blob: fd5ebbf80f4d12e3c17a297111ac3e485efe6459 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('model_test', function() {
/** @enum {string} */
const TestNames = {
SetStickySettings: 'set sticky settings',
SetPolicySettings: 'set policy settings',
GetPrintTicket: 'get print ticket',
GetCloudPrintTicket: 'get cloud print ticket',
ChangeDestination: 'change destination'
const suiteName = 'ModelTest';
suite(suiteName, function() {
let model = null;
/** @override */
setup(function() {
model = document.createElement('print-preview-model');
* Tests state restoration with all boolean settings set to true, scaling =
* 90, dpi = 100, custom square paper, and custom margins.
test(assert(TestNames.SetStickySettings), function() {
// Default state of the model.
const stickySettingsDefault = {
version: 2,
recentDestinations: [],
dpi: {},
mediaSize: {},
marginsType: 0, /* default */
customScaling: false,
scaling: '100',
isHeaderFooterEnabled: true,
isCssBackgroundEnabled: false,
isFitToPageEnabled: false,
isCollateEnabled: true,
isDuplexEnabled: true,
isDuplexShortEdge: false,
isLandscapeEnabled: false,
isColorEnabled: true,
vendorOptions: {},
if (cr.isChromeOS) {
stickySettingsDefault.isPinEnabled = false;
stickySettingsDefault.pinValue = '';
// Non-default state
const stickySettingsChange = {
version: 2,
recentDestinations: [],
dpi: {horizontal_dpi: 1000, vertical_dpi: 500},
mediaSize: {width_microns: 43180, height_microns: 21590},
marginsType: 2, /* none */
customScaling: true,
scaling: '85',
isHeaderFooterEnabled: false,
isCssBackgroundEnabled: true,
isFitToPageEnabled: true,
isCollateEnabled: false,
isDuplexEnabled: false,
isDuplexShortEdge: true,
isLandscapeEnabled: true,
isColorEnabled: false,
vendorOptions: {
paperType: 1,
printArea: 6,
if (cr.isChromeOS) {
stickySettingsChange.isPinEnabled = true;
stickySettingsChange.pinValue = '0000';
const settingsSet = ['version'];
* @param {string} setting The name of the setting to check.
* @param {string} field The name of the field in the serialized state
* corresponding to the setting.
* @return {!Promise} Promise that resolves when the setting has been set,
* the saved string has been validated, and the setting has been
* reset to its default value.
const testStickySetting = function(setting, field) {
let promise = test_util.eventToPromise('sticky-setting-changed', model);
model.setSetting(setting, stickySettingsChange[field]);
return promise.then(
* @param {!CustomEvent} e Event containing the serialized settings
* @return {!Promise} Promise that resolves when setting is reset.
function(e) {
let settings = JSON.parse(e.detail);
Object.keys(stickySettingsDefault).forEach(settingName => {
let set = settingsSet.includes(settingName);
assertEquals(set, settings[settingName] !== undefined);
if (set) {
let toCompare = settingName == field ? stickySettingsChange :
toCompare[settingName], settings[settingName]);
let restorePromise =
test_util.eventToPromise('sticky-setting-changed', model);
model.setSetting(setting, stickySettingsDefault[field]);
return restorePromise;
let promise =
testStickySetting('collate', 'isCollateEnabled')
.then(() => testStickySetting('color', 'isColorEnabled'))
() => testStickySetting(
'cssBackground', 'isCssBackgroundEnabled'))
.then(() => testStickySetting('dpi', 'dpi'))
.then(() => testStickySetting('duplex', 'isDuplexEnabled'))
() =>
testStickySetting('duplexShortEdge', 'isDuplexShortEdge'))
.then(() => testStickySetting('fitToPage', 'isFitToPageEnabled'))
() => testStickySetting(
'headerFooter', 'isHeaderFooterEnabled'))
.then(() => testStickySetting('layout', 'isLandscapeEnabled'))
.then(() => testStickySetting('margins', 'marginsType'))
.then(() => testStickySetting('mediaSize', 'mediaSize'))
.then(() => testStickySetting('customScaling', 'customScaling'))
.then(() => testStickySetting('scaling', 'scaling'))
.then(() => testStickySetting('fitToPage', 'isFitToPageEnabled'))
.then(() => testStickySetting('vendorItems', 'vendorOptions'));
if (cr.isChromeOS) {
promise = promise.then(() => testStickySetting('pin', 'isPinEnabled'))
.then(() => testStickySetting('pinValue', 'pinValue'));
return promise;
* Tests that setSetting() won't change the value if there is already a
* policy for that setting.
test(assert(TestNames.SetPolicySettings), function() {
model.setSetting('headerFooter', false);
// Sets to true, but doesn't mark as controlled by a policy.
model.setPolicySettings(true, false);
version: 2,
headerFooter: false,
model.setSetting('headerFooter', false);
model.setPolicySettings(true, true);
model.setSetting('headerFooter', false);
// The value didn't change after setSetting(), because the policy takes
// priority.
/** @param {!print_preview.Destination} testDestination */
function toggleSettings(testDestination) {
// Some non default setting values to change to.
// Manually set fit to page to available so it can be toggled.
model.settings.fitToPage.available = true;
const settingsChange = {
pages: [2],
copies: 2,
collate: false,
layout: true,
color: false,
mediaSize: testDestination.capabilities.printer.media_size.option[1],
margins: print_preview.MarginsType.CUSTOM,
customMargins: {
marginTop: 100,
marginRight: 200,
marginBottom: 300,
marginLeft: 400,
dpi: {
horizontal_dpi: 100,
vertical_dpi: 100,
fitToPage: false,
customScaling: true,
scaling: '90',
duplex: true,
duplexShortEdge: true,
cssBackground: true,
selectionOnly: true,
headerFooter: false,
rasterize: true,
vendorItems: {
printArea: 6,
paperType: 1,
ranges: [{from: 2, to: 2}],
if (cr.isChromeOS) { = true;
settingsChange.pinValue = '0000';
// Update settings
Object.keys(settingsChange).forEach(setting => {
model.set(`settings.${setting}.value`, settingsChange[setting]);
function initializeModel() {
model.documentSettings = {
hasCssMediaStyles: false,
hasSelection: true,
isModifiable: true,
isScalingDisabled: false,
fitToPageScaling: 100,
pageCount: 3,
title: 'title',
model.pageSize = new print_preview.Size(612, 792);
// Update pages accordingly.
model.set('settings.pages.value', [1, 2, 3]);
// Initialize some settings that don't have defaults to the destination
// defaults.
model.set('settings.dpi.value', {horizontal_dpi: 200, vertical_dpi: 200});
model.set('settings.vendorItems.value', {paperType: 0, printArea: 4});
// Set rasterize available so that it can be tested.
model.set('settings.rasterize.available', true);
* Tests that toggling each setting results in the expected change to the
* print ticket.
test(assert(TestNames.GetPrintTicket), function() {
const origin = cr.isChromeOS ? print_preview.DestinationOrigin.CROS :
const testDestination = new print_preview.Destination(
'FooDevice', print_preview.DestinationType.LOCAL, origin, 'FooName',
testDestination.capabilities =
if (cr.isChromeOS) {
// Make device managed. It's used for testing pin setting behavior.
loadTimeData.overrideValues({isEnterpriseManaged: true});
model.destination = testDestination;
const defaultTicket =
model.createPrintTicket(testDestination, false, false);
const expectedDefaultTicketObject = {
mediaSize: testDestination.capabilities.printer.media_size.option[0],
pageCount: 3,
landscape: false,
color: testDestination.getNativeColorModel(true),
headerFooterEnabled: false, // Only used in print preview
marginsType: print_preview.MarginsType.DEFAULT,
duplex: print_preview.DuplexMode.SIMPLEX,
copies: 1,
collate: true,
shouldPrintBackgrounds: false,
shouldPrintSelectionOnly: false,
previewModifiable: true,
printToPDF: false,
printToGoogleDrive: false,
printWithCloudPrint: false,
printWithPrivet: false,
printWithExtension: false,
rasterizePDF: false,
scaleFactor: 100,
pagesPerSheet: 1,
dpiHorizontal: 200,
dpiVertical: 200,
dpiDefault: true,
deviceName: 'FooDevice',
fitToPageEnabled: true,
pageWidth: 612,
pageHeight: 792,
showSystemDialog: false,
if (cr.isChromeOS) {
expectedDefaultTicketObject.advancedSettings = {
printArea: 4,
paperType: 0,
expectEquals(JSON.stringify(expectedDefaultTicketObject), defaultTicket);
// Toggle all the values and create a new print ticket.
const newTicket = model.createPrintTicket(testDestination, false, false);
const expectedNewTicketObject = {
mediaSize: testDestination.capabilities.printer.media_size.option[1],
pageCount: 1,
landscape: true,
color: testDestination.getNativeColorModel(false),
headerFooterEnabled: false,
marginsType: print_preview.MarginsType.CUSTOM,
duplex: print_preview.DuplexMode.SHORT_EDGE,
copies: 2,
collate: false,
shouldPrintBackgrounds: true,
shouldPrintSelectionOnly: false, // Only for Print Preview.
previewModifiable: true,
printToPDF: false,
printToGoogleDrive: false,
printWithCloudPrint: false,
printWithPrivet: false,
printWithExtension: false,
rasterizePDF: true,
scaleFactor: 90,
pagesPerSheet: 1,
dpiHorizontal: 100,
dpiVertical: 100,
dpiDefault: false,
deviceName: 'FooDevice',
fitToPageEnabled: false,
pageWidth: 612,
pageHeight: 792,
showSystemDialog: false,
marginsCustom: {
marginTop: 100,
marginRight: 200,
marginBottom: 300,
marginLeft: 400,
if (cr.isChromeOS) {
expectedNewTicketObject.pinValue = '0000';
expectedNewTicketObject.advancedSettings = {
printArea: 6,
paperType: 1,
expectEquals(JSON.stringify(expectedNewTicketObject), newTicket);
* Tests that toggling each setting results in the expected change to the
* cloud job print ticket.
test(assert(TestNames.GetCloudPrintTicket), function() {
// Create a test cloud destination.
const testDestination = new print_preview.Destination(
'FooCloudDevice', print_preview.DestinationType.GOOGLE,
print_preview.DestinationOrigin.COOKIES, 'FooCloudName',
testDestination.capabilities =
model.destination = testDestination;
const defaultTicket = model.createCloudJobTicket(testDestination);
const expectedDefaultTicket = JSON.stringify({
version: '1.0',
print: {
collate: {collate: true},
color: {
type: testDestination.getSelectedColorOption(true).type,
copies: {copies: 1},
duplex: {type: 'NO_DUPLEX'},
media_size: {
width_microns: 215900,
height_microns: 279400,
page_orientation: {type: 'PORTRAIT'},
dpi: {
horizontal_dpi: 200,
vertical_dpi: 200,
vendor_ticket_item: [
{id: 'printArea', value: 4},
{id: 'paperType', value: 0},
expectEquals(expectedDefaultTicket, defaultTicket);
// Toggle all the values and create a new cloud job ticket.
const newTicket = model.createCloudJobTicket(testDestination);
const expectedNewTicket = JSON.stringify({
version: '1.0',
print: {
collate: {collate: false},
color: {
type: testDestination.getSelectedColorOption(false).type,
copies: {copies: 2},
duplex: {type: 'SHORT_EDGE'},
media_size: {
width_microns: 215900,
height_microns: 215900,
page_orientation: {type: 'LANDSCAPE'},
dpi: {
horizontal_dpi: 100,
vertical_dpi: 100,
vendor_ticket_item: [
{id: 'printArea', value: 6},
{id: 'paperType', value: 1},
expectEquals(expectedNewTicket, newTicket);
test(assert(TestNames.ChangeDestination), function() {
const testDestination = new print_preview.Destination(
'FooDevice', print_preview.DestinationType.LOCAL,
print_preview.DestinationOrigin.LOCAL, 'FooName',
testDestination.capabilities =
// Make black and white printing the default.
testDestination.capabilities.printer.color = {
option: [
{type: 'STANDARD_MONOCHROME', is_default: true}
const testDestination2 = new print_preview.Destination(
'BarDevice', print_preview.DestinationType.LOCAL,
print_preview.DestinationOrigin.LOCAL, 'BarName',
testDestination2.capabilities =
Object.assign({}, testDestination.capabilities);
// Initialize
model.destination = testDestination;
// Confirm some defaults.
assertEquals(false, model.getSettingValue('color'));
assertEquals('NA_LETTER', model.getSettingValue('mediaSize').name);
assertEquals(200, model.getSettingValue('dpi').horizontal_dpi);
assertEquals(false, model.getSettingValue('duplex'));
// Toggle some printer specified settings.
model.setSetting('duplex', true);
model.setSetting('color', true);
'dpi', testDestination.capabilities.printer.dpi.option[1]);
// Confirm toggles.
assertEquals(true, model.getSettingValue('color'));
assertEquals('CUSTOM_SQUARE', model.getSettingValue('mediaSize').name);
assertEquals(100, model.getSettingValue('dpi').horizontal_dpi);
assertEquals(true, model.getSettingValue('duplex'));
// Set to a new destination with the same capabilities. Confirm that
// everything stays the same.
const oldSettings = JSON.stringify(model.settings);
model.destination = testDestination2;
const newSettings = JSON.stringify(model.settings);
// Should be the same (same printer capabilities).
assertEquals(oldSettings, newSettings);
// Create a printer with different capabilities.
const testDestination3 = new print_preview.Destination(
'Device1', print_preview.DestinationType.LOCAL,
print_preview.DestinationOrigin.LOCAL, 'One',
testDestination3.capabilities =
Object.assign({}, testDestination.capabilities);
testDestination3.capabilities.printer.media_size = {
option: [
name: 'ISO_A4',
width_microns: 210000,
height_microns: 297000,
custom_display_name: 'A4',
is_default: true,
testDestination3.capabilities.printer.color = {
option: [
{type: 'STANDARD_MONOCHROME', is_default: true},
testDestination3.capabilities.printer.duplex = {
option: [
{type: 'NO_DUPLEX', is_default: true},
testDestination3.capabilities.printer.dpi = {
option: [
{horizontal_dpi: 400, vertical_dpi: 400, is_default: true},
{horizontal_dpi: 800, vertical_dpi: 800},
model.destination = testDestination3;
// Verify things changed.
const updatedSettings = JSON.stringify(model.settings);
assertNotEquals(oldSettings, updatedSettings);
assertEquals(false, model.getSettingValue('color'));
assertEquals('ISO_A4', model.getSettingValue('mediaSize').name);
assertEquals(400, model.getSettingValue('dpi').horizontal_dpi);
assertEquals(false, model.getSettingValue('duplex'));
return {
suiteName: suiteName,
TestNames: TestNames,