blob: d88b868053ead4f752669e4fbcc4595bf2b9481d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
suite('find-shortcut', () => {
/** @typedef {{
* becomeActiveFindShortcutListener: !Function,
* removeSelfAsFindShortcutListener: !Function,
* }}
let Listener;
* @type {PromiseResolver<!{modalContextOpen: boolean, self: HTMLElement}>}
let waits;
/** @type {number} */
let nextWait;
* @param {!Array} fns
* @return {!Promise}
const promiseSeries = fns =>
fns.reduce((acc, fn) => acc.then(fn), Promise.resolve());
* This method registers the |testElement| as a find shortcut listener, runs
* the |wrapped| function, then removes |testElement| from being a listener.
* The listeners stack is global and should be empty after a successful test.
* @param {!HTMLElement} testElement
* @return {!function(!Function)): !Promise}
const listenScope = testElement => wrapped => promiseSeries([
() => testElement.becomeActiveFindShortcutListener(),
() => testElement.removeSelfAsFindShortcutListener(),
* Checks that the handleFindShortcut method is being called for all the
* |expectedSelves| element references in the order that they are passed in
* when a single find shortcut is invoked.
* @param {!Array<!HTMLElement>} expectedSelves
* @param {?boolean} expectedModalContextOpen
* @return {!Promise}
const checkMultiple = (expectedSelves, expectedModalContextOpen) => {
waits = => new PromiseResolver());
nextWait = 0;
window, 70, cr.isMac ? 'meta' : 'ctrl', 'f');
return Promise.all( => wait.promise)).then(argss => {
argss.forEach((args, index) => {
assertEquals(expectedSelves[index], args.self);
assertEquals(!!expectedModalContextOpen, args.modalContextOpen);
* Checks that the handleFindShortcut method is being called for the
* element reference |expectedSelf| when a find shortcut is invoked.
* @param {!HTMLElement} expectedSelf
* @param {?boolean} expectedModalContextOpen
* @return {!Promise}
const check = (expectedSelf, expectedModalContextOpen) =>
checkMultiple([expectedSelf], expectedModalContextOpen);
* Register |expectedSelf| element as a listener, check that
* handleFindShortcut is called, then remove as a listener.
* @param {!HTMLElement} expectedSelf
* @param {?boolean} expectedModalContextOpen
* @return {!Promise}
const wrappedCheck = (expectedSelf, expectedModalContextOpen) => listenScope(
expectedSelf)(() => check(expectedSelf, expectedModalContextOpen));
* Registers for a keydown event to check whether the bubbled up event has
* defaultPrevented set to true, in which case the event was handled.
* @param {boolean} defaultPrevented
* @return {!Promise}
const listenOnceAndCheckDefaultPrevented = defaultPrevented => {
const resolver = new PromiseResolver();
const handler = e => {
window.removeEventListener('keydown', handler);
if (e.defaultPrevented == defaultPrevented)
window.addEventListener('keydown', handler);
return resolver.promise;
suiteSetup(() => {
document.body.innerHTML = `
<dom-module id="find-shortcut-element">
is: 'find-shortcut-element',
behaviors: [settings.FindShortcutBehavior],
handledResponse: true,
handleFindShortcut(modalContextOpen) {
assert(nextWait < waits.length);
waits[nextWait++].resolve({modalContextOpen, self: this});
return this.handledResponse;
setup(() => {
test('handled', () => {
document.body.innerHTML = `<find-shortcut-element></find-shortcut-element>`;
const testElement = document.body.querySelector('find-shortcut-element');
return wrappedCheck(testElement);
test('handled with modal context open', () => {
document.body.innerHTML = `
const testElement = document.body.querySelector('find-shortcut-element');
const dialog = document.body.querySelector('cr-dialog');
return wrappedCheck(testElement, true);
test('handled with modal context closed', () => {
document.body.innerHTML = `
const testElement = document.body.querySelector('find-shortcut-element');
const dialog = document.body.querySelector('cr-dialog');
const whenCloseFired = test_util.eventToPromise('close', dialog);
return whenCloseFired.then(() => wrappedCheck(testElement));
test('last listener is active', () => {
document.body.innerHTML = `
const testElements =
return promiseSeries([
() => listenScope(testElements[0])(() => wrappedCheck(testElements[1])),
() => listenScope(testElements[1])(() => wrappedCheck(testElements[0])),
test('removing self when not active throws exception', () => {
document.body.innerHTML = `<find-shortcut-element></find-shortcut-element>`;
const testElement = document.body.querySelector('find-shortcut-element');
assertThrows(() => testElement.removeSelfAsFindShortcutListener());
test('becoming active when already active throws exception', () => {
document.body.innerHTML = `<find-shortcut-element></find-shortcut-element>`;
const testElement = document.body.querySelector('find-shortcut-element');
return listenScope(testElement)(() => {
assertThrows(() => testElement.becomeActiveFindShortcutListener());
test('cmd+ctrl+f bubbles up (defaultPrevented=false)', () => {
const bubbledUp = listenOnceAndCheckDefaultPrevented(false);
document.body.innerHTML = `<find-shortcut-element></find-shortcut-element>`;
const testElement = document.body.querySelector('find-shortcut-element');
return listenScope(testElement)(() => {
MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(window, 70, ['meta', 'ctrl'], 'f');
return bubbledUp;
test('find shortcut bubbles up (defaultPrevented=true)', () => {
const bubbledUp = listenOnceAndCheckDefaultPrevented(true);
document.body.innerHTML = `<find-shortcut-element></find-shortcut-element>`;
const testElement = document.body.querySelector('find-shortcut-element');
return Promise.all([wrappedCheck(testElement), bubbledUp]);
test('shortcut with no listeners bubbles up (defaultPrevented=false)', () => {
const bubbledUp = listenOnceAndCheckDefaultPrevented(false);
window, 70, cr.isMac ? 'meta' : 'ctrl', 'f');
return bubbledUp;