blob: 792dc06322996af5c932257564eb85da9cc0ba26 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Utility functions for creating and operating on the packaged
* AppWindow API.
const appUtil = {};
* Save app launch data to the local storage.
appUtil.saveAppState = () => {
if (!window.appState) {
const items = {};
items[window.appID] = JSON.stringify(window.appState);, () => {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
'Failed to save app state: ' + chrome.runtime.lastError.message);
* Updates the app state.
* @param {?string} currentDirectoryURL Currently opened directory as an URL.qq
* If null the value is left unchanged.
* @param {?string} selectionURL Currently selected entry as an URL. If null the
* value is left unchanged.
* @param {string|Object=} opt_param Additional parameters, to be stored. If
* null, then left unchanged.
appUtil.updateAppState = (currentDirectoryURL, selectionURL, opt_param) => {
window.appState = window.appState || {};
if (opt_param !== undefined && opt_param !== null) {
window.appState.params = opt_param;
if (currentDirectoryURL !== null) {
window.appState.currentDirectoryURL = currentDirectoryURL;
if (selectionURL !== null) {
window.appState.selectionURL = selectionURL;
* AppCache is a persistent timestamped key-value storage backed by
* HTML5 local storage.
* It is not designed for frequent access. In order to avoid costly
* localStorage iteration all data is kept in a single localStorage item.
* There is no in-memory caching, so concurrent access is _almost_ safe.
* TODO(kaznacheev) Reimplement this based on Indexed DB.
appUtil.AppCache = () => {};
* Local storage key.
appUtil.AppCache.KEY = 'AppCache';
* Max number of items.
appUtil.AppCache.CAPACITY = 100;
* Default lifetime.
appUtil.AppCache.LIFETIME = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 30 days.
* @param {string} key Key.
* @param {function(number)} callback Callback accepting a value.
appUtil.AppCache.getValue = (key, callback) => {
appUtil.AppCache.read_(map => {
const entry = map[key];
callback(entry && entry.value);
* Updates the cache.
* @param {string} key Key.
* @param {?(string|number)} value Value. Remove the key if value is null.
* @param {number=} opt_lifetime Maximum time to keep an item (in milliseconds).
appUtil.AppCache.update = (key, value, opt_lifetime) => {
appUtil.AppCache.read_(map => {
if (value != null) {
map[key] = {
value: value,
expire: + (opt_lifetime || appUtil.AppCache.LIFETIME)
} else if (key in map) {
delete map[key];
} else {
return; // Nothing to do.
* @param {function(Object)} callback Callback accepting a map of timestamped
* key-value pairs.
* @private
appUtil.AppCache.read_ = callback => {, values => {
const json = values[appUtil.AppCache.KEY];
if (json) {
try {
callback(/** @type {Object} */ (JSON.parse(json)));
} catch (e) {
// The local storage item somehow got messed up, start fresh.
* @param {Object} map A map of timestamped key-value pairs.
* @private
appUtil.AppCache.write_ = map => {
const items = {};
items[appUtil.AppCache.KEY] = JSON.stringify(map);;
* Remove over-capacity and obsolete items.
* @param {Object} map A map of timestamped key-value pairs.
* @private
appUtil.AppCache.cleanup_ = map => {
// Sort keys by ascending timestamps.
const keys = [];
for (const key in map) {
if (map.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
keys.sort((a, b) => {
return map[a].expire - map[b].expire;
const cutoff =;
let obsolete = 0;
while (obsolete < keys.length && map[keys[obsolete]].expire < cutoff) {
const overCapacity = Math.max(0, keys.length - appUtil.AppCache.CAPACITY);
const itemsToDelete = Math.max(obsolete, overCapacity);
for (let i = 0; i != itemsToDelete; i++) {
delete map[keys[i]];