blob: b46056e8b9bb3410b7fd0a01628c0b3f59f3392d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('print_preview_test_utils', function() {
/** @return {!print_preview.NativeInitialSettings} */
function getDefaultInitialSettings() {
return {
isInKioskAutoPrintMode: false,
isInAppKioskMode: false,
thousandsDelimiter: ',',
decimalDelimiter: '.',
unitType: 1,
previewModifiable: true,
documentTitle: 'title',
documentHasSelection: true,
shouldPrintSelectionOnly: false,
isHeaderFooterManaged: false,
printerName: 'FooDevice',
serializedAppStateStr: null,
serializedDefaultDestinationSelectionRulesStr: null
* @param {string} printerId
* @param {string=} opt_printerName Defaults to an empty string.
* @return {!print_preview.PrinterCapabilitiesResponse}
function getCddTemplate(printerId, opt_printerName) {
const template = {
printer: {
deviceName: printerId,
printerName: opt_printerName || '',
capabilities: {
version: '1.0',
printer: {
supported_content_type: [{content_type: 'application/pdf'}],
collate: {default: true},
copies: {default: 1, max: 1000},
color: {
option: [
{type: 'STANDARD_COLOR', is_default: true},
dpi: {
option: [
{horizontal_dpi: 200, vertical_dpi: 200, is_default: true},
{horizontal_dpi: 100, vertical_dpi: 100},
duplex: {
option: [
{type: 'NO_DUPLEX', is_default: true}, {type: 'LONG_EDGE'},
{type: 'SHORT_EDGE'}
page_orientation: {
option: [
{type: 'PORTRAIT', is_default: true}, {type: 'LANDSCAPE'},
{type: 'AUTO'}
media_size: {
option: [
name: 'NA_LETTER',
width_microns: 215900,
height_microns: 279400,
is_default: true,
custom_display_name: 'Letter',
width_microns: 215900,
height_microns: 215900,
custom_display_name: 'CUSTOM_SQUARE',
if (cr.isChromeOS) { = {supported: true};
return template;
* Gets a CDD template and adds some dummy vendor capabilities. For select
* capabilities, the values of these options are arbitrary. These values are
* provided and read by the destination, so there are no fixed options like
* there are for margins or color.
* @param {number} numSettings
* @param {string} printerId
* @param {string=} opt_printerName Defaults to an empty string.
* @return {!print_preview.PrinterCapabilitiesResponse}
function getCddTemplateWithAdvancedSettings(
numSettings, printerId, opt_printerName) {
const template =
print_preview_test_utils.getCddTemplate(printerId, opt_printerName);
if (numSettings < 1) {
return template;
template.capabilities.printer.vendor_capability = [{
display_name: 'Print Area',
id: 'printArea',
type: 'SELECT',
select_cap: {
option: [
{display_name: 'A4', value: 4, is_default: true},
{display_name: 'A6', value: 6},
{display_name: 'A7', value: 7},
if (numSettings < 2) {
return template;
// Add new capability.
display_name: 'Paper Type',
id: 'paperType',
type: 'SELECT',
select_cap: {
option: [
{display_name: 'Standard', value: 0, is_default: true},
{display_name: 'Recycled', value: 1},
{display_name: 'Special', value: 2}
if (numSettings < 3) {
return template;
display_name: 'Watermark',
id: 'watermark',
type: 'TYPED_VALUE',
typed_value_cap: {
default: '',
if (numSettings < 4) {
return template;
display_name: 'Staple',
id: 'finishings/4',
type: 'TYPED_VALUE',
typed_value_cap: {
default: '',
value_type: 'BOOLEAN',
return template;
* Creates a destination with a certificate status tag.
* @param {string} id Printer id
* @param {string} name Printer display name
* @param {boolean} invalid Whether printer has an invalid certificate.
* @return {!print_preview.Destination}
function createDestinationWithCertificateStatus(id, name, invalid) {
const tags = {
certificateStatus: invalid ?
print_preview.DestinationCertificateStatus.NO :
account: '',
const dest = new print_preview.Destination(
id, print_preview.DestinationType.GOOGLE,
print_preview.DestinationOrigin.COOKIES, name,
print_preview.DestinationConnectionStatus.ONLINE, tags);
return dest;
* @return {!print_preview.PrinterCapabilitiesResponse} The capabilities of
* the Save as PDF destination.
function getPdfPrinter() {
return {
printer: {
deviceName: 'Save as PDF',
capabilities: {
version: '1.0',
printer: {
page_orientation: {
option: [
{type: 'AUTO', is_default: true}, {type: 'PORTRAIT'},
{type: 'LANDSCAPE'}
color: {option: [{type: 'STANDARD_COLOR', is_default: true}]},
media_size: {
option: [{
name: 'NA_LETTER',
width_microns: 0,
height_microns: 0,
is_default: true
* Get the default media size for |device|.
* @param {!print_preview.PrinterCapabilitiesResponse} device
* @return {{width_microns: number,
* height_microns: number}} The width and height of the default
* media.
function getDefaultMediaSize(device) {
const size = device.capabilities.printer.media_size.option.find(
opt => opt.is_default);
return {
width_microns: size.width_microns,
height_microns: size.height_microns
* Get the default page orientation for |device|.
* @param {!print_preview.PrinterCapabilitiesResponse} device
* @return {string} The default orientation.
function getDefaultOrientation(device) {
return device.capabilities.printer.page_orientation.option
.find(opt => opt.is_default)
* Creates 5 local destinations, adds them to |localDestinations| and
* sets the capabilities in |nativeLayer|, if it is non-null.
* @param {?print_preview.NativeLayerStub} nativeLayer
* @param {!Array<!print_preview.LocalDestinationInfo>} localDestinations
* @return {!Array<!print_preview.Destination>}
function getDestinations(nativeLayer, localDestinations) {
let destinations = [];
const origin = cr.isChromeOS ? print_preview.DestinationOrigin.CROS :
// Five destinations. FooDevice is the system default.
[{deviceName: 'ID1', printerName: 'One'},
{deviceName: 'ID2', printerName: 'Two'},
{deviceName: 'ID3', printerName: 'Three'},
{deviceName: 'ID4', printerName: 'Four'},
{deviceName: 'FooDevice', printerName: 'FooName'}]
.forEach((info, index) => {
const destination = new print_preview.Destination(
info.deviceName, print_preview.DestinationType.LOCAL, origin,
if (nativeLayer) {
printer: info,
capabilities: print_preview_test_utils.getCddTemplate(
info.deviceName, info.printerName),
return destinations;
* Returns a media size capability with custom and localized names.
* @return {!{ option: Array<!print_preview.SelectOption> }}
function getMediaSizeCapabilityWithCustomNames() {
const customLocalizedMediaName = 'Vendor defined localized media name';
const customMediaName = 'Vendor defined media name';
return {
option: [
name: 'CUSTOM',
width_microns: 15900,
height_microns: 79400,
is_default: true,
[{locale: navigator.language, value: customLocalizedMediaName}]
name: 'CUSTOM',
width_microns: 15900,
height_microns: 79400,
custom_display_name: customMediaName
* @param {!HTMLInputElement} inputElement
* @param {!string} input The value to set for the input element.
* @param {!HTMLElement} parentElement The element that receives the
* input-change event.
* @return {!Promise} Promise that resolves when the input-change event has
* fired.
function triggerInputEvent(inputElement, input, parentElement) {
inputElement.value = input;
new CustomEvent('input', {composed: true, bubbles: true}));
return test_util.eventToPromise('input-change', parentElement);
function setupTestListenerElement() {
const domModule = document.createElement('dom-module');
domModule.setAttribute('id', 'test-listener-element');
is: 'test-listener-element',
behaviors: [WebUIListenerBehavior],
/** @return {!print_preview.DestinationStore} */
function createDestinationStore() {
const testListenerElement = document.createElement('test-listener-element');
return new print_preview.DestinationStore(
* @param {string} account The user account the destination should be
* associated with.
* @return {!print_preview.Destination} The Google Drive destination.
function getGoogleDriveDestination(account) {
return new print_preview.Destination(
print_preview.DestinationConnectionStatus.ONLINE, {account: account});
/** @return {!print_preview.Destination} The Save as PDF destination. */
function getSaveAsPdfDestination() {
return new print_preview.Destination(
* @param {!HTMLElement} section The settings section that contains the
* select to toggle.
* @param {string} option The option to select.
* @return {!Promise} Promise that resolves when the option has been
* selected and the process-select-change event has fired.
function selectOption(section, option) {
const select = section.$$('select');
select.value = option;
select.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('change'));
return test_util.eventToPromise('process-select-change', section);
return {
createDestinationStore: createDestinationStore,
getCddTemplate: getCddTemplate,
getCddTemplateWithAdvancedSettings: getCddTemplateWithAdvancedSettings,
getDefaultInitialSettings: getDefaultInitialSettings,
getDefaultMediaSize: getDefaultMediaSize,
getDefaultOrientation: getDefaultOrientation,
getDestinations: getDestinations,
getGoogleDriveDestination: getGoogleDriveDestination,
getPdfPrinter: getPdfPrinter,
getSaveAsPdfDestination: getSaveAsPdfDestination,
selectOption: selectOption,
setupTestListenerElement: setupTestListenerElement,
triggerInputEvent: triggerInputEvent,