blob: d96d49530230dad4f8929af48de629630a14b21a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Photo or video resolution.
export class Resolution {
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
constructor(width, height) {
* @type {number}
* @const
this.width = width;
* @type {number}
* @const
this.height = height;
* @return {number} Total pixel number.
get area() {
return this.width * this.height;
* Aspect ratio calculates from width divided by height.
* @return {number}
get aspectRatio() {
// Approxitate to 4 decimal places to prevent precision error during
// comparing.
return parseFloat((this.width / this.height).toFixed(4));
* Compares width/height of resolutions, see if they are equal or not.
* @param {!Resolution} resolution Resolution to be compared with.
* @return {boolean} Whether width/height of resolutions are equal.
equals(resolution) {
return this.width === resolution.width && this.height === resolution.height;
* Compares aspect ratio of resolutions, see if they are equal or not.
* @param {!Resolution} resolution Resolution to be compared with.
* @return {boolean} Whether aspect ratio of resolutions are equal.
aspectRatioEquals(resolution) {
return this.width * resolution.height === this.height * resolution.width;
* Create Resolution object from string.
* @param {string} s
* @return {!Resolution}
static fromString(s) {
const [width, height] = s.split('x').map((x) => Number(x));
return new Resolution(width, height);
* @override
toString() {
return `${this.width}x${this.height}`;
* Types of common mime types.
* @enum {string}
export const MimeType = {
JPEG: 'image/jpeg',
PDF: 'application/pdf',
* Capture modes.
* @enum {string}
export const Mode = {
PHOTO: 'photo',
VIDEO: 'video',
SQUARE: 'square',
PORTRAIT: 'portrait',
* Camera facings.
* @enum {string}
export const Facing = {
USER: 'user',
ENVIRONMENT: 'environment',
EXTERNAL: 'external',
// VIRTUAL_{facing} is for labeling video device for configuring extra stream
// from corresponding {facing} video device.
VIRTUAL_USER: 'virtual_user',
VIRTUAL_ENV: 'virtual_environment',
VIRTUAL_EXT: 'virtual_external',
NOT_SET: '(not set)',
UNKNOWN: 'unknown',
* @enum {string}
export const ViewName = {
CAMERA: 'view-camera',
EXPERT_SETTINGS: 'view-expert-settings',
GRID_SETTINGS: 'view-grid-settings',
MESSAGE_DIALOG: 'view-message-dialog',
PHOTO_RESOLUTION_SETTINGS: 'view-photo-resolution-settings',
PTZ_PANEL: 'view-ptz-panel',
RESOLUTION_SETTINGS: 'view-resolution-settings',
SETTINGS: 'view-settings',
SPLASH: 'view-splash',
TIMER_SETTINGS: 'view-timer-settings',
VIDEO_RESOLUTION_SETTINGS: 'view-video-resolution-settings',
WARNING: 'view-warning',
// The types here are used only in jsdoc and are required to be explicitly
// exported in order to be referenced by closure compiler.
// TODO(inker): Exports/Imports these jsdoc only types by closure compiler
// comment syntax. The implementation of syntax is tracked here:
* @typedef {{
* width: number,
* height: number,
* maxFps: number,
* }}
export let VideoConfig;
* @typedef {{
* minFps: number,
* maxFps: number,
* }}
export let FpsRange;
* A list of resolutions.
* @typedef {!Array<!Resolution>}
export let ResolutionList;
* Map of all available resolution to its maximal supported capture fps. The key
* of the map is the resolution and the corresponding value is the maximal
* capture fps under that resolution.
* @typedef {!Object<(!Resolution|string), number>}
export let MaxFpsInfo;
* List of supported capture fps ranges.
* @typedef {!Array<!FpsRange>}
export let FpsRangeList;
* Type for performance event.
* @enum {string}
export const PerfEvent = {
PHOTO_TAKING: 'photo-taking',
PHOTO_CAPTURE_SHUTTER: 'photo-capture-shutter',
PHOTO_CAPTURE_POST_PROCESSING: 'photo-capture-post-processing',
VIDEO_CAPTURE_POST_PROCESSING: 'video-capture-post-processing',
MODE_SWITCHING: 'mode-switching',
CAMERA_SWITCHING: 'camera-switching',
LAUNCHING_FROM_WINDOW_CREATION: 'launching-from-window-creation',
LAUNCHING_FROM_LAUNCH_APP_COLD: 'launching-from-launch-app-cold',
LAUNCHING_FROM_LAUNCH_APP_WARM: 'launching-from-launch-app-warm',
* @typedef {{
* hasError: (boolean|undefined),
* resolution: (!Resolution|undefined),
* }}
export let PerfInformation;
* @typedef {{
* event: !PerfEvent,
* duration: number,
* perfInfo: (!PerfInformation|undefined),
* }}
export let PerfEntry;
* Error reported in testing run.
* @typedef {{
* type: !ErrorType,
* level: !ErrorLevel,
* stack: string,
* time: number,
* name: string,
* }}
export let ErrorInfo;
* Types of error used in ERROR metrics.
* @enum {string}
export const ErrorType = {
BROKEN_THUMBNAIL: 'broken-thumbnail',
DEVICE_INFO_UPDATE_FAILURE: 'device-info-update-failure',
DEVICE_NOT_EXIST: 'device-not-exist',
EMPTY_FILE: 'empty-file',
FILE_SYSTEM_FAILURE: 'file-system-failure',
FRAME_ROTATION_NOT_DISABLED: 'frame-rotation-not-disabled',
HANDLE_CAMERA_RESULT_FAILURE: 'handle-camera-result-failure',
IDLE_DETECTOR_FAILURE: 'idle-detector-failure',
INVALID_REVIEW_UI_STATE: 'invalid-review-ui-state',
METADATA_MAPPING_FAILURE: 'metadata-mapping-failure',
NO_AVAILABLE_LEVEL: 'no-available-level',
PERF_METRICS_FAILURE: 'perf-metrics-failure',
PRELOAD_IMAGE_FAILURE: 'preload-image-failure',
REMOVE_METADATA_OBSERVER_FAILURE: 'remove-metadata-observer-failure',
REMOVE_SHUTTER_OBSERVER_FAILURE: 'remove-shutter-observer-failure',
SET_FPS_RANGE_FAILURE: 'set-fps-range-failure',
START_CAMERA_FAILURE: 'start-camera-failure',
START_CAPTURE_FAILURE: 'start-capture-failure',
STOP_CAPTURE_FAILURE: 'stop-capture-failure',
UNCAUGHT_PROMISE: 'uncaught-promise',
UNKNOWN_FACING: 'unknown-facing',
UNSAFE_INTEGER: 'unsafe-integer',
UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL: 'unsupported-protocol',
MULTIPLE_STREAMS_FAILURE: 'multiple-streams-failure',
* Error level used in ERROR metrics.
* @enum {string}
export const ErrorLevel = {
* Throws when a method is not implemented.
export class NotImplementedError extends Error {
* @param {string=} message
* @public
constructor(message = 'Method is not implemented') {
super(message); =;
* Throws when an action is canceled.
export class CanceledError extends Error {
* @param {string=} message
* @public
constructor(message = 'The action is canceled') {
super(message); =;
* Throws when an element fails to load a source.
export class LoadError extends Error {
* @param {string=} message
* @public
constructor(message = 'Source failed to load') {
super(message); =;
* Throws when an media element fails to play.
export class PlayError extends Error {
* @param {string=} message
* @public
constructor(message = 'Media element failed to play') {
super(message); =;
* Throws when an media element play a malformed file.
export class PlayMalformedError extends Error {
* @param {string=} message
* @public
constructor(message = 'Media element failed to play a malformed file') {
super(message); =;
* Throws when the data to generate thumbnail is totally empty.
export class EmptyThumbnailError extends Error {
* @param {string=} message
* @public
constructor(message = 'The thumbnail is empty') {
super(message); =;
* Throws when the recording is ended with no chunk returned.
export class NoChunkError extends Error {
* @param {string=} message
* @public
constructor(message = 'No chunk is received during recording session') {
super(message); =;