileHandle}
* @private
this.handle_ = handle;
* @override
async file() {
return this.handle_.getFile();
* @override
async write(blob) {
const writer = await this.handle_.createWritable();
await writer.write(blob);
await writer.close();
* @override
async getWriter() {
const writer = await this.handle_.createWritable();
// TODO( We should write files in-place so that even the
// app is accidentally closed or hit any unexpected exceptions, the captured
// video will not be dropped entirely.
return new AsyncWriter({
write: (blob) => writer.write(blob),
seek: (offset) =>,
close: () => writer.close(),
* @override
async moveTo(dir, name) {
throw new NotImplementedError();
* @override
async remove() {
throw new NotImplementedError();
* @override
async getLastModificationTime() {
const file = await this.file();
return file.lastModified;
* @override
getRawEntry() {
throw new NotImplementedError();
* The directory entry implementation for SWA.
* @implements {AbstractDirectoryEntry}
export class NativeDirectoryEntry extends NativeFileSystemEntry {
* @param {!FileSystemDirectoryHandle} handle
constructor(handle) {
* @type {!FileSystemDirectoryHandle}
* @private
this.handle_ = handle;
* @override
async getFiles() {
return this.getHandles_({isDirectory: false});
* @override
async getDirectories() {
return this.getHandles_({isDirectory: true});
* @override
async getFile(name) {
const handle = await this.handle_.getFileHandle(name, {create: false});
return new NativeFileEntry(handle);
* @override
async createFile(name) {
const handle = await this.handle_.getFileHandle(name, {create: true});
return new NativeFileEntry(handle);
* @override
async getDirectory({name, createIfNotExist}) {
try {
const handle = await this.handle_.getDirectoryHandle(
name, {create: createIfNotExist});
assert(handle !== null);
return new NativeDirectoryEntry(
/** @type {!FileSystemDirectoryHandle} */ (handle));
} catch (error) {
if (!createIfNotExist && === 'NotFoundError') {
return null;
throw error;
* Gets the file handles in this directory if |isDirectory| is set to false.
* If |isDirectory| is true, gets the directory entries instead.
* @param {{isDirectory: boolean}} params
* @return {!Promise<!Array<!AbstractFileSystemEntry>>}
async getHandles_({isDirectory}) {
const results = [];
for await (const handle of this.handle_.values()) {
if (isDirectory && handle.kind === 'directory') {
results.push(new NativeDirectoryEntry(handle));
} else if (!isDirectory && handle.kind === 'file') {
results.push(new NativeFileEntry(handle));
return results;