blob: 0aae1c1853491c99f72a74fdc92f7682497cc12d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('print_preview', function() {
'use strict';
* @typedef {{selectSaveAsPdfDestination: boolean,
* layoutSettings.portrait: boolean,
* pageRange: string,
* headersAndFooters: boolean,
* backgroundColorsAndImages: boolean,
* margins: number}}
* @see chrome/browser/printing/
let PreviewSettings;
* @typedef {{
* deviceName: string,
* printerName: string,
* printerDescription: (string | undefined),
* cupsEnterprisePrinter: (boolean | undefined),
* printerOptions: (Object | undefined),
* policies: (print_preview.Policies | undefined),
* }}
let LocalDestinationInfo;
* @typedef {{
* isInKioskAutoPrintMode: boolean,
* isInAppKioskMode: boolean,
* uiLocale: string,
* thousandsDelimiter: string,
* decimalDelimiter: string,
* unitType: !print_preview.MeasurementSystemUnitType,
* previewModifiable: boolean,
* previewIsPdf: boolean,
* documentTitle: string,
* documentHasSelection: boolean,
* shouldPrintSelectionOnly: boolean,
* printerName: string,
* headerFooter: (boolean | undefined),
* isHeaderFooterManaged: boolean,
* serializedAppStateStr: ?string,
* serializedDefaultDestinationSelectionRulesStr: ?string,
* cloudPrintURL: (string | undefined),
* userAccounts: (Array<string> | undefined),
* syncAvailable: boolean
* }}
* @see corresponding field name definitions in
let NativeInitialSettings;
* @typedef {{
* serviceName: string,
* name: string,
* hasLocalPrinting: boolean,
* isUnregistered: boolean,
* cloudID: string,
* }}
* @see PrintPreviewHandler::FillPrinterDescription in
let PrivetPrinterDescription;
* @typedef {{
* printer:(print_preview.PrivetPrinterDescription |
* print_preview.LocalDestinationInfo |
* undefined),
* capabilities: !print_preview.Cdd,
* }}
let CapabilitiesResponse;
* @typedef {{
* printerId: string,
* success: boolean,
* capabilities: !print_preview.Cdd,
* policies: (print_preview.Policies | undefined),
* }}
let PrinterSetupResponse;
* @typedef {{
* extensionId: string,
* extensionName: string,
* id: string,
* name: string,
* description: (string|undefined),
* }}
let ProvisionalDestinationInfo;
* Printer types for capabilities and printer list requests.
* Should match PrinterType in print_preview_handler.h
* @enum {number}
const PrinterType = {
* An interface to the native Chromium printing system layer.
class NativeLayer {
* Creates a new NativeLayer if the current instance is not set.
* @return {!print_preview.NativeLayer} The singleton instance.
static getInstance() {
if (currentInstance == null) {
currentInstance = new NativeLayer();
return assert(currentInstance);
* @param {!print_preview.NativeLayer} instance The NativeLayer instance
* to set for print preview construction.
static setInstance(instance) {
currentInstance = instance;
// <if expr="chromeos">
* Requests access token for cloud print requests for DEVICE origin.
* @return {!Promise<string>}
getAccessToken() {
return cr.sendWithPromise('getAccessToken');
// </if>
* Gets the initial settings to initialize the print preview with.
* @return {!Promise<!print_preview.NativeInitialSettings>}
getInitialSettings() {
return cr.sendWithPromise('getInitialSettings');
* Requests the system's print destinations. The promise will be resolved
* when all destinations of that type have been retrieved. One or more
* 'printers-added' events may be fired in response before resolution.
* @param {!print_preview.PrinterType} type The type of destinations to
* request.
* @return {!Promise}
getPrinters(type) {
return cr.sendWithPromise('getPrinters', type);
* Requests the destination's printing capabilities. Returns a promise that
* will be resolved with the capabilities if they are obtained successfully.
* @param {string} destinationId ID of the destination.
* @param {!print_preview.PrinterType} type The destination's printer type.
* @return {!Promise<!print_preview.CapabilitiesResponse>}
getPrinterCapabilities(destinationId, type) {
return cr.sendWithPromise(
'getPrinterCapabilities', destinationId,
destinationId ==
print_preview.Destination.GooglePromotedId.SAVE_AS_PDF ?
print_preview.PrinterType.PDF_PRINTER :
// <if expr="chromeos">
* Requests Chrome to resolve provisional extension destination by granting
* the provider extension access to the printer.
* @param {string} provisionalDestinationId
* @return {!Promise<!print_preview.ProvisionalDestinationInfo>}
grantExtensionPrinterAccess(provisionalDestinationId) {
return cr.sendWithPromise('grantExtensionPrinterAccess',
* Requests that Chrome peform printer setup for the given printer.
* @param {string} printerId
* @return {!Promise<!print_preview.PrinterSetupResponse>}
setupPrinter(printerId) {
return cr.sendWithPromise('setupPrinter', printerId);
// </if>
* Requests that a preview be generated. The following Web UI events may
* be triggered in response:
* 'print-preset-options',
* 'page-count-ready',
* 'page-layout-ready',
* 'page-preview-ready'
* @param {string} printTicket JSON print ticket for the request.
* @return {!Promise<number>} Promise that resolves with the unique ID of
* the preview UI when the preview has been generated.
getPreview(printTicket) {
return cr.sendWithPromise('getPreview', printTicket);
* Opens the chrome://settings printing page. For Chrome OS, open the
* printing settings in the Settings App.
openSettingsPrintPage() {
// <if expr="chromeos">
// </if>
// <if expr="not chromeos">'chrome://settings/printing');
// </if>
* Requests that the document be printed.
* @param {string} printTicket The serialized print ticket for the print
* job.
* @return {!Promise} Promise that will resolve when the print request is
* finished or rejected.
print(printTicket) {
return cr.sendWithPromise('print', printTicket);
/** Requests that the current pending print request be cancelled. */
cancelPendingPrintRequest() {
* Sends the app state to be saved in the sticky settings.
* @param {string} appStateStr JSON string of the app state to persist.
saveAppState(appStateStr) {
chrome.send('saveAppState', [appStateStr]);
// <if expr="not chromeos and not is_win">
/** Shows the system's native printing dialog. */
showSystemDialog() {
// </if>
* Closes the print preview dialog.
* If |isCancel| is true, also sends a message to Print Preview Handler in
* order to update UMA statistics.
* @param {boolean} isCancel whether this was called due to the user
* closing the dialog without printing.
dialogClose(isCancel) {
if (isCancel) {
/** Hide the print preview dialog and allow the native layer to close it. */
hidePreview() {
* Opens the Google Cloud Print sign-in tab. If the user signs in
* successfully, the user-accounts-updated event will be sent in response.
* @param {boolean} addAccount Whether to open an 'add a new account' or
* default sign in page.
signIn(addAccount) {
chrome.send('signIn', [addAccount]);
* Sends a message to the test, letting it know that an
* option has been set to a particular value and that the change has
* finished modifying the preview area.
uiLoadedForTest() {
* Notifies the test that the option it tried to change
* had not been changed successfully.
uiFailedLoadingForTest() {
* Notifies the metrics handler to record a histogram value.
* @param {string} histogram The name of the histogram to record
* @param {number} bucket The bucket to record
* @param {number} maxBucket The maximum bucket value in the histogram.
recordInHistogram(histogram, bucket, maxBucket) {
'metricsHandler:recordInHistogram', [histogram, bucket, maxBucket]);
/** @private {?print_preview.NativeLayer} */
let currentInstance = null;
// Export
return {
CapabilitiesResponse: CapabilitiesResponse,
LocalDestinationInfo: LocalDestinationInfo,
NativeInitialSettings: NativeInitialSettings,
NativeLayer: NativeLayer,
PreviewSettings: PreviewSettings,
PrinterSetupResponse: PrinterSetupResponse,
PrinterType: PrinterType,
PrivetPrinterDescription: PrivetPrinterDescription,
ProvisionalDestinationInfo: ProvisionalDestinationInfo,