blob: f1ce9f225cdab7e544cba8267e009cc5c3006c1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/** @typedef {chrome.developerPrivate.ManifestError} */
let ManifestError;
/** @typedef {chrome.developerPrivate.RuntimeError} */
let RuntimeError;
cr.define('extensions', function() {
'use strict';
/** @interface */
class ErrorPageDelegate {
* @param {string} extensionId
* @param {!Array<number>=} errorIds
* @param {chrome.developerPrivate.ErrorType=} type
deleteErrors(extensionId, errorIds, type) {}
* @param {chrome.developerPrivate.RequestFileSourceProperties} args
* @return {!Promise<!chrome.developerPrivate.RequestFileSourceResponse>}
requestFileSource(args) {}
* Get the URL relative to the main extension url. If the url is
* unassociated with the extension, this will be the full url.
* @param {string} url
* @param {?(ManifestError|RuntimeError)} error
* @return {string}
function getRelativeUrl(url, error) {
const fullUrl = 'chrome-extension://' + error.extensionId + '/';
return url.startsWith(fullUrl) ? url.substring(fullUrl.length) : url;
* Given 3 strings, this function returns the correct one for the type of
* error that |item| is.
* @param {!ManifestError|!RuntimeError} item
* @param {string} log
* @param {string} warn
* @param {string} error
* @return {string}
* @private
function getErrorSeverityText_(item, log, warn, error) {
if (item.type == chrome.developerPrivate.ErrorType.RUNTIME) {
switch (item.severity) {
case chrome.developerPrivate.ErrorLevel.LOG:
return log;
case chrome.developerPrivate.ErrorLevel.WARN:
return warn;
case chrome.developerPrivate.ErrorLevel.ERROR:
return error;
assert(item.type == chrome.developerPrivate.ErrorType.MANIFEST);
return warn;
const ErrorPage = Polymer({
is: 'extensions-error-page',
behaviors: [CrContainerShadowBehavior],
properties: {
/** @type {!chrome.developerPrivate.ExtensionInfo|undefined} */
data: Object,
/** @type {!extensions.ErrorPageDelegate|undefined} */
delegate: Object,
// Whether or not dev mode is enabled.
inDevMode: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
observer: 'onInDevModeChanged_',
/** @private {!Array<!(ManifestError|RuntimeError)>} */
entries_: Array,
/** @private {?chrome.developerPrivate.RequestFileSourceResponse} */
code_: Object,
* Index into |entries_|.
* @private
selectedEntry_: {
type: Number,
observer: 'onSelectedErrorChanged_',
/** @private {?chrome.developerPrivate.StackFrame}*/
selectedStackFrame_: {
type: Object,
value: function() {
return null;
observers: [
listeners: {
'view-enter-start': 'onViewEnterStart_',
/** @override */
ready: function() {
/** @return {!ManifestError|!RuntimeError} */
getSelectedError: function() {
return this.entries_[this.selectedEntry_];
* Focuses the back button when page is loaded.
* @private
onViewEnterStart_: function() {
this, () => cr.ui.focusWithoutInk(this.$.closeButton));
* @param {!ManifestError|!RuntimeError} error
* @param {string} unknown
* @return {string}
* @private
getContextUrl_: function(error, unknown) {
return error.contextUrl ? getRelativeUrl(error.contextUrl, error) :
* Watches for changes to |data| in order to fetch the corresponding
* file source.
* @private
observeDataChanges_: function() {
const errors =;
this.entries_ = errors;
this.selectedEntry_ = -1; // This also help reset code-section content.
if (this.entries_.length) {
this.selectedEntry_ = 0;
/** @private */
onCloseButtonTap_: function() {
extensions.navigation.navigateTo({page: Page.LIST});
/** @private */
onClearAllTap_: function() {
const ids = =>;
this.delegate.deleteErrors(, ids);
* @param {!ManifestError|!RuntimeError} error
* @return {string}
* @private
computeErrorIcon_: function(error) {
// Do not i18n these strings, they're CSS classes.
return getErrorSeverityText_(error, 'info', 'warning', 'error');
* @param {!ManifestError|!RuntimeError} error
* @return {string}
* @private
computeErrorTypeLabel_: function(error) {
return getErrorSeverityText_(
error, loadTimeData.getString('logLevel'),
* @param {!Event} e
* @private
onDeleteErrorAction_: function(e) {
if (e.type == 'keydown' && !((e.code == 'Space' || e.code == 'Enter'))) {
this.delegate.deleteErrors(, [(/** @type {!{model:Object}} */ (e))]);
/** private */
onInDevModeChanged_: function() {
if (!this.inDevMode) {
// Wait until next render cycle in case error page is loading.
this.async(() => {
* Fetches the source for the selected error and populates the code section.
* @private
onSelectedErrorChanged_: function() {
this.code_ = null;
if (this.selectedEntry_ < 0) {
const error = this.getSelectedError();
const args = {
extensionId: error.extensionId,
message: error.message,
switch (error.type) {
case chrome.developerPrivate.ErrorType.MANIFEST:
args.pathSuffix = error.source;
args.manifestKey = error.manifestKey;
args.manifestSpecific = error.manifestSpecific;
case chrome.developerPrivate.ErrorType.RUNTIME:
// slice(1) because pathname starts with a /.
args.pathSuffix = new URL(error.source).pathname.slice(1);
args.lineNumber = error.stackTrace && error.stackTrace[0] ?
error.stackTrace[0].lineNumber :
this.selectedStackFrame_ = error.stackTrace && error.stackTrace[0] ?
error.stackTrace[0] :
this.delegate.requestFileSource(args).then(code => this.code_ = code);
* @return {boolean}
* @private
computeIsRuntimeError_: function(item) {
return item.type == chrome.developerPrivate.ErrorType.RUNTIME;
* The description is a human-readable summation of the frame, in the
* form "<relative_url>:<line_number> (function)", e.g.
* "myfile.js:25 (myFunction)".
* @param {!chrome.developerPrivate.StackFrame} frame
* @return {string}
* @private
getStackTraceLabel_: function(frame) {
let description = getRelativeUrl(frame.url, this.getSelectedError()) +
':' + frame.lineNumber;
if (frame.functionName) {
const functionName = frame.functionName == '(anonymous function)' ?
loadTimeData.getString('anonymousFunction') :
description += ' (' + functionName + ')';
return description;
* @param {chrome.developerPrivate.StackFrame} frame
* @return {string}
* @private
getStackFrameClass_: function(frame) {
return frame == this.selectedStackFrame_ ? 'selected' : '';
* @param {!chrome.developerPrivate.StackFrame} frame
* @return {number}
* @private
getStackFrameTabIndex_: function(frame) {
return frame == this.selectedStackFrame_ ? 0 : -1;
* This function is used to determine whether or not we want to show a
* stack frame. We don't want to show code from internal scripts.
* @param {string} url
* @return {boolean}
* @private
shouldDisplayFrame_: function(url) {
// All our internal scripts are in the 'extensions::' namespace.
return !/^extensions::/.test(url);
* @param {!chrome.developerPrivate.StackFrame} frame
* @private
updateSelected_: function(frame) {
this.selectedStackFrame_ = assert(frame);
const selectedError = this.getSelectedError();
extensionId: selectedError.extensionId,
message: selectedError.message,
pathSuffix: getRelativeUrl(frame.url, selectedError),
lineNumber: frame.lineNumber,
.then(code => this.code_ = code);
* @param {!Event} e
* @private
onStackFrameTap_: function(e) {
const frame = /** @type {!{model:Object}} */ (e).model.item;
* @param {!Event} e
* @private
onStackKeydown_: function(e) {
let direction = 0;
if (e.key == 'ArrowDown') {
direction = 1;
} else if (e.key == 'ArrowUp') {
direction = -1;
} else {
const list ='li');
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
if (list[i].classList.contains('selected')) {
const polymerEvent = /** @type {!{model: !Object}} */ (e);
const frame = polymerEvent.model.item.stackTrace[i + direction];
if (frame) {
list[i + direction].focus(); // Preserve focus.
* Computes the class name for the error item depending on whether its
* the currently selected error.
* @param {number} index
* @return {string}
* @private
computeErrorClass_: function(index) {
return index == this.selectedEntry_ ? 'selected' : '';
/** @private */
iconName_: function(index) {
return index == this.selectedEntry_ ? 'icon-expand-less' :
* Determine if the iron-collapse should be opened (expanded).
* @param {number} index
* @return {boolean}
* @private
isOpened_: function(index) {
return index == this.selectedEntry_;
* @param {number} index
* @return {string} The aria-expanded value as a string.
* @private
isAriaExpanded_: function(index) {
return this.isOpened_(index).toString();
* @param {!{type: string, code: string, model: !{index: number}}} e
* @private
onErrorItemAction_: function(e) {
if (e.type == 'keydown' && !((e.code == 'Space' || e.code == 'Enter'))) {
this.selectedEntry_ =
this.selectedEntry_ == e.model.index ? -1 : e.model.index;
return {
ErrorPage: ErrorPage,
ErrorPageDelegate: ErrorPageDelegate,