tree: ea273b0411b06eb222aa95d781e8dab5f21b78a5 [path history] [tgz]
  1. abseil-cpp/
  2. accessibility-audit/
  3. accessibility_test_framework/
  4. afl/
  5. alsa/
  6. android_build_tools/
  7. android_deps/
  8. android_deps_autorolled/
  9. android_media/
  10. android_opengl/
  11. android_platform/
  12. android_protobuf/
  13. android_protoc/
  14. android_provider/
  15. android_rust_toolchain/
  16. android_sdk/
  17. android_support_test_runner/
  18. android_swipe_refresh/
  19. android_system_sdk/
  20. androidx/
  21. androidx_javascriptengine/
  22. apache-portable-runtime/
  23. apache-win32/
  24. apple_apsl/
  25. arcore-android-sdk/
  26. arcore-android-sdk-client/
  27. ashmem/
  28. axe-core/
  29. bidimapper/
  30. blanketjs/
  31. blink/
  32. boringssl/
  33. breakpad/
  34. brotli/
  35. bspatch/
  36. byte_buddy/
  37. cardboard/
  38. cast_core/
  39. ced/
  40. chaijs/
  41. checkstyle/
  42. chevron/
  43. chromevox/
  44. cld_3/
  45. cldr/
  46. closure_compiler/
  47. colorama/
  48. content_analysis_sdk/
  49. cpuinfo/
  50. crashpad/
  51. crc32c/
  52. crubit/
  53. d3/
  54. dav1d/
  55. dbus/
  56. decklink/
  57. devscripts/
  58. devtools-frontend/
  59. distributed_point_functions/
  60. dom_distiller_js/
  61. dpkg-shlibdeps/
  62. eigen3/
  63. emoji-metadata/
  64. emoji-segmenter/
  65. espresso/
  66. expat/
  67. farmhash/
  68. fdlibm/
  69. fft2d/
  70. flatbuffers/
  71. flex/
  72. fontconfig/
  73. fp16/
  74. freetype/
  75. freetype-testing/
  76. fuchsia-sdk/
  77. fusejs/
  78. fxdiv/
  79. gemmlowp/
  80. gif_player/
  81. glfw/
  82. glide/
  83. google-closure-library/
  84. google-truth/
  85. google_benchmark/
  86. google_input_tools/
  87. google_toolbox_for_mac/
  88. google_trust_services/
  89. googletest/
  90. gradle_wrapper/
  91. grpc/
  92. grpc-java/
  93. gvr-android-sdk/
  94. hamcrest/
  95. harfbuzz-ng/
  96. highway/
  97. hunspell/
  98. hyphenation-patterns/
  99. iaccessible2/
  100. iccjpeg/
  101. icu4j/
  102. ijar/
  103. inspector_protocol/
  104. instrumented_libraries/
  105. ipcz/
  106. isimpledom/
  107. jacoco/
  108. javalang/
  109. jdk/
  110. jinja2/
  111. js_code_coverage/
  112. jsoncpp/
  113. jstemplate/
  114. junit/
  115. khronos/
  116. kotlinc/
  117. lcov/
  118. leveldatabase/
  119. libaddressinput/
  120. libaom/
  121. libavif/
  122. libbrlapi/
  123. libdrm/
  124. libevent/
  125. libFuzzer/
  126. libgav1/
  127. libipp/
  128. libjingle_xmpp/
  129. liblouis/
  130. libphonenumber/
  131. libpng/
  132. libprotobuf-mutator/
  133. libsecret/
  134. libsync/
  135. libudev/
  136. liburlpattern/
  137. libusb/
  138. libva_protected_content/
  139. libvpx/
  140. libwebm/
  141. libwebp/
  142. libx11/
  143. libxcb-keysyms/
  144. libxml/
  145. libxslt/
  146. libzip/
  147. logdog/
  148. logilab/
  149. lottie/
  150. lzma_sdk/
  151. mako/
  152. maldoca/
  153. markdown/
  154. markupsafe/
  155. material_color_utilities/
  156. material_design_icons/
  157. material_web_components/
  158. maven/
  159. mesa_headers/
  160. metrics_proto/
  161. microsoft_webauthn/
  162. mig/
  163. minigbm/
  164. mocha/
  165. mockito/
  166. modp_b64/
  167. motemplate/
  168. nearby/
  169. neon_2_sse/
  170. netty-tcnative/
  171. netty4/
  172. ninja/
  173. node/
  174. nyx-packer/
  175. objenesis/
  176. ocmock/
  177. omnibox_proto/
  178. one_euro_filter/
  179. openh264/
  180. openscreen/
  181. openxr/
  182. opus/
  183. ots/
  184. ow2_asm/
  185. pefile_py3/
  186. pexpect/
  187. pffft/
  188. pipewire/
  189. pipewire-media-session/
  190. ply/
  191. polymer/
  192. private-join-and-compute/
  193. private_membership/
  194. protobuf/
  195. pthreadpool/
  196. puffin/
  197. pycoverage/
  198. pyjson5/
  199. pylint/
  200. Python-Markdown/
  201. pywebsocket3/
  202. pyyaml/
  203. qcms/
  204. quic_trace/
  205. qunit/
  206. r8/
  207. re2/
  208. requests/
  209. rjsmin/
  210. rnnoise/
  211. robolectric/
  212. rust/
  213. rust_src/
  214. ruy/
  215. s2cellid/
  216. securemessage/
  217. selenium-atoms/
  218. setupdesign/
  219. shell-encryption/
  220. simplejson/
  221. sinonjs/
  222. six/
  223. smhasher/
  224. snappy/
  225. speech-dispatcher/
  226. sqlite/
  227. sqlite4java/
  228. subresource-filter-ruleset/
  229. sudden_motion_sensor/
  230. swift-toolchain/
  231. tensorflow-text/
  232. tensorflow_models/
  233. test_fonts/
  234. text-fragments-polyfill/
  235. tflite/
  236. tflite_support/
  237. turbine/
  238. ukey2/
  239. unrar/
  240. updater/
  241. usb_ids/
  242. utf/
  243. v4l-utils/
  244. wayland/
  245. wayland-protocols/
  246. web-animations-js/
  247. webdriver/
  248. webgl/
  249. webgpu-cts/
  250. webpagereplay/
  251. webrtc_overrides/
  252. webxr_test_pages/
  253. weston/
  254. widevine/
  255. win_build_output/
  256. woff2/
  257. wpt_tools/
  258. wtl/
  259. wuffs/
  260. x11proto/
  261. xcbproto/
  262. xdg_shared_mime_info/
  263. xnnpack/
  264. zlib/
  265. zxcvbn-cpp/
  266. .gitignore
  268. DEPS
  269. libjpeg.gni
  270. OWNERS
  272. README.chromium.template

The third_party directory contains sources from other projects.

For guidelines on adding a new package to the third_party directory can be found at //docs/