blob: 52efad24b23184f614e59a579b651b84416ade12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* A linked-list node which holds data for cache entry such as key, value, size.
* @template T
class LRUCacheNode {
* @param {string} key
* @param {T} value
* @param {number} size
constructor(key, value, size) {
/** @type {string} */
this.key = key;
/** @type {T} */
this.value = value;
/** @type {number} */
this.size = size;
/** @type {LRUCacheNode} */ = null;
/** @type {LRUCacheNode} */
this.prev = null;
* Container of the list of cache nodes.
class LRUCacheList {
constructor() {
/** @private {!LRUCacheNode} */
this.sentinelTail_ = new LRUCacheNode('sentinel', null, 0);
/** @private {LRUCacheNode} */
this.head_ = this.sentinelTail_;
* Removes a node from this list.
* @param {!LRUCacheNode} node
remove(node) {
if (node.prev) { =;
if ( { = node.prev;
if (node === this.head_) {
this.head_ =;
node.prev = null; = null;
* Adds a node at the head of this list.
* @param {!LRUCacheNode} node
prepend(node) {
node.prev = null; = this.head_; = node;
this.head_ = node;
* Returns the last node of the list, or null if the list has no nodes.
* @return {LRUCacheNode}
lastNode() {
return this.sentinelTail_.prev;
* Cache management class implementing LRU algorithm.
* @template T
class LRUCache {
* @param {number} maxSize Maximum total size of items this cache can hold.
* When items are put without specifying their sizes, their sizes are
* treated as 1 and the |maxSize| can be interpreted as the maximum number
* of items. If items are put with specifying their sizes in bytes, the
* |maxSize| can be interpreted as the maximum number of bytes.
constructor(maxSize) {
/** @private {number} */
this.totalSize_ = 0;
/** @private {number} */
this.maxSize_ = maxSize;
/** @private {!LRUCacheList} */
this.list_ = new LRUCacheList();
/** @private {!Object<!LRUCacheNode>} */
this.nodes_ = {};
* Returns a cached item corresponding to the given key. The referenced item
* will be the most recently used item and won't be evicted soon.
* @param {string} key
* @return {T}
get(key) {
const node = this.nodes_[key];
if (!node) {
return null;
return node.value;
* Returns a cached item corresponding to the given key without making the
* referenced item the most recently used item.
* @param {string} key
* @return {T}
peek(key) {
const node = this.nodes_[key];
if (!node) {
return null;
return node.value;
* Returns true if the cache contains the key.
* @param {string} key
* @return {boolean}
hasKey(key) {
return key in this.nodes_;
* Saves an item in this cache. The saved item will be the most recently used
* item and won't be evicted soon. If an item with the same key already exists
* in the cache, the existing item's value and size will be updated and the
* item will become the most recently used item.
* @param {string} key Key to find the cached item later.
* @param {T} value Value of the item to be cached.
* @param {number=} opt_size Size of the put item. If not specified, the size
* is regarded as 1. If the size is larger than the |maxSize_|, put
* operation will be ignored keeping cache state unchanged.
put(key, value, opt_size) {
const size = opt_size ? opt_size : 1;
if (size > this.maxSize_) {
let node = this.nodes_[key];
while (this.totalSize_ + size - (node ? node.size : 0) > this.maxSize_) {
// The referenced node may be evicted, so it needs to be updated.
node = this.nodes_[key];
if (node) {
this.updateNode_(node, value, size);
} else {
node = new LRUCacheNode(key, value, size);
* Removes an item from the cache.
* @param {string} key
remove(key) {
const node = this.nodes_[key];
if (node) {
* Returns the cache size.
* @return {number}
size() {
return this.totalSize_;
* Updates max size of the cache.
* @param {number} value New max size.
setMaxSize(value) {
this.maxSize_ = value;
while (this.totalSize_ > this.maxSize_) {
* Returns the max size of the cache.
* @return {number}
getMaxSize() {
return this.maxSize_;
* Evicts the oldest cache node.
* @private
evictLastNode_() {
const lastNode = this.list_.lastNode();
if (!lastNode) {
throw new Error('No more nodes to evict.');
* Removes given node from this cache store completely.
* @param {!LRUCacheNode} node
* @private
removeNode_(node) {
this.totalSize_ -= node.size;
console.assert(this.totalSize_ >= 0);
delete this.nodes_[node.key];
* Prepends given node to the head of list.
* @param {!LRUCacheNode} node
* @private
prependNode_(node) {
this.totalSize_ += node.size;
console.assert(this.totalSize_ <= this.maxSize_);
this.nodes_[node.key] = node;
* Updates the given nodes size and value.
* @param {!LRUCacheNode} node
* @param {T} value
* @param {number} size
* @private
updateNode_(node, value, size) {
this.totalSize_ += size - node.size;
console.assert(this.totalSize_ >= 0 && this.totalSize_ <= this.maxSize_);
node.value = value;
node.size = size;
* Moves the given node to the head of the linked list.
* @param {!LRUCacheNode} node
* @private
moveNodeToHead_(node) {