Schedule a type selector invalidation set for RuleSet invalidations.

We marked all elements which had a selector in the tagRules bucket for
style recalc for RuleSet invalidations. That means we would recalculate
style for all spans if we added a stylesheet containing a rule with an
"#id span" selector (but not for "#id span.class" as that ends up in
the classRules bucket).

Instead, use an invalidation set containing only tag names for the
selectors where there are no ids, classes, or attribute selectors, and
which have a type selector in the rightmost compound. This means that
"#id span" will not add "span" to that set, but "span" and "div span"
will. "div span" will not add "div", and "div *" will cause a full
scope recalc. In order to support invalidation for those, we would have
had to have one invalidation set for each tag name instead of a single
descendant invalidation set for all.

RuleSet invalidations schedule this typeRuleInvalidationSet on the root
of the TreeScope When doing ruleset invalidations.


Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#451488}
6 files changed