blob: 7f9ad440ffa5721ecadd39de0e87fa6bca9e5db1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview
* 'pin-keyboard' is a keyboard that can be used to enter PINs or more generally
* numeric values.
* Properties:
* value: The value of the PIN keyboard. Writing to this property will adjust
* the PIN keyboard's value.
* Events:
* pin-change: Fired when the PIN value has changed. The PIN is available at
* submit: Fired when the PIN is submitted. The PIN is available at
* Example:
* <pin-keyboard on-pin-change="onPinChange" on-submit="onPinSubmit">
* </pin-keyboard>
(function() {
* Once auto backspace starts, the time between individual backspaces.
* @type {number}
* @const
* How long the backspace button must be held down before auto backspace
* starts.
* @type {number}
* @const
* The key codes of the keys allowed to be used on the pin input, in addition to
* number keys. We allow some editing keys. We also allow system keys, otherwise
* preventDefault() will prevent the user from changing screen brightness,
* taking screenshots, etc.
* @type {!Set<number>}
* @const
8, // backspace
9, // tab
37, // left
39, // right
// We don't allow back, forward, or refresh.
183, // ZoomToggle, aka fullscreen
182, // LaunchApplication1, aka overview mode
216, // BrightnessDown
217, // BrightnessUp
179, // MediaPlayPause
173, // AudioVolumeMute
174, // AudioVolumeDown
175, // AudioVolumeUp
154, // LaunchControlPanel, aka system tray menu
* @param {!Event} event
* @return {boolean}
function receivedEventFromKeyboard(event) {
if (!event.detail || !event.detail.sourceEvent) {
return false;
return event.detail.sourceEvent.detail === 0;
is: 'pin-keyboard',
behaviors: [
properties: {
* Whether or not the keyboard's input element should be numerical
* or password.
enablePassword: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
hasError: Boolean,
* The password element the pin keyboard is associated with. If this is not
* set, then a default input element is shown and used.
* @type {?HTMLElement}
passwordElement: Object,
* The intervalID used for the backspace button set/clear interval.
* @private
repeatBackspaceIntervalId_: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
* The timeoutID used for the auto backspace.
* @private
startAutoBackspaceId_: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
* The value stored in the keyboard's input element.
value: {
type: String,
notify: true,
value: '',
observer: 'onPinValueChange_',
* @private
forceUnderline_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
* Enables pin placeholder.
enablePlaceholder: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
* Enables letters to be displayed on the pin keyboard buttons.
enableLetters: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
* Turns on "incognito mode". (FIXME after is
* fixed).
isIncognitoUi: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
* The aria label to be used for the input element.
ariaLabel: {
type: String,
listeners: {
'blur': 'onBlur_',
'focus': 'onFocus_',
* Gets the selection start of the input field.
* @type {number}
* @private
get selectionStart_() {
return this.passwordElement_().selectionStart;
* Gets the selection end of the input field.
* @type {number}
* @private
get selectionEnd_() {
return this.passwordElement_().selectionEnd;
* Sets the selection start of the input field.
* @param {number} start The new selection start of the input element.
* @private
set selectionStart_(start) {
this.passwordElement_().selectionStart = start;
* Sets the selection end of the input field.
* @param {number} end The new selection end of the input element.
* @private
set selectionEnd_(end) {
this.passwordElement_().selectionEnd = end;
* Transfers blur to the input element.
blur: function() {
* Transfers focus to the input element. This should not bring up the virtual
* keyboard, if it is enabled. After focus, moves the caret to the correct
* location if specified.
* @param {number=} opt_selectionStart
* @param {number=} opt_selectionEnd
focusInput: function(opt_selectionStart, opt_selectionEnd) {
setTimeout(function() {
this.selectionStart_ = opt_selectionStart || 0;
this.selectionEnd_ = opt_selectionEnd || 0;
}.bind(this), 0);
* Transfers focus to the input. Called when a non button element on the
* PIN button area is clicked to prevent focus from leaving the input.
onRootTap_: function() {
// Focus the input and place the selected region to its exact previous
// location, as this function will not be called by something that will also
// modify the input value.
this.focusInput(this.selectionStart_, this.selectionEnd_);
/** @private */
onFocus_: function() {
this.forceUnderline_ = true;
/** @private */
onBlur_: function() {
this.forceUnderline_ = false;
* Called when a keypad number has been tapped.
* @param {!Event} event The event object.
* @private
onNumberTap_: function(event) {
const numberValue ='value');
// Add the number where the caret is, then update the selection range of the
// input element.
const selectionStart = this.selectionStart_;
this.value = this.value.substring(0, this.selectionStart_) + numberValue +
// If a number button is clicked, we do not want to switch focus to the
// button, therefore we transfer focus back to the input, but if a number
// button is tabbed into, it should keep focus, so users can use tab and
// spacebar/return to enter their PIN.
if (!receivedEventFromKeyboard(event)) {
this.focusInput(selectionStart + 1, selectionStart + 1);
/** Fires a submit event with the current PIN value. */
firePinSubmitEvent_: function() {'submit', {pin: this.value});
* Fires an update event with the current PIN value. The event will only be
* fired if the PIN value has actually changed.
* @param {string} value
* @param {string} previous
onPinValueChange_: function(value, previous) {
if (this.passwordElement) {
this.passwordElement.value = value;
}'pin-change', {pin: value});
* Called when the user wants to erase the last character of the entered
* PIN value.
* @private
onPinClear_: function() {
// If the input is shown, clear the text based on the caret location or
// selected region of the input element. If it is just a caret, remove the
// character in front of the caret.
let selectionStart = this.selectionStart_;
const selectionEnd = this.selectionEnd_;
if (selectionStart == selectionEnd && selectionStart) {
this.value = this.value.substring(0, selectionStart) +
// Move the caret or selected region to the correct new place.
this.selectionStart_ = selectionStart;
this.selectionEnd_ = selectionStart;
* Called when user taps the backspace the button. Only does something when
* the tap comes from the keyboard. onBackspacePointerDown_ and
* onBackspacePointerUp_ will handle the events if they come from mouse or
* touch. Note: This does not support repeatedly backspacing by holding down
* the space or enter key like touch or mouse does.
* @param {!Event} event The event object.
* @private
onBackspaceTap_: function(event) {
if (!receivedEventFromKeyboard(event)) {
* Called when the user presses or touches the backspace button. Starts a
* timer which starts an interval to repeatedly backspace the pin value until
* the interval is cleared.
* @param {!Event} event The event object.
* @private
onBackspacePointerDown_: function(event) {
this.startAutoBackspaceId_ = setTimeout(function() {
this.repeatBackspaceIntervalId_ =
setInterval(this.onPinClear_.bind(this), REPEAT_BACKSPACE_DELAY_MS);
if (!receivedEventFromKeyboard(event)) {
this.focusInput(this.selectionStart_, this.selectionEnd_);
* Helper function which clears the timer / interval ids and resets them.
* @private
clearAndReset_: function() {
this.repeatBackspaceIntervalId_ = 0;
this.startAutoBackspaceId_ = 0;
* Called when the user unpresses or untouches the backspace button. Stops the
* interval callback and fires a backspace event if there is no interval
* running.
* @param {!Event} event The event object.
* @private
onBackspacePointerUp_: function(event) {
// If an interval has started, do not fire event on pointer up.
if (!this.repeatBackspaceIntervalId_) {
// Since on-down gives the input element focus, the input element will
// already have focus when on-up is called. This will actually bring up the
// virtual keyboard, even if focusInput() is wrapped in a setTimeout. Blur
// the input element first to workaround this.
if (!receivedEventFromKeyboard(event)) {
this.focusInput(this.selectionStart_, this.selectionEnd_);
* Helper function to check whether a given |event| should be processed by
* the numeric only input.
* @param {Event} event The event object.
* @private
isValidEventForInput_: function(event) {
// Valid if the key is a number, and shift is not pressed.
if ((event.keyCode >= 48 && event.keyCode <= 57) && !event.shiftKey) {
return true;
// Valid if the key is one of the selected special keys defined in
return true;
// Valid if the key is CTRL+A to allow users to quickly select the entire
// PIN.
if (event.keyCode == 65 && event.ctrlKey) {
return true;
// The rest of the keys are invalid.
return false;
* Called when a key event is pressed while the input element has focus.
* @param {Event} event The event object.
* @private
onInputKeyDown_: function(event) {
// Up/down pressed, swallow the event to prevent the input value from
// being incremented or decremented.
if (event.keyCode == 38 || event.keyCode == 40) {
// Enter pressed.
if (event.keyCode == 13) {
// Do not pass events that are not numbers or special keys we care about. We
// use this instead of input type number because there are several issues
// with input type number, such as no selectionStart/selectionEnd and
// entered non numbers causes the caret to jump to the left.
if (!this.isValidEventForInput_(event)) {
* Disables the backspace button if nothing is entered.
* @private
hasInput_: function() {
return this.value.length > 0;
* Computes the value of the pin input placeholder.
* @param {boolean} enablePassword
* @param {boolean} enablePlaceholder
* @private
getInputPlaceholder_: function(enablePassword, enablePlaceholder) {
if (!enablePlaceholder) {
return '';
return enablePassword ? this.i18n('pinKeyboardPlaceholderPinPassword') :
* Computes the direction of the pin input.
* @param {string} password
* @private
isInputRtl_: function(password) {
// +password will convert a string to a number or to NaN if that's not
// possible. Number.isInteger will verify the value is not a NaN and that it
// does not contain decimals.
// This heuristic will fail for inputs like '1.0'.
// Since we still support users entering their passwords through the PIN
// keyboard, we swap the input box to rtl when we think it is a password
// (just numbers), if the document direction is rtl.
return (document.dir == 'rtl') && !Number.isInteger(+password);
* Catch and stop propagation of context menu events since we the backspace
* button can be held down on touch.
* @param {!Event} e
* @private
onContextMenu_: function(e) {
* @return {!HTMLElement} Returns the native input element of |pinInput|.
* @private
passwordElement_: function() {
// |passwordElement| is null by default. It can be set to override the
// input field that will be populated with the keypad.
return this.passwordElement ||
(/** @type {CrInputElement} */ (this.$.pinInput)).inputElement;