blob: 7605bcb3b772a6da6a4da69ec47222f3ab9999fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {InputHandler} from './input_handler.js';
import {MetricsUtils} from './metrics_utils.js';
import {NodeNavigationUtils} from './node_navigation_utils.js';
import {NodeUtils} from './node_utils.js';
import {ParagraphUtils} from './paragraph_utils.js';
import {PrefsManager} from './prefs_manager.js';
import {SelectToSpeakConstants} from './select_to_speak_constants.js';
import {TtsManager} from './tts_manager.js';
import {SelectToSpeakUiListener, UiManager} from './ui_manager.js';
import {WordUtils} from './word_utils.js';
const AutomationNode = chrome.automation.AutomationNode;
const AutomationEvent = chrome.automation.AutomationEvent;
const EventType = chrome.automation.EventType;
const RoleType = chrome.automation.RoleType;
const AccessibilityFeature = chrome.accessibilityPrivate.AccessibilityFeature;
const SelectToSpeakState = chrome.accessibilityPrivate.SelectToSpeakState;
// Matches one of the known GSuite apps which need the clipboard to find and
// read selected text. Includes sandbox and non-sandbox versions.
// Settings key for system speech rate setting.
const SPEECH_RATE_KEY = 'settings.tts.speech_rate';
* Determines if a node is in one of the known Google GSuite apps that needs
* special case treatment for speaking selected text. Not all Google GSuite
* pages are included, because some are not known to have a problem with
* selection: Forms is not included since it's relatively similar to any HTML
* page, for example.
* @param {AutomationNode=} node The node to check
* @return {?AutomationNode} The root node of the GSuite app, or null if none is
* found.
export function getGSuiteAppRoot(node) {
while (node !== undefined && node.root !== undefined) {
if (node.root.url !== undefined && GSUITE_APP_REGEXP.exec(node.root.url)) {
return node.root;
node = node.root.parent;
return null;
* Select-to-speak component extension controller.
* @implements {SelectToSpeakUiListener}
export class SelectToSpeak {
constructor() {
* The current state of the SelectToSpeak extension, from
* SelectToSpeakState.
* @private {!chrome.accessibilityPrivate.SelectToSpeakState}
this.state_ = SelectToSpeakState.INACTIVE;
/** @type {InputHandler} */
this.inputHandler_ = null;
/** @private {chrome.automation.AutomationNode} */
/** @private {number|undefined} */
chrome.automation.getDesktop(function(desktop) {
this.desktop_ = desktop;
// After the user selects a region of the screen, we do a hit test at
// the center of that box using the automation API. The result of the
// hit test is a MOUSE_RELEASED accessibility event.
EventType.MOUSE_RELEASED, this.onAutomationHitTest_.bind(this), true);
* The node groups to be spoken. We process content into node groups and
* pass one node group at a time to the TTS engine. Note that we do not use
* node groups for user-selected text in Gsuite. See more details in
* readNodesBetweenPositions_.
* @private {!Array<!ParagraphUtils.NodeGroup>}
this.currentNodeGroups_ = [];
* The index for the node group currently being spoken in
* |this.currentNodeGroups_|.
* @private {number}
this.currentNodeGroupIndex_ = -1;
* The node group item currently being spoken. A node group item is a
* representation of the original input nodes, but may not be the same. For
* example, an input inline text node will be represented by its static text
* node in the node group item.
* @private {?ParagraphUtils.NodeGroupItem}
this.currentNodeGroupItem_ = null;
* The index for the current node group item within the current node group,
* The current node group can be accessed from |this.currentNodeGroups_|
* using |this.currentNodeGroupIndex_|. In most cases,
* |this.currentNodeGroupItemIndex_| can be used to get
* |this.currentNodeGroupItem_| from the current node group. However, in
* Gsuite, we will have node group items outside of a node group.
* @private {number}
this.currentNodeGroupItemIndex_ = -1;
* The indexes within the current node group item representing the word
* currently being spoken. Only updated if word highlighting is enabled.
* @private {?{start: number, end: number}}
this.currentNodeWord_ = null;
* The start char index of the word to be spoken. The index is relative
* to the text content of the current node group.
* @private {number}
this.currentCharIndex_ = -1;
* Whether the current nodes support use of the navigation panel.
* @private {boolean}
this.supportsNavigationPanel_ = true;
/** @private {boolean} */
this.scrollToSpokenNode_ = false;
* The interval ID from a call to setInterval, which is set whenever
* speech is in progress.
* @private {number|undefined}
/** @private {Audio} */
this.null_selection_tone_ = new Audio('earcons/null_selection.ogg');
/** @private {PrefsManager} */
this.prefsManager_ = new PrefsManager();
/** @private {!UiManager} */
this.uiManager_ = new UiManager(this.prefsManager_, this /* listener */);
/** @private {!TtsManager} */
this.ttsManager_ = new TtsManager();
* Function to be called when a state change request is received from the
* accessibilityPrivate API.
* @type {?function()}
* @protected
this.onStateChangeRequestedCallbackForTest_ = null;
* Feature flag controlling STS language detection integration.
* @type {boolean}
this.enableLanguageDetectionIntegration_ = false;
// TODO(chrishall): do we want to (also?) expose this in preferences?
'enable-experimental-accessibility-language-detection', (result) => {
this.enableLanguageDetectionIntegration_ = result;
* Feature flag controlling STS navigation control.
* @type {boolean}
this.navigationControlFlag_ = false;
AccessibilityFeature.SELECT_TO_SPEAK_NAVIGATION_CONTROL, (result) => {
this.navigationControlFlag_ = result;
/** @private {number} Default speech rate set in system settings. */
this.systemSpeechRate_ = 1.0;
chrome.settingsPrivate.getPref(SPEECH_RATE_KEY, (pref) => {
if (!pref) {
this.systemSpeechRate_ = /** @type {number} */ (pref.value);
/** @private {number} Speech rate multiplier. */
this.speechRateMultiplier_ = 1.0;
* Gets the node group currently being spoken.
* @return {!ParagraphUtils.NodeGroup|undefined}
getCurrentNodeGroup_() {
if (this.currentNodeGroups_.length === 0) {
return undefined;
return this.currentNodeGroups_[this.currentNodeGroupIndex_];
* Gets the last node group from current selection.
* @return {!ParagraphUtils.NodeGroup|undefined}
getLastNodeGroup_() {
if (this.currentNodeGroups_.length === 0) {
return undefined;
return this.currentNodeGroups_[this.currentNodeGroups_.length - 1];
* Determines if navigation controls should be shown (and other related
* functionality, such as auto-dismiss and click-to-navigate to sentence,
* should be activated) based on feature flag and user setting.
* @private
shouldShowNavigationControls_() {
return this.navigationControlFlag_ &&
this.prefsManager_.navigationControlsEnabled() &&
* Called in response to our hit test after the mouse is released,
* when the user is in a mode where select-to-speak is capturing
* mouse events (for example holding down Search).
* @param {!AutomationEvent} evt The automation event.
* @private
onAutomationHitTest_(evt) {
// Walk up to the nearest window, web area, toolbar, or dialog that the
// hit node is contained inside. Only speak objects within that
// container. In the future we might include other container-like
// roles here.
var root =;
// TODO: Use AutomationPredicate.root instead?
while (root.parent && root.role !== RoleType.WINDOW &&
root.role !== RoleType.ROOT_WEB_AREA &&
root.role !== RoleType.DESKTOP && root.role !== RoleType.DIALOG &&
root.role !== RoleType.ALERT_DIALOG &&
root.role !== RoleType.TOOLBAR) {
root = root.parent;
var rect = this.inputHandler_.getMouseRect();
var nodes = [];
chrome.automation.getFocus(function(focusedNode) {
// In some cases, e.g. ARC++, the window received in the hit test request,
// which is computed based on which window is the event handler for the
// hit point, isn't the part of the tree that contains the actual
// content. In such cases, use focus to get the root.
// TODO(katie): Determine if this work-around needs to be ARC++ only. If
// so, look for classname exoshell on the root or root parent to confirm
// that a node is in ARC++.
if (!NodeUtils.findAllMatching(root, rect, nodes) && focusedNode &&
focusedNode.root.role !== RoleType.DESKTOP) {
NodeUtils.findAllMatching(focusedNode.root, rect, nodes);
if (nodes.length === 1 && UiManager.isTrayButton(nodes[0])) {
// Don't read only the Select-to-Speak toggle button in the tray unless
// more items are being read.
if (this.shouldShowNavigationControls_() && nodes.length > 0 &&
(rect.width <= SelectToSpeakConstants.PARAGRAPH_SELECTION_MAX_SIZE ||
rect.height <=
// If this is a single click (zero sized selection) on a text node, then
// expand to entire paragraph.
nodes = NodeUtils.getAllNodesInParagraph(nodes[0]);
this.startSpeechQueue_(nodes, {clearFocusRing: true});
MetricsUtils.StartSpeechMethod.MOUSE, this.prefsManager_);
* Queues up selected text for reading by finding the Position objects
* representing the selection.
* @private
requestSpeakSelectedText_(focusedNode) {
// If nothing is selected, return early.
if (!focusedNode || !focusedNode.root ||
!focusedNode.root.selectionStartObject ||
!focusedNode.root.selectionEndObject) {
const startObject = focusedNode.root.selectionStartObject;
const startOffset = focusedNode.root.selectionStartOffset || 0;
const endObject = focusedNode.root.selectionEndObject;
const endOffset = focusedNode.root.selectionEndOffset || 0;
if (startObject === endObject && startOffset === endOffset) {
// First calculate the equivalent position for this selection.
// Sometimes the automation selection returns an offset into a root
// node rather than a child node, which may be a bug. This allows us to
// work around that bug until it is fixed or redefined.
// Note that this calculation is imperfect: it uses node name length
// to index into child nodes. However, not all node names are
// user-visible text, so this does not always work. Instead, we must
// fix the Blink bug where focus offset is not specific enough to
// say which node is selected and at what charOffset. See
// for more.
const startPosition =
NodeUtils.getDeepEquivalentForSelection(startObject, startOffset, true);
const endPosition =
NodeUtils.getDeepEquivalentForSelection(endObject, endOffset, false);
// TODO(katie): We go into these blocks but they feel redundant. Can
// there be another way to do this?
let firstPosition;
let lastPosition;
if (startPosition.node === endPosition.node) {
if (startPosition.offset < endPosition.offset) {
firstPosition = startPosition;
lastPosition = endPosition;
} else {
lastPosition = startPosition;
firstPosition = endPosition;
} else {
const dir =
AutomationUtil.getDirection(startPosition.node, endPosition.node);
// Highlighting may be forwards or backwards. Make sure we start at the
// first node.
if (dir === constants.Dir.FORWARD) {
firstPosition = startPosition;
lastPosition = endPosition;
} else {
lastPosition = startPosition;
firstPosition = endPosition;
this.cancelIfSpeaking_(true /* clear the focus ring */);
firstPosition, lastPosition, true /* userRequested */, focusedNode);
* Reads nodes between positions.
* @param {NodeUtils.Position} firstPosition The first position at which to
* start reading.
* @param {NodeUtils.Position} lastPosition The last position at which to
* stop reading.
* @param {boolean} userRequested Whether the selection is explicitly
* requested by the user. If true, we will clear focus ring and record the
* event.
* @param {AutomationNode=} focusedNode The node with user focus.
* @private
firstPosition, lastPosition, userRequested, focusedNode) {
const nodes = [];
let selectedNode = firstPosition.node;
if ( && firstPosition.offset < &&
selectedNode, /* include offscreen */ true) &&
!NodeUtils.isNotSelectable(selectedNode)) {
// Initialize to the first node in the list if it's valid and inside
// of the offset bounds.
} else {
// The selectedNode actually has no content selected. Let the list
// initialize itself to the next node in the loop below.
// This can happen if you click-and-drag starting after the text in
// a first line to highlight text in a second line.
firstPosition.offset = 0;
while (selectedNode && selectedNode !== lastPosition.node &&
AutomationUtil.getDirection(selectedNode, lastPosition.node) ===
constants.Dir.FORWARD) {
// TODO: Is there a way to optimize the directionality checking of
// AutomationUtil.getDirection(selectedNode, finalNode)?
// For example, by making a helper and storing partial computation?
selectedNode = AutomationUtil.findNextNode(
selectedNode, constants.Dir.FORWARD,
if (!selectedNode) {
} else if (NodeUtils.isTextField(selectedNode)) {
// Dive down into the next text node.
// Why does leafWithText return text fields?
selectedNode = AutomationUtil.findNextNode(
selectedNode, constants.Dir.FORWARD,
if (!selectedNode) {
if (!NodeUtils.shouldIgnoreNode(
selectedNode, /* include offscreen */ true) &&
!NodeUtils.isNotSelectable(selectedNode)) {
if (nodes.length > 0) {
if (lastPosition.node !== nodes[nodes.length - 1]) {
// The node at the last position was not added to the list, perhaps it
// was whitespace or invisible. Clear the ending offset because it
// relates to a node that doesn't exist.
this.startSpeechQueue_(nodes, {
clearFocusRing: userRequested,
startCharIndex: firstPosition.offset
} else {
this.startSpeechQueue_(nodes, {
clearFocusRing: userRequested,
startCharIndex: firstPosition.offset,
endCharIndex: lastPosition.offset
if (focusedNode) {
if (userRequested) {
MetricsUtils.StartSpeechMethod.KEYSTROKE, this.prefsManager_);
} else {
// Gsuite apps include webapps beyond Docs, see getGSuiteAppRoot and
const gsuiteAppRootNode = getGSuiteAppRoot(focusedNode);
if (!gsuiteAppRootNode) {
chrome.tabs.query({active: true}, (tabs) => {
// Closure doesn't realize that we did a !gsuiteAppRootNode earlier
// so we check again here.
if (tabs.length === 0 || !gsuiteAppRootNode) {
const tab = tabs[0];
this.currentNodeGroupItem_ =
new ParagraphUtils.NodeGroupItem(gsuiteAppRootNode, 0, false);
chrome.tabs.executeScript(, {
allFrames: true,
matchAboutBlank: true,
code: 'document.execCommand("copy");'
if (userRequested) {
MetricsUtils.StartSpeechMethod.KEYSTROKE, this.prefsManager_);
* Gets ready to cancel future scrolling to offscreen nodes as soon as
* a user-initiated scroll is done.
* @param {AutomationNode=} root The root node to listen for events on.
* @private
initializeScrollingToOffscreenNodes_(root) {
if (!root) {
this.scrollToSpokenNode_ = true;
const listener = (event) => {
if (event.eventFrom !== 'action') {
// User initiated event. Cancel all future scrolling to spoken nodes.
// If the user wants a certain scroll position we will respect that.
this.scrollToSpokenNode_ = false;
// Now remove these event listeners, we no longer need them.
EventType.SCROLL_POSITION_CHANGED, listener, false);
// ARC++ fires the first event, Views/Web fire the horizontal/vertical
// scroll position changed events via AXEventGenerator.
root.addEventListener(EventType.SCROLL_POSITION_CHANGED, listener, false);
* Plays a tone to let the user know they did the correct
* keystroke but nothing was selected.
* @private
onNullSelection_() {
if (!this.shouldShowNavigationControls_()) {;
* Whether the STS is on a pause state, where |this.ttsManager_.isSpeaking| is
* false and |this.state_| is SPEAKING.
* TODO(leileilei): use two SelectToSpeak states to differentiate speaking and
* pausing with panel.
* @private
isPaused_() {
return !this.ttsManager_.isSpeaking() &&
this.state_ === SelectToSpeakState.SPEAKING;
* Pause the TTS.
* @return {!Promise}
* @private
pause_() {
return this.ttsManager_.pause();
* Resume the TTS.
* @private
resume_() {
// If TTS is not paused, return early.
if (!this.isPaused_()) {
const currentNodeGroup = this.getCurrentNodeGroup_();
// If there is no processed node group, that means the user has not selected
// anything. Ignore the resume command.
if (!currentNodeGroup) {
* If resume is successful, a resume event will be sent. We use this event to
* update node state.
* @param {!chrome.tts.TtsEvent} event
onTtsResumeSucceedEvent_(event) {
// If the node group is invalid, ignore the resume event. This is not
// expected.
const currentNodeGroup = this.getCurrentNodeGroup_();
if (!currentNodeGroup) {
console.warn('Unexpected invalid node group on TTS resume event.');
this.onTtsWordEvent_(event, currentNodeGroup);
* When resuming with empty content, an error event will be sent. If there
* is no remaining user-selected content, STS will read from the current
* position to the end of the current paragraph. If there is no content left
* in this paragraph, we navigate to the next paragraph.
* @param {!chrome.tts.TtsEvent} event
onTtsResumeErrorEvent_(event) {
// If the node group is invalid, ignore the error event. This is not
// expected.
const currentNodeGroup = this.getCurrentNodeGroup_();
if (!currentNodeGroup) {
'Unexpected invalid node group on TTS error event when resuming.');
// STS should try to read from the current position to the end of the
// current paragraph. First, we get the current position. If we do not find
// a position based on the |this.currentCharIndex_|, that means we have
// reached the end of current node group. We fallback to the end position.
const currentPosition = NodeUtils.getPositionFromNodeGroup(
currentNodeGroup, this.currentCharIndex_, true /* fallbackToEnd */);
// If we have passed the user-selected content, STS should speak the content
// from the current position to the end of the current node group.
const {nodes: remainingNodes, offset} =
currentPosition, constants.Dir.FORWARD);
// If there is no remaining nodes in this paragraph, we navigate to the next
// paragraph.
if (remainingNodes.length === 0) {
remainingNodes, {clearFocusRing: false, startCharIndex: offset});
* Stop speech. If speech was in-progress, the interruption
* event will be caught and clearFocusRingAndNode_ will be
* called, stopping visual feedback as well.
* If speech was not in progress, i.e. if the user was drawing
* a focus ring on the screen, this still clears the visual
* focus ring.
* @private
stopAll_() {
* Clears the current focus ring and node, but does
* not stop the speech.
* @private
clearFocusRingAndNode_() {
// Clear the node and also stop the interval testing.
this.supportsNavigationPanel_ = true;
this.intervalId_ = undefined;
this.scrollToSpokenNode_ = false;
* Resets the instance variables for nodes and node groups.
* @private
resetNodes_() {
this.currentNodeGroups_ = [];
this.currentNodeGroupIndex_ = -1;
this.currentNodeGroupItem_ = null;
this.currentNodeGroupItemIndex_ = -1;
this.currentNodeWord_ = null;
this.currentCharIndex_ = -1;
* Runs content scripts that allow Select-to-Speak access to
* Google Docs content without a11y mode enabled, in every open
* tab. Should be run when Select-to-Speak starts up so that any
* tabs already opened will be checked.
* This should be kept in sync with the "content_scripts" section in
* the Select-to-Speak manifest.
* @private
runContentScripts_() {
const scripts = chrome.runtime.getManifest()['content_scripts'][0]['js'];
// We only ever expect one content script.
if (scripts.length !== 1) {
throw new Error(
'Only expected one script; got ' + JSON.stringify(scripts));
const script = scripts[0];
url: [
(tabs) => {
tabs.forEach((tab) => {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(, {file: script});
* Set up event listeners user input.
* @private
setUpEventListeners_() {
this.inputHandler_ = new InputHandler({
// canStartSelecting: Whether mouse selection can begin.
canStartSelecting: () => {
return this.state_ !== SelectToSpeakState.SELECTING;
// onSelectingStateChanged: Started or stopped mouse selection.
onSelectingStateChanged: (isSelecting, x, y) => {
if (isSelecting) {
// Fire a hit test event on click to warm up the cache, and cancel
// if speaking.
this.cancelIfSpeaking_(false /* don't clear the focus ring */);
this.desktop_.hitTest(x, y, EventType.MOUSE_PRESSED);
} else {
// Do a hit test at the center of the area the user dragged over.
// This will give us some context when searching the accessibility
// tree. The hit test will result in a EventType.MOUSE_RELEASED
// event being fired on the result of that hit test, which will
// trigger onAutomationHitTest_.
this.desktop_.hitTest(x, y, EventType.MOUSE_RELEASED);
// onSelectionChanged: Mouse selection rect changed.
onSelectionChanged: rect => {
// onKeystrokeSelection: Keys pressed for reading highlighted text.
onKeystrokeSelection: () => {
// onRequestCancel: User requested canceling input/speech.
onRequestCancel: () => {
// User manually requested cancel, so log cancel metric.
this.cancelIfSpeaking_(true /* clear the focus ring */);
// onTextReceived: Text received from a 'paste' event to read aloud.
onTextReceived: this.startSpeech_.bind(this)
// Initialize the state to SelectToSpeakState.INACTIVE.
* Called when Chrome OS is requesting Select-to-Speak to switch states.
onStateChangeRequested() {
// Switch Select-to-Speak states on request.
// We will need to track the current state and toggle from one state to
// the next when this function is called, and then call
// accessibilityPrivate.setSelectToSpeakState with the new state.
switch (this.state_) {
case SelectToSpeakState.INACTIVE:
// Start selection.
case SelectToSpeakState.SPEAKING:
// Stop speaking. User manually requested, so log cancel metric.
this.cancelIfSpeaking_(true /* clear the focus ring */);
case SelectToSpeakState.SELECTING:
// Cancelled selection.
this.onStateChangeRequestedCallbackForTest_ &&
/** Handles user request to navigate to next paragraph. */
onNextParagraphRequested() {
/** Handles user request to navigate to previous paragraph. */
onPreviousParagraphRequested() {
/** Handles user request to navigate to next sentence. */
onNextSentenceRequested() {
/** Handles user request to navigate to previous sentence. */
onPreviousSentenceRequested() {
/** Handles user request to navigate to exit STS. */
onExitRequested() {
// User manually requested, so log cancel metric.
/** Handles user request to pause TTS. */
onPauseRequested() {
/** Handles user request to resume TTS. */
onResumeRequested() {
if (this.isPaused_()) {
* Handles user request to adjust reading speed.
* @param {number} rateMultiplier
* @private
onChangeSpeedRequested(rateMultiplier) {
this.speechRateMultiplier_ = rateMultiplier;
// If currently playing, stop TTS, then resume from current spot.
if (!this.isPaused_()) {
this.pause_().then(() => {
* Handles system preferences change.
* @param {!Array<!Object>} prefs
* @private
onPrefsChanged_(prefs) {
const ratePref = prefs.find((pref) => pref.key === SPEECH_RATE_KEY);
if (ratePref) {
this.systemSpeechRate_ = ratePref.value;
* Navigates to the next sentence.
* @param {constants.Dir} direction Direction to search for the next sentence.
* If set to forward, we look for the sentence start after the current
* position. Otherwise, we look for the sentence start before the current
* position.
* @private
async navigateToNextSentence_(direction) {
if (!this.isPaused_()) {
await this.pause_();
const {nodes, offset} = NodeNavigationUtils.getNodesForNextSentence(
this.getCurrentNodeGroup_(), this.currentCharIndex_, direction,
(nodes) => this.skipPanel_(nodes));
if (nodes.length === 0) {
// Ensure the first node in the paragraph is visible.
this.startSpeechQueue_(nodes, {startCharIndex: offset});
* Navigates to the next text block in the given direction.
* @param {constants.Dir} direction
* @private
async navigateToNextParagraph_(direction) {
if (!this.isPaused_()) {
// Stop TTS if it is currently playing.
await this.pause_();
const nodes = NodeNavigationUtils.getNodesForNextParagraph(
this.getCurrentNodeGroup_(), direction,
(nodes) => this.skipPanel_(nodes));
// Return early if the nodes are empty.
if (nodes.length === 0) {
// Ensure the first node in the paragraph is visible.
* A predicate for paragraph selection and navigation. The current
* implementation filters out paragraph that belongs to the panel.
* @param {Array<!AutomationNode>} nodes
* @return {boolean} Whether the paragraph made of the |nodes| is valid
* @private
skipPanel_(nodes) {
return !AutomationUtil.getAncestors(nodes[0]).find(
(n) => UiManager.isPanel(n));
* Enqueue speech for the single given string. The string is not associated
* with any particular nodes, so this does not do any work around drawing
* focus rings, unlike startSpeechQueue_ below.
* @param {string} text The text to speak.
* @private
startSpeech_(text) {
this.prepareForSpeech_(true /* clearFocusRing */);
const options = this.prefsManager_.speechOptions();
// Without nodes to anchor on, navigate is not supported.
this.supportsNavigationPanel_ = false;
options.onEvent = (event) => {
if (event.type === 'start') {
} else if (
event.type === 'end' || event.type === 'interrupted' ||
event.type === 'cancelled') {
// Automatically dismiss when we're at the end.
this.ttsManager_.speak(text, options);
* Enqueue nodes to TTS queue and start TTS. This function can be used for
* adding nodes, either from user selection (e.g., mouse selection) or
* navigation control (e.g., next paragraph).
* @param {!Array<AutomationNode>} nodes The nodes to speak.
* @param {!{clearFocusRing: (boolean|undefined),
* startCharIndex: (number|undefined),
* endCharIndex: (number|undefined)}=} opt_params
* clearFocusRing: Whether to clear the focus ring or not. For example, we
* need to clear the focus ring when starting from scratch but we do not need
* to clear the focus ring when resuming from a previous pause. If this is not
* passed, will default to false.
* startCharIndex: The index into the first node's text at which to start
* speaking. If this is not passed, will start at 0.
* endCharIndex: The index into the last node's text at which to end
* speech. If this is not passed, will stop at the end.
* @private
startSpeechQueue_(nodes, opt_params) {
const params = opt_params || {};
const clearFocusRing = params.clearFocusRing || false;
let startCharIndex = params.startCharIndex;
let endCharIndex = params.endCharIndex;
this.prepareForSpeech_(clearFocusRing /* clear the focus ring */);
if (nodes.length === 0) {
// Remember the original first and last node in the given list, as
// |startCharIndex| and |endCharIndex| pertain to them. If, after SVG
// resorting, the first or last nodes are re-ordered, do not clip them.
const originalFirstNode = nodes[0];
const originalLastNode = nodes[nodes.length - 1];
// Sort any SVG child nodes, if present, by visual reading order.
// Override start or end index if original nodes were sorted.
if (originalFirstNode !== nodes[0]) {
startCharIndex = undefined;
if (originalLastNode !== nodes[nodes.length - 1]) {
endCharIndex = undefined;
this.supportsNavigationPanel_ = this.isNavigationPanelSupported_(nodes);
this.updateNodeGroups_(nodes, startCharIndex, endCharIndex);
// Play TTS according to the current state variables.
* Updates the node groups to be spoken. Converts |nodes|, |startCharIndex|,
* and |endCharIndex| into node groups, and updates |this.currentNodeGroups_|
* and |this.currentNodeGroupIndex_|.
* @param {!Array<AutomationNode>} nodes The nodes to speak.
* @param {number=} startCharIndex The index into the first node's text at
* which to start speaking. If this is not passed, will start at 0.
* @param {number=} endCharIndex The index into the last node's text at which
* to end speech. If this is not passed, will stop at the end.
* @private
updateNodeGroups_(nodes, startCharIndex, endCharIndex) {
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
// When navigation controls are enabled, disable the clipping of overflow
// words. When overflow words are clipped, words scrolled out of view are
// clipped, which is undesirable for our navigation features as we
// generate node groups for next/previous paragraphs which may be fully or
// partially scrolled out of view.
const nodeGroup = ParagraphUtils.buildNodeGroup(nodes, i, {
splitOnLanguage: this.enableLanguageDetectionIntegration_,
clipOverflowWords: !this.shouldShowNavigationControls_(),
const isFirstNodeGroup = i === 0;
const shouldApplyStartOffset =
isFirstNodeGroup && startCharIndex !== undefined;
const firstNodeHasInlineText =
nodeGroup.nodes.length > 0 && nodeGroup.nodes[0].hasInlineText;
if (shouldApplyStartOffset && firstNodeHasInlineText) {
// We assume that the start offset will only be applied to the first
// node in the first NodeGroup. The |startCharIndex| needs to be
// adjusted. The first node of the NodeGroup may not be at the beginning
// of the parent of the NodeGroup. (e.g., an inlineText in its
// staticText parent). Thus, we need to adjust the start index.
const startIndexInNodeParent =
const startIndexInNodeGroup = startCharIndex + startIndexInNodeParent +
nodeGroup, startIndexInNodeGroup, true /* isStartOffset */);
// Advance i to the end of this group, to skip all nodes it contains.
i = nodeGroup.endIndex;
const isLastNodeGroup = (i === nodes.length - 1);
const shouldApplyEndOffset =
isLastNodeGroup && endCharIndex !== undefined;
const lastNodeHasInlineText = nodeGroup.nodes.length > 0 &&
nodeGroup.nodes[nodeGroup.nodes.length - 1].hasInlineText;
if (shouldApplyEndOffset && lastNodeHasInlineText) {
// We assume that the end offset will only be applied to the last node
// in the last NodeGroup. Similarly, |endCharIndex| needs to be
// adjusted.
const startIndexInNodeParent =
const endIndexInNodeGroup = endCharIndex + startIndexInNodeParent +
nodeGroup.nodes[nodeGroup.nodes.length - 1].startChar;
nodeGroup, endIndexInNodeGroup, false /* isStartOffset */);
if (nodeGroup.nodes.length === 0 && !isLastNodeGroup) {
// Sets the initial node group index to zero if this.currentNodeGroups_ has
// items.
if (this.currentNodeGroups_.length > 0) {
this.currentNodeGroupIndex_ = 0;
* Starts reading the current node group.
* @private
startCurrentNodeGroup_() {
const nodeGroup = this.getCurrentNodeGroup_();
if (!nodeGroup) {
if (!nodeGroup.text) {
nodeGroup.text, this.getTtsOptionsForCurrentNodeGroup_());
getTtsOptionsForCurrentNodeGroup_() {
const nodeGroup = this.getCurrentNodeGroup_();
if (!nodeGroup) {
const options = /** @type {!chrome.tts.TtsOptions} */ ({});
// Copy options so we can add lang below
Object.assign(options, this.prefsManager_.speechOptions());
if (this.enableLanguageDetectionIntegration_ &&
nodeGroup.detectedLanguage) {
options.lang = nodeGroup.detectedLanguage;
if (this.shouldShowNavigationControls_()) {
options.rate = this.getSpeechRate_();
// Log speech rate multiple applied by Select-to-speak.
const nodeGroupText = nodeGroup.text || '';
options.onEvent = (event) => {
switch (event.type) {
case chrome.tts.EventType.START:
if (nodeGroup.nodes.length <= 0) {
// Update |this.currentCharIndex_|. Find the first non-space char
// index in nodeGroup text, or 0 if the text is undefined or the first
// char is non-space.
this.currentCharIndex_ =\S|$/);
this.syncCurrentNodeWithCharIndex_(nodeGroup, this.currentCharIndex_);
if (this.prefsManager_.wordHighlightingEnabled()) {
// At start, find the first word and highlight that. Clear the
// previous word in the node.
this.currentNodeWord_ = null;
// If |this.currentCharIndex_| is not 0, that means we have applied
// a start offset. Thus, we need to pass startIndexInNodeGroup to
// opt_startIndex and overwrite the word boundaries in the original
// node.
nodeGroupText, this.currentCharIndex_,
this.currentCharIndex_ !== 0 ? this.currentCharIndex_ :
} else {
case chrome.tts.EventType.RESUME:
case chrome.tts.EventType.ERROR:
if (event.errorMessage ===
TtsManager.ErrorMessage.RESUME_WITH_EMPTY_CONTENT) {
case chrome.tts.EventType.PAUSE:
// Updates the select to speak state to speaking to keep navigation
// panel visible, so that the user can click resume from the panel.
// Fall through.
case chrome.tts.EventType.INTERRUPTED:
case chrome.tts.EventType.CANCELLED:
if (!this.shouldShowNavigationControls_()) {
if (this.state_ === SelectToSpeakState.SELECTING) {
// Do not go into inactive state if navigation controls are enabled
// and we're currently making a new selection. This enables users
// to select new nodes while STS is active without first exiting.
case chrome.tts.EventType.END:
case chrome.tts.EventType.WORD:
// The Closure compiler doesn't realize that we did a !nodeGroup
// earlier so we check again here.
if (!nodeGroup) {
this.onTtsWordEvent_(event, nodeGroup);
return options;
* When a node group is completed, we start speaking the next node group
* indicated by the end index. If we have reached the last node group, this
* function will update STS status depending whether the navigation feature is
* enabled.
* @private
onNodeGroupSpeakingCompleted_() {
const currentNodeGroup = this.getCurrentNodeGroup_();
// Update the current char index to the end of the node group. If the
// endOffset is undefined, we set the index to the length of the node
// group's text.
if (currentNodeGroup && currentNodeGroup.endOffset !== undefined) {
this.currentCharIndex_ = currentNodeGroup.endOffset;
} else {
const nodeGroupText = (currentNodeGroup && currentNodeGroup.text) || '';
this.currentCharIndex_ = nodeGroupText.length;
const isLastNodeGroup =
(this.currentNodeGroupIndex_ === this.currentNodeGroups_.length - 1);
if (isLastNodeGroup) {
if (!this.shouldShowNavigationControls_()) {
} else {
// If navigation features are enabled, we should keep STS state to
// speaking so that the user can hit resume to continue.
// Start reading the next node group.
* Update |this.currentNodeGroupItem_|, the current speaking or the node to be
* spoken in the node group.
* @param {ParagraphUtils.NodeGroup} nodeGroup the current nodeGroup.
* @param {number} charIndex the start char index of the word to be spoken.
* The index is relative to the entire NodeGroup.
* @param {number=} opt_startFromNodeGroupIndex the NodeGroupIndex to start
* with. If undefined, search from 0.
* @return {boolean} if the found NodeGroupIndex is different from the
* |opt_startFromNodeGroupIndex|.
nodeGroup, charIndex, opt_startFromNodeGroupIndex) {
if (opt_startFromNodeGroupIndex === undefined) {
opt_startFromNodeGroupIndex = 0;
// There is no speaking word, set the NodeGroupItemIndex to 0.
if (charIndex <= 0) {
this.currentNodeGroupItemIndex_ = 0;
this.currentNodeGroupItem_ =
return this.currentNodeGroupItemIndex_ === opt_startFromNodeGroupIndex;
// Sets the |this.currentNodeGroupItemIndex_| to
// |opt_startFromNodeGroupIndex|
this.currentNodeGroupItemIndex_ = opt_startFromNodeGroupIndex;
this.currentNodeGroupItem_ =
if (this.currentNodeGroupItemIndex_ + 1 < nodeGroup.nodes.length) {
let next = nodeGroup.nodes[this.currentNodeGroupItemIndex_ + 1];
let nodeUpdated = false;
// TODO(katie): For something like a date, the start and end
// node group nodes can actually be different. Example:
// "<span>Tuesday,</span> December 18, 2018".
// Check if we've reached this next node yet. Since charIndex is the
// start char index of the target word, we just need to make sure the
// next.startchar is bigger than it.
while (next && charIndex >= next.startChar &&
this.currentNodeGroupItemIndex_ + 1 < nodeGroup.nodes.length) {
next = this.incrementCurrentNodeAndGetNext_(nodeGroup);
nodeUpdated = true;
return nodeUpdated;
return false;
* Apply start or end offset to the text of the |nodeGroup|.
* @param {ParagraphUtils.NodeGroup} nodeGroup the input nodeGroup.
* @param {number} offset the size of offset.
* @param {boolean} isStartOffset whether to apply a startOffset or an
* endOffset.
applyOffset(nodeGroup, offset, isStartOffset) {
if (isStartOffset) {
// Applying start offset. Remove all text before the start index so that
// it is not spoken. Backfill with spaces so that index counting
// functions don't get confused.
nodeGroup.text = ' '.repeat(offset) + nodeGroup.text.substr(offset);
} else {
// Remove all text after the end index so it is not spoken.
nodeGroup.text = nodeGroup.text.substr(0, offset);
nodeGroup.endOffset = offset;
* Prepares for speech. Call once before this.ttsManager_.speak is called.
* @param {boolean} clearFocusRing Whether to clear the focus ring.
* @private
prepareForSpeech_(clearFocusRing) {
this.cancelIfSpeaking_(clearFocusRing /* clear the focus ring */);
// Update the UI on an interval, to adapt to automation tree changes.
if (this.intervalRef_ !== undefined) {
this.intervalRef_ = setInterval(
* Uses the 'word' speech event to determine which node is currently beings
* spoken, and prepares for highlight if enabled.
* @param {!chrome.tts.TtsEvent} event The event to use for updates.
* @param {ParagraphUtils.NodeGroup} nodeGroup The node group for this
* utterance.
* @private
onTtsWordEvent_(event, nodeGroup) {
if (event.charIndex === undefined) {
// Not all speech engines include length in the ttsEvent object. .
const hasLength = event.length !== undefined && event.length >= 0;
const length = event.length || 0;
// Only update the |this.currentCharIndex_| if event has a higher charIndex.
// TTS sometimes will report an incorrect number at the end of an utterance.
this.currentCharIndex_ = Math.max(event.charIndex, this.currentCharIndex_);
console.debug(nodeGroup.text + ' (index ' + event.charIndex + ')');
let debug = '-'.repeat(event.charIndex);
if (hasLength) {
debug += '^'.repeat(length);
} else {
debug += '^';
// First determine which node contains the word currently being spoken,
// and update this.currentNodeGroupItem_, this.currentNodeWord_, and
// this.currentNodeGroupItemIndex_ to match.
const nodeUpdated = this.syncCurrentNodeWithCharIndex_(
nodeGroup, event.charIndex, this.currentNodeGroupItemIndex_);
if (nodeUpdated && !this.prefsManager_.wordHighlightingEnabled()) {
// If we are doing a per-word highlight, we update the UI after figuring
// out what the currently highlighted word is. Otherwise, update now.
// Finally update the word highlight if it is enabled.
if (this.prefsManager_.wordHighlightingEnabled()) {
if (hasLength) {
this.currentNodeWord_ = {
'start': event.charIndex - this.currentNodeGroupItem_.startChar,
'end': event.charIndex + length - this.currentNodeGroupItem_.startChar
} else {
this.updateNodeHighlight_(nodeGroup.text, event.charIndex);
} else {
this.currentNodeWord_ = null;
* Updates the current node and relevant points to be the next node in the
* group, then returns the next node in the group after that.
* @param {!ParagraphUtils.NodeGroup} nodeGroup
* @return {ParagraphUtils.NodeGroupItem}
* @private
incrementCurrentNodeAndGetNext_(nodeGroup) {
// Move to the next node.
this.currentNodeGroupItemIndex_ += 1;
this.currentNodeGroupItem_ =
// Setting this.currentNodeWord_ to null signals it should be recalculated
// later.
this.currentNodeWord_ = null;
if (this.currentNodeGroupItemIndex_ + 1 >= nodeGroup.nodes.length) {
return null;
return nodeGroup.nodes[this.currentNodeGroupItemIndex_ + 1];
* Updates the state.
* @param {!chrome.accessibilityPrivate.SelectToSpeakState} state
* @private
onStateChanged_(state) {
if (this.state_ !== state) {
if (state === SelectToSpeakState.INACTIVE) {
// Send state change event to Chrome.
this.state_ = state;
* Cancels the current speech queue.
* @param {boolean} clearFocusRing Whether to clear the focus ring
* as well.
* @private
cancelIfSpeaking_(clearFocusRing) {
if (clearFocusRing) {
} else {
// Just stop speech
* @param {!AutomationNode} node
* @return {!Promise<boolean>} Promise that resolves to whether the given node
* should be considered in the foreground or not.
* @private
isNodeInForeground_(node) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
node.location.left,, (nodeAtLocation) => {
chrome.automation.getFocus((focusedNode) => {
const window =
const currentWindow = NodeUtils.getNearestContainingWindow(node);
if (currentWindow != null && window != null &&
currentWindow === window) {
if (UiManager.isPanel(window) ||
NodeUtils.getNearestContainingWindow(focusedNode))) {
// If the focus is on the Select-to-speak panel or the hit test
// landed on the panel, treat the current node as if it is in
// the foreground.
if (focusedNode && currentWindow) {
// See if the focused node window matches the currentWindow.
// This may happen in some cases, for example, ARC++, when the
// window which received the hit test request is not part of the
// tree that contains the actual content. In such cases, use
// focus to get the appropriate root.
const focusedWindow = NodeUtils.getNearestContainingWindow(
focusedNode.root || null);
if (focusedWindow != null && currentWindow === focusedWindow) {
* @return {?AutomationNode} Current node that is being spoken.
* @private
getCurrentSpokenNode_() {
if (!this.currentNodeGroupItem_) {
return null;
if (this.currentNodeGroupItem_.hasInlineText && this.currentNodeWord_) {
return ParagraphUtils.findInlineTextNodeByCharacterIndex(
this.currentNodeGroupItem_.node, this.currentNodeWord_.start);
} else if (
this.currentNodeGroupItem_.hasInlineText &&
this.shouldShowNavigationControls_()) {
// If navigation controls are enabled, but word highlighting is disabled
// (currentNodeWord_ === null), still find the inline text node so the
// focus ring will highlight the whole block.
return ParagraphUtils.findInlineTextNodeByCharacterIndex(
this.currentNodeGroupItem_.node, 0);
// No inline text or word highlighting and navigation controls are
// disabled.
return this.currentNodeGroupItem_.node;
* Updates the UI based on the current STS and node state.
* @return {!Promise<void>} Promise that resolves when operation is complete.
* @private
async updateUi_() {
if (this.currentNodeGroupItem_ === null) {
// Nothing to do.
// Determine whether current node is in the foreground. If node has no
// location, assume it is not in the foreground.
const node = this.currentNodeGroupItem_.node;
const inForeground = node.location !== undefined ?
await this.isNodeInForeground_(node) :
// Verify that current node item is still pointing to the same node after
// asynchronous |isNodeInForeground_| operation.
if (this.currentNodeGroupItem_ === null ||
this.currentNodeGroupItem_.node !== node) {
const nodeState = NodeUtils.getNodeState(node);
if (nodeState === NodeUtils.NodeState.NODE_STATE_INVALID ||
nodeState === NodeUtils.NodeState.NODE_STATE_INVISIBLE ||
!inForeground) {
// Current node is in background or node is invalid/invisible.
const spokenNode = this.getCurrentSpokenNode_();
const currentNodeGroup = this.getCurrentNodeGroup_();
if (!currentNodeGroup || !spokenNode) {
console.warn('Could not update UI; no node group or spoken node');
if (this.scrollToSpokenNode_ && spokenNode.state.offscreen) {
const currentWord = this.prefsManager_.wordHighlightingEnabled() ?
this.currentNodeWord_ :
this.uiManager_.update(currentNodeGroup, spokenNode, currentWord, {
showPanel: this.shouldShowNavigationControls_(),
paused: this.isPaused_(),
speechRateMultiplier: this.speechRateMultiplier_,
* Updates the currently highlighted node word based on the current text
* and the character index of an event.
* @param {string} text The current text
* @param {number} charIndex The index of a current event in the text.
* @param {number=} opt_startIndex The index at which to start the
* highlight. This takes precedence over the charIndex.
* @private
updateNodeHighlight_(text, charIndex, opt_startIndex) {
if (charIndex >= text.length) {
// No need to do work if we are at the end of the paragraph.
// Get the next word based on the event's charIndex.
const nextWordStart =
WordUtils.getNextWordStart(text, charIndex, this.currentNodeGroupItem_);
// The |WordUtils.getNextWordEnd| will find the correct end based on the
// trimmed text, so there is no need to provide additional input like
// opt_startIndex.
const nextWordEnd = WordUtils.getNextWordEnd(
text, opt_startIndex === undefined ? nextWordStart : opt_startIndex,
// Map the next word into the node's index from the text.
const nodeStart = opt_startIndex === undefined ?
nextWordStart - this.currentNodeGroupItem_.startChar :
opt_startIndex - this.currentNodeGroupItem_.startChar;
const nodeEnd = Math.min(
nextWordEnd - this.currentNodeGroupItem_.startChar,
if ((this.currentNodeWord_ == null ||
nodeStart >= this.currentNodeWord_.end) &&
nodeStart <= nodeEnd) {
// Only update the bounds if they have increased from the
// previous node. Because tts may send multiple callbacks
// for the end of one word and the beginning of the next,
// checking that the current word has changed allows us to
// reduce extra work.
this.currentNodeWord_ = {'start': nodeStart, 'end': nodeEnd};
* @return {number} Current speech rate.
* @private
getSpeechRate_() {
// Multiply default system rate with user-selected multiplier.
const rate = this.systemSpeechRate_ * this.speechRateMultiplier_;
// Then round to the nearest tenth (ex. 1.799999 becomes 1.8).
return Math.round(rate * 10) / 10;
* @param {!Array<!AutomationNode>} nodes
* @return {boolean} Whether all given nodes support the navigation panel.
* @private
isNavigationPanelSupported_(nodes) {
if (nodes.length === 0) {
return true;
if (nodes.length === 1 && nodes[0] === nodes[0].root && nodes[0].parent &&
nodes[0].parent.root &&
nodes[0].parent.root.role === RoleType.DESKTOP) {
// If the selected node is a root node within the desktop, such as a
// a browser window, then do not show the navigation panel. There will
// be no where for the user to navigate to. Also panel could be clipped
// offscreen if the window is fullscreened.
return false;
// Do not show panel on system UI. System UI can be problematic due to
// auto-dismissing behavior (see, but also
// navigation controls do not work well for control-rich interfaces that are
// light on text (and therefore no sentence and paragraph structures).
return !nodes.some((n) => n.root && n.root.role === RoleType.DESKTOP);
* Fires a mock key down event for testing.
* @param {!Event} event The fake key down event to fire. The object
* must contain at minimum a keyCode.
* @protected
fireMockKeyDownEvent(event) {
* Fires a mock key up event for testing.
* @param {!Event} event The fake key up event to fire. The object
* must contain at minimum a keyCode.
* @protected
fireMockKeyUpEvent(event) {
* Fires a mock mouse down event for testing.
* @param {!Event} event The fake mouse down event to fire. The object
* must contain at minimum a screenX and a screenY.
* @protected
fireMockMouseDownEvent(event) {
* Fires a mock mouse up event for testing.
* @param {!Event} event The fake mouse up event to fire. The object
* must contain at minimum a screenX and a screenY.
* @protected
fireMockMouseUpEvent(event) {