blob: ccf14c4b85d8e2c0d8c897fe137ccd445c68a7fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Polymer element for displaying material design Update screen.
is: 'oobe-update-md',
behaviors: [I18nBehavior, OobeDialogHostBehavior],
properties: {
* Shows "Checking for update ..." section and hides "Updating..." section.
checkingForUpdate: {
type: Boolean,
value: true,
* Shows a warning to the user the update is about to proceed over a
* cellular network, and asks the user to confirm.
requiresPermissionForCellular: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
* Progress bar percent.
progressValue: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
* Message "3 minutes left".
estimatedTimeLeft: {
type: String,
* Shows estimatedTimeLeft.
estimatedTimeLeftShown: {
type: Boolean,
* Message "33 percent done".
progressMessage: {
type: String,
* Shows progressMessage.
progressMessageShown: {
type: Boolean,
* True if update is fully completed and, probably manual action is
* required.
updateCompleted: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
* If update cancellation is allowed.
cancelAllowed: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
onBeforeShow: function() {
this.behaviors.forEach((behavior) => {
if (behavior.onBeforeShow);
// 'indeterminate' paper-progress will recalculate styles on every frame
// wnen OOBE is loaded (even when another screen is open).
// So we make it 'indeterminate' only right before screen is shown, and
// make it hidden when its container dialog is hidden.
this.$['checking-progress'].indeterminate = true;
* This updates "Cancel Update" message.
setCancelHint: function(message) {
this.$.checkingForUpdateCancelHint.textContent = message;
this.$.updatingCancelHint.textContent = message;
* Calculates visibility of UI element. Returns true if element is hidden.
* @param {Boolean} isAllowed Element flag that marks it visible.
* @param {Boolean} updateCompleted If update is completed and all
* intermediate status elements are hidden.
isNotAllowedOrUpdateCompleted_: function(isAllowed, updateCompleted) {
return !isAllowed || updateCompleted;
hideUpdatingScreen_: function(
checkingForUpdate, requiresPermissionForCellular) {
return checkingForUpdate || requiresPermissionForCellular;
onBackClicked_: function() {
chrome.send('login.UpdateScreen.userActed', ['update-reject-cellular']);
onNextClicked_: function() {
chrome.send('login.UpdateScreen.userActed', ['update-accept-cellular']);